Photographs of Sir Thomas Longmore, Sir John McNeill, Sir William Mackinnon, Sir Andrew Smith and Lord Herbert;
Typescript copy of Andrew Smith's criticisms, on declaration of war with Russia, 1854, re lack of preparation in the army, and suggestions re care and evacuation of casualties;
Typed transcripts of letters from the Crimea, 1855-1856, re conditions, and re over-riding of medical staff by commanding officers;
Typescript notes re Florence Nightingale's role in the Crimea and in the setting up of the Army Medical School at Netley;
Letters to Longmore from Sir William Mackinnon and (Sir Anthony) Home re medical service in New Zealand, 1863-1866;
Draft of the syllabus of the course of lectures on military surgery at the Army Medical School at Netley, c.1860s;
Prospectus of the Army Medical School and rules for the examination of assistant surgeons. Parts missing, 1860;
Printed case studies by Longmore, Professor of Military Surgery, 1860s and Photocopies of part of a letter, 1876, by Florence Nightingale.