Plant Disease
- Date:
- Late 19th century
- Reference:
- WF/C/M/SL/08/02
- Part of:
- Wellcome Foundation Ltd
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
15. 37. [Drawings of insects]
16. Leaves of Urtica dioica Linn
17. Leaves of Acer campestre Linn
18. Leaves of Populus tremula Linn
19. Leaf of Acer pseudo-platanus Linn
20. Leaves of Acer campestre Linn
21. Leaf-segments of Spiraea Ulmaria Linn
22. Synchitm. Solani, Spores, H.A.C.P. 1910
23. Fig. 61. A. Stem with amputated branch, B. Longitudinal section of A, C. Longitudinal section after the exposed wood of the branch has been completely covered over by five annual growths
24. Leaves of Crataegus Oxyacantha Linn
25. Leaves of Fagus sylvatica Linn
26. Monilia in Peach twig, Dgr. 1909, 191
27. Fusarium lycopersici. Mse. 1910, 491
Late 19th century
Physical description
1 box [13 slides]
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores