"Pharmacorum quorundam, quæ in Pharmacop. Lond. Edit. Noviss. occurrunt .... ", plus stray folios
- Date:
- 1686
- Reference:
- MS.MSL.15/1
- Part of:
- A Pharmacopœia or Dispensatory
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Following the title-page (fo. 3) which has "Foley's Pharmac:" written in a rectangular frame, are six folios belonging to another book, paged 400-411 headed "Tabula Posologica, Dosibus." This section begins with the heading: "Pharmacorum quorundam, quæ in Pharmacop. Lond. Edit. Noviss. occurrunt expedittus computandis Accomodata" (fo. 4-9). Folios 10-18 blank.
Physical description
fo. 3-9
Finding aids
Described in: Warren R. Dawson, Manuscripta medica. A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of the Medical Society of London (London, 1932).