Lab test of anaesthesia apparatus
- Date:
- 1951-1985
- Reference:
- PP/HGE/B/A/5
- Part of:
- Dr Hans Georg Epstein (1909-2002)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Contents: Design plans and test results of the Abingdon Vaporizer (1971-1980). Correspondence with Dr Youngman and Dr Lesse re: use of Pantocain Plombe PPP and Kollidon-Plombe (1962-1965). Test, pamphlet and letter re: the Marrett Anaesthetic Apparatus (1951). Diagrams of ether vaporization experiments using Boyle's Bottle (1942). Experiment data, notes and correspondence on different vaporizers (Freedman's inhaler, Oxford Vaporizer, Gardner Universal Vaporizer, Goldman Halothane Vaporizer), dates between: 1943-1971. Notes on experiment results re: cooling the brain with CO2 (animal testing) and use of lumbar epidural injections. Wosthoff oHG gas mixing device brochure (1975), PPV testing - test charts and data (1985)
Physical description
1 file
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores