1970 - 2013
Part of:
Family Planning Association
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


1970 - 2013

Physical description

34 boxes, 1 o/s item

Biographical note

The Press and Publicity Department was responsible for promoting policies, products and services of the FPA through the media and other means of publicity. This included parliamentary liaison.

They averaged between two and four press statements a month during the 1980s, see SA/FPA/C/G/6 for these statements, each of which was sent to between 100-200 media contacts. The Department maintained a database of media contacts in the national press and media, health, education and social services fields, as well as in women's magazines.

A major publicity initiative of the Department was the distribution of FPA leaflets to 12,000 pharmacies throughout the UK, funded through the Pharmacy Healthcare Scheme.

The Department also organised the FPA's National Conference (see SA/FPA/C/G/7).

The Publications Department was founded in 1988 in order to bring together the publishing activities previously carried out in other parts of the Association. They were responsible for the bookshop, Healthwise, and the corresponding mail order service, and for the production of professional resources, primarily inherited from the Education and Training Unit, and the quarterly bulletin Family Planning Today.

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