Letters from Patient (William James Blacklock)

9 April 1856
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Records of Crichton Royal Hospital
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Contains: 6 images

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Letters from Patient (William James Blacklock). Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


One letter from patient William James Blacklock to 'my dearest kindest sweethearted Martha', regarding his brother Thomas and clothes. This letter has a drawing of an ornate cross with the initials MP (Martha Poley) and WB (William Blacklock) at the top left hand corner. Two partial pieces of letters in poor condition which mention William James Blacklock's brother, Thomas and Martha.


9 April 1856

Physical description

3 documents

Biographical note

William James Blacklock (1816-1858) was admitted to Crichton Royal Institution in 1855 and died there in 1858. He was a professional landscape painter from Cumberland who exhibited at the Royal Academy in London. While there is no signed artwork by him in the Crichton Royal Institution artwork collection, several drawings and illustrated letters, created while at Crichton Royal, can be found elsewhere including the Thomas Laycock Collection held at the Royal College of Physicians Library, Edinburgh and examples of his paintings can be found in several art galleries.

Related material

Case Book DGH1/5/21; Works by unknown artist-patient attributed to William James Blacklock: Unknown - Architectural Fantasy, DGH1/7/3/1/98 and Unknown - Craigmillar Castle, DGH1/7/3/1/99. William James Blacklock drawings and illustrated letters can be found in Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Library, MS Collection, Thomas Laycock Collection, Box 10, File 73. Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle hold 33 of his works in their collection.

Copyright note

Enquiries for reproduction for commercial purposes should be directed to the Archivist, Dumfries and Galloway Archives and Local Studies

Terms of use

The papers are available at Dumfries and Galloway Archives subject to conditions of UK Data Protection Act 1998, Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and NHS Records Management Code of Practice 2012. Subject to these restrictions, this material is being digitised by the University of Glasgow as part of a Wellcome Trust funded project. Material that is digitised will be accessed freely online through the Wellcome Library catalogue.


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