- Date:
- 1930s-1982
- Reference:
- Part of:
- Young, Maureen (1915-2013)
- Archives and manuscripts
Collection contents
About this work
It also includes lecture notes from Professor Young's time at Bedford College at Cambridge, Yale and Sherrington School of Physiology, as well as general notes from her time as a student.
In a document drawn up after retirement (see PP/MYG/C/16), Professor Young summarised her research concerns as such:
Clinicians involved in care of 'Light for gestational age infants,' when the fetus is malnourished and suffers intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR).
Therefore, the Physiology Lab. initiated studies on fetal growth and nutrition, concentrating on:-
(1) placental transfer of amino acids.
(2) placental and fetal protein turnover rate.
(3) the influence of insulin on protein turnover, because of its possible role in causing the macrosomia of the 'Large for dates infants' born of mothers with uncontrolled diabetes.
Human studies...
1. fetal plasma homeostasis in IUGR.
2. uterine A-V and umbilical V-A differences for amino-acids.
3. uterine A-V differences for insulin and other hormones.
4. development of simple method for perfusing maternal side of isolated placental cotyledon.
5. measurement of energy status and protein turnover rate of above.
6. use of vesicles prepared from microvilli to study amino-acid transport mechanisms.
Guinea pig studies...
1. development of method for perfusing fetal placenta 'in situ'.
2. transfer of amino-acids... influence of raised fetal concns.
3. transfer of glucose... influence of raised maternal concns.
4. influence of changes in blood flow on 1. and 2. above.
5. relation of transfer to protein turnover in placenta.
6. transfer of urea.
7. glutamate as a possible precursor of fetal glutamine.
8. influence of maternal diets low in energy, or in protein, on fetal size and amino-acid transfer.
Sheep studies...
using chronic preparations with indwelling catheters.
1. influence of uterine surgery on fetal plasma homeostasis.
2. placental transfer of amino-acids.
3. protein turnover in new born lambs, the placenta and fetus.
4. influence of insulin on protein turnover rates in fetal tissue.
5. comparison of plasma clearance insulin in the pregnant ewe and her feto-placental unit.