
Part of:
Haddow, Professor Sir Alexander (1907-1976)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


While there are some obvious lacunae among these series of notebooks, they nevertheless cover very extensively Sir Alexander's work in experimental pathology and cancer research, especially during his period at the Chester Beatty Research Institute.



Physical description

109 volumes, 21 files


Index to writers of letters to Haddow

Abel, Dr A L B.117/31, 36
Astbury, Prof W T B.120/52, B.121/6-7
Badger, G M B.117/78
Benger Laboratories Ltd: L Golberg B.127/14-16
Berenblum, I B.118/35, B.119/28
Bielschour [?], D B.121/4, B.124/3
British Empire Cancer Campaign: General Secretary, Capt E C Chapman B.121/24
Buxton, Prof P A B.121/13
Cook, Prof J W B.116/83, 90, 95; B.117/30, 34; B.120/19, 34, 88
Ellingworth, S B.117/29; B.118/28, 25, 34, 36, 43-4;B.119/4, 11, 43; B.121/2-3, 20-21
Emmens, C W B.117/41
Fisher, R A B.119/34, 46
Greenwood, A W B.119/25-26
Gross, L B.127/1-2, 23-24
Gruneberg, H B.117/87
Haldane, Prof J B S B.117/85
Hale, C W B.121/16
Harris, Prof H A B.121/11-12
Henry, T A B.120/85-86
Hill, Prof A V B.127/70
House Of Commons Library: Research Division; K. Andrews B.127/26-27
Howell, R V B.117/25, 33
Imperial Chemical Industries (Pharmaceuticals) Ltd: A L Walpole B.121/49
Imperial Chemical Industries (Pharmaceuticals) Ltd: Biological Department, J Beale B.119/41-42
Imperial Chemical Industries: Dyestuffs Group, Manchester; Academic Relations Dept, E H Rodd B.120/87, 91
Imperial Chemical Industries: Dyestuffs Group, Manchester; Chief Accountants Department, Cashiers Section B.115/26
Imperial Chemical Industries: Dyestuffs Group, Manchester; Medicinal Products Panel, E H Rodd B.115/20, 24, 25;B.116/107
Imperial Chemical Industries: Dyestuffs Group, Manchester; Secretary's Department B.115/22-23
Innes, J R M B.117/79-83;B.118/47
Kendall, Dr G M B.117/35, 40, 44, 47
Kirby, K S B.127/4
Koller, G B.119/5, 33
Lawson, W. B.117/66
Lea, A J B.121/14-15, 22, 25, 27, 34
Lipmann-Kessel, A W B.117/26
Macbeth, A N B.121/5, 9
Naftalm, J M B.117/23, 24
Nisbet, H B B.120/8-10, 25-26
Paterson, Dr R B.117/11
Petrow, V A B.118/17
Pilkington, T L B.127/22
Pontecorvo, G B.120/21
Rose, Dr F L B.119/16;B.127/11
Ross, Prof W C J B.127/66-67
Rowan, H B.117/38, 48, 59, 65
Rudall, K B.120/16-17, 22, 43-44, 47, 62, 64-69; B.121/1, 10, 23, 26, 33
Scientific Computing Service: H O Hartley B.117/2
Scott, Dr C M B.115/7-10;B.116/10, 12-13, 16-17, 19-21, 27-32, 36-38, 40-44, 46, 48-51, 54-55, 57-58, 60, 62-64, 68-77, 84, 87, 94, 97-99, 101-104, 106; B.117/9-10, 12-13, 37, 51-52, 57, 60-61, 64, 75-77;B.118/15-16
Sexton, Dr W A B.119/17, 24, 44
Sharkey, A B.121/37-38
Stedman, E B.117/68-72
Sutton, S L B.118/32
Taylor, H B.118/21-22
Taylor, R M B.127/73-74
Timmis, G M B.119/37-38; B.120/1-2, 11-15, 28-33, 39-42, 56-61, 63, 70-84, 89, 92-93; B.121/8, 29-31, 35-36, 43-45, 48, 73;B.122/16-21, 24-27; B.123/1-3;B.124/4, 6
Todd, Prof A R B.117/45;B.118/12
Vyvyan, M C B.117/46, 53
Williams, P C B.117/21;B.123/4
Wilson, H E C B.121/39
Wishart, Prof G M B.121/40-41
Young, F C B.117/87;B.118/10

Index to recipients of letters by Haddow

Astbury, Prof W T B.120/3, 55
Collins, Dr H S B.117/27
Cook, Prof J W B.116/25, 26, 86, 88-89, 92; B.117/14, 43;B.120/38
Dodds, Prof E C B.117/4; B.120/10
Ellingworth, S B.117/32;B.118/11, 23, 34, 39
Emmens, C W B.117/42
Fisher, R A B.119/35
Gross, L B.127/25
Gruneberg, H B.117/87
Haldane, Prof J B S B.117/84
Hewett B.116/93
Hill, Prof A V B.127/69
Howell, R V B.117/63
Imperial Chemical Industries: Dyestuffs Group, Manchester; B.123/21
Lawson, W. B.117/67
Ledlie, R C B B.123/12
Mellon, Dr B.124/1-2
Paterson, Dr R B.117/7
Riding, R W B.120/37
Rose, Dr F L B.127/10, 13
Ross, Prof W C J B.127.68
Royal Society: Assistant Secretary B.123/20
Rudall, K B.120/45-46, 53-54
Scott, Dr C M B.115/21, 32-38; B.116/1, 14-15, 18, 33-35, 39, 45, 47, 52-53, 56, 59, 61, 65, 78-82, 85, 91, 96, 100, 105, 108; B.117/3, 6, 8, 18-20, 49-50, 54-55, 58, 62, 73; B.118/8-9, 13, 14; B.123/9, 11, 13-19
Sexton, Dr W A B.119/15, 23, 39-40
Stedman, E B.123/22-23
Stephens, Dr F O B.127/18
Timmis, G M B.117/74;B.118/17, 19-21, 24, 31;B.119/46-49
Tuck B.117/1
Websdall [?] B.124/5

Index to recipients of letters from persons other than Haddow

Cook, Prof J W : letter from Harrison B.120/4
Cook, Prof J W : letter from Riding B.120/35-36
Greatorex, J C: letter from Innes B.118/40
Harrison, W: letter from Cook B.120/5
Hurst, Dr: letter from Ellingworth B.121/44
Knight, G C: letter from White B.121/28
Roe, Eric: letter from Dufay-Chromex B.120/18

Index to writers of letters other than those written to Haddow

Cook, Prof J W : letter to Harrison B.120/5
Dufay Chromex Ltd, Elstree: C H Beale: letter to E M F Roe B.120/18
Ellingworth, S: letter to Hurst B.121/44
Harrison, W: letter to Cook B.120/4
Innes, J R M : letter to J C Greatorex B.118/48
Riding, R W : letter to Cook B.120/35-36
White, E G: letter to Knight B.121/28


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