Published Papers 1975 - 76
- Date:
- February 1975 - 1976
- Reference:
- PP/WRO/D/11
- Part of:
- Professor Oliver Wrong
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
These publications were organised chronologically by O. M. Wrong. The catalogue reflects this organisation and here details the contents of each annual file. NOTE the physical file contains more than one set of published papers:
Journal article: 'A Little Higher Than The Angles? Though God Seems Unwilling', with Hamish Cameron, Too Much! The Newspaper from the Medical School (October 1976).
Journal article: 'Generation of ammonia from non-urea sources in a faecal incubation system', with A. Vince, P. F. Down, J. Murison, and F. J. Twigg, Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine (1976).
Journal article: 'Nephrocalcinosis', with T. G. Feest, Advanced Medicine (1976).
Journal article: 'Ammonia Generation by Incubated Faeces', with A. Vince, P. F. Down, J. Murison, and F. J. Twigg, Medical Research Society (1976).
Letter to the Editor: 'Doctors' dispute: overtime pay issue', Times (December 1975).
Transcript: 'Gastrointestinal Metabolism of Urea and Ammonia', Annual Faculty of Medicine at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1975).
Letter to the Editor: 'Academic medicine and the NHS', with Norman Morris and others,The Times, (November 1975).
Journal article: 'The Incorporation of Ammonia Nitrogen into Albumin in Man: the effects of diet, uremia and growth hormone', with P. Richards, C. L. Brown, and B. J. Houghton, Clinical Nephrology (1975).
Encyclopedic entry: 'Glomerural Disease', Textbook of Medicine (1975).
Journal article: 'Inherited Defects in Distal Tubular Acidification', with Terry G. Feest, Annals of Internal Medicine (April 1975).
Journal article: 'Assessment of urine-concentrating ability in man: effect of fludrocortisone and urea in enhancing response to vasopressin', with C. de F. W. Goonaratna, Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine (1975).
Journal article: 'Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital - Weekly Clinicopathological Excercises - Case 9-1975', The New England Journal of Medicine (February 1975).
February 1975 - 1976
Physical description
1 File
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