Correspondence with Dr Jonas Salk, of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, San Diego, California.
The general content of the letters is administrative. The file begins with a letter from Salk (17 October, 1961): "The accompanying letter sets forth the nature of a relationship with the Institute for Biology that I hope you will see fit to accept." The final letter of the file, from Crick (31 December, 1968) concludes: "I have been following the progress of the Institute partly by reading the documents you have sent me and partly by talking to Leslie Orgel and to Bruno [Jacob Bronowski]. At the moment I have been doing rather a lot of reading in an attempt to become better informed on a number of subjects which we all agree are of interest to the Institute. I am very much looking forward to my visit and seeing for myself how everything is going."
In addition to correspondence, the file contains an Annual Report of the Director to the Board of Trustees and the Members of the Corporation (18 May, 1967), and a copy of 'By-Laws Adopted on 7 March, 1962'.
There is also a postcard to Crick (postmarked 26 October, 1962, New York) from "Seymour, Renato, Bill, Bruno, Jonas ... celebrating your prize, as we promised to do...."