A Dispensatory divided into 35 chapters (Tractatus)
- Date:
- 17th Century
- Reference:
- MS.MSL.12/2
- Part of:
- A Treatise on Chemistry and a Dispensatory
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
The title (fo. 31) reads as follows: "Specvlvm | Medico | Chymicvm, | Ad corporis humani | morbos omnes ta internos, | quam externos. | Propria Laborü experientia | multiplicj et fælicissima | praxj confirmata, vna cü | remediorum virtute, usu | et Dosi, Doctrinæ et sapien = | tiæ Filijs fideliter reuelata | et comunicata. || Visitetes interiora terræ | rectificando, et inuenietis ocultum Lapidem, vera | Medicinam."
After the title, follows a preface, two epilogues, and a series of complimentary addresses to the author in Latin verse (two are in French). "In laudem operis et Authoris" and "Amicorum Carmina in Corollarium Medico-Chymicum" (fo. 35-39). Amongst the contributors of these fulsome verses are Joannes Batt. Sylvius, Jacobus Pigny, Alexander Faber (presumably Smith), and Solomon Desmaretz. These are probably fictitious, as they were obviously written before the work itself was begun.
Two further prefaces follow, "Lectori Cordato" (fo. 40) and "Ad Lectorem" (fo. 41).
After this voluminous preliminary matter, the treatise itself begins. The prescriptions are set out in great detail, each followed by "Vires, usus, closis" with an "Annotatio."
There is no title to the first book, which begins with "Aurum Potibile" (fo. 42-69);
Tractatus II, De Tincturis Liquidis (fo. 70-78);
Tr. III, De Extractis (fo. 79-101);
Tr. IV, De Præparatis, [calcined bones, horns, &c.] (fo. 102-104);
Tr. V, De Speciebus et Pulveribus (fo. 105-128);
Tr. VI, De Catapotiis seu Pillulis (fo. 129-139);
Tr. VII, De Rotulis (fo. 140-143);
Tr. VIII, De Morsulis (fo. 144-147);
Tr. IX, De Trochiscis (fo. 148-151);
Tr. X, De Suffimentis (fo. 152-155);
Tr. XI, De Salibus Compositis (fo. 156-163);
Tr. XII, De Marmeladis (fo. 164-169);
Tr. XIII, De Confectionibus Liquidis et Electuariis (fo. 170-186);
Tr. XIV, De Confectionibus Catharticis (fo. 187-195);
Tr. XV, De Lohoch seu Eclegmatis (fo. 196-197);
Tr. XVI, De Syrupis (fo. 198-209);
Tr. XVII, De Elixeribus (fo. 210-212);
Tr. XVIII, De Spiritibus Vini Compositis (fo. 213-216, and Vol. II, fo. 1-3);
Tr. XIX, De Aquis Destilatis Compositis, (fo. 4-36);
Tr. XX, De Liquoribus Mixtis (fo. 37-45);
Tr. XXI, De Emulsionibus (fo. 46-47);
Tr. XXII, De Claretis (fo. 48-58);
Tr. XXIII, De Acetis Medicatis Compositis (fo. 59-63);
Tr. XXIV, De Epithematis (fo. 64-70);
Tr. XXV, De Decoctis (fo. 71-88);
Tr. XXVI, De Gargarismis, (fo. 89-93);
Tr. XXVII, De Lixiviis (fo. 94-96);
Tr. XXVIII, De Balneis (fo. 97-101);
Tr. XXIX, De Vessicatoriis (fo. 102);
Tr. XXX, De Pessis (fo. 103-104);
Tr. XXXI, De Suppositoriis (fo. 105-107);
Tr. XXXII, De Enematis (fo. 109-128);
Tr. XXXIII, De Oleis Compositis et Balsamis (fo. 129-164); [Tr. XXXIV] De Emplastris [not numbered] (fo. 165-176);
Tr. XXXV, De Cataplasmatis (fo. 177-179).
On fo. 179 verso the last prescription ends with the word "Finis" and the same colophon as in Vol. i fo. 30.