/318 Thompson, J, et al, "Anti-growth substances in the treatment of cancer", Medical Press and Circular, 23 Apr 1941
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/319 Tidd, C, "The use of psychoanalytical concepts in medical education",International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol 41, 1960
/320 Titmuss, R, "Community care of the mentally ill. Some British observations", Canada's Mental Health, Nov 1965
/321 Tod, H, 'studies on carbohydrate metabolism in nervous and mental diseases III...", Edinburgh Medical Journal, ns 4 Vol 44, 1937
/322 Tod, H, "The effect of hypnotics on glucose tolerance", Biochemical Journal, Vol 29 no 4, 1935
/323 Tonge, W, "The neurasthenic psychopath", British Medical Journal, 30 Apr 1955; ms lines in margin and one paragraph altered
/324 Tuke, S, "Practical hints", reprint from document on building of Wakefield asylum, 1819