Published Papers 1953 - 54

April 1953 - October 1954
Part of:
Professor Oliver Wrong
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


These publications were organised chronologically by O. M. Wrong. The catalogue reflects this organisation and here details the contents of each annual file. NOTE the physical file contains more than one set of published papers:

  • Talk: 'The Physical Phenomena of Mysticism', delivered to Chelford Group (1954).

  • Journal article: 'Effect of Graded Compression of the Renal Artery on Water and Solute Excretion', with Alexander Leaf, Walter S. Kerr, and Jacque Y. Chatillon, The American Journal of Physiology (October 1954).

  • Journal article: 'The Mechanism of the Osmotic Adjustment of Body Cells as Determined In Vivo By the Volume of Distribution of a large Water Load', with Alexander Leaf, Jacques Y. Chatillon, and Elbert P. Tuttle, Jr., The Journal of Clinical Investigation (April 1954).

  • Journal article: 'Evidence in Man that Urinary Electrolyte Loss Induced by Pitressin is a Function of Water Retention', with Alexander Leaf, Frederic C. Bartter, and Roberto F. Santos, The Journal of Clinical Investigation (April 1953).

  • Journal article: 'The Role of Water Intake in Producing or Abolishing Diuresis of Sodium Resulting from Pitressin Administration in Man', with Alexander Leaf, Frederic C. Barter, and Roberto F. Santos, Journal of Clinical Investigation (1953).
  • Publication/Creation

    April 1953 - October 1954

    Physical description

    1 File

    Where to find it

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      Closed stores

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