Monthly Memoranda (points for propaganda)

Part of:
Wellcome Foundation Ltd
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Memoranda, primarily aimed at sales staff, giving updates of products and sales campaigns, often illustrated with photographs, graphs, tables and adverts.

Index as follows:

Aspirin, 'Tabloid' Brand 166
Amenhorrhoea, 'Varium' 22
Asthma, 'Tabloid' Soamin 10, 18, 58, 226, 255
Adulteration of Saccharin 35, 91
Amenhorrhoea, 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 24, 200
Appreciation of 'Tabloid' Medical Equipment 2
Antiseptic, 'Tabloid' Beta-Nathphol 7
Ammoniated Quinine Tablets - Delusive 12, 116
Are 'Tabloid' hyperdermin cases faulty? 14
Amoebic Dysentry - Emetine preparation 15
Argentine Doctor prescribes 'saxin' for over 24years. 18
Advertisement on the superiority of 'Tabloid' Ammon. Quinine 23a
Australasian Rep. on Interviewing 28, 39
Advantages of using 'Tabloid' Quinine instead of ordinary tablets. 32
Alopecia of the scalp 'Tabloid' Thyroid 36
Advertisement of 'Tabloid' Quinine Products 38a
Advertising 'Wellcome' Exposure Calculator, Handbook and Diary 43
Adventure with Brazilian Indian - Algot langes 44
Attempted substitution stopped by prescribers 52
Amoebic Dysentery Infantile - Emetine 56
Alternative method of administering 'moogrol' 56
Auricular Fibrillation - Quinidine 63, 103, 116, 239
Additive holiday business 67
Aspirin Tablets 74
As others see us 75
Active Immunization with Diphtheria Toxin anti-Toxin 88
Asylum Dysentery treated with Anti Dysentery Serum 89
Arsenobenzol preparations 95
Arsenic, Organic - Early syphilis 103
Auricular Fibrillation - Digitalis 103
"Animal Substance in Medicine" Booklet 106
Advertisement of 'Wellcome' Bismuth Salts 112b
Autogenous Vaccine superseded by Coryza No. 4 120
Annuloid v 'Soloid' Nasal Products 122
Adrenaline, 'Wellcome' Brand 122
Adventure with mosquitoes - Charles Burkman's 122
Advertised Brands, unconscious support for 129
Anthelmintics - some recent work on 131
Alleged faults in neosalvarsan ampoules 133
Animal Substance Medication - results from 134
An advantage to the Pharmacist of co-operation with the firm 140
Aspects of salesmanship - some reflections on various 141
American conference on leprosy 155
Abortion, Threatened - 'Tabloid' 'Varium' 156
Adiposis Dolorosa - Thyroid 156
Auricular Disease - Quinidine 157
Aspirin 'Emirin' in Tonsillectomy 166
Another 'Rytol' Triumph 174
Australian Reps. Conference at Sydney 178, 198
Antarctic Expedition - 'Quest' 190
Arsenbenzol in the treatment of syphilis 191
Abscesses in Breast - 'Soloid' Tolamine 194
Asthenia - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 200
Ankylostomiasis - 'Tabloid' Beta-Naphthol 212
Austalasian forces in France - 'Tabloid' First Aid case with 325
Anthrax, Cutaneous 221
Ankylostomiasis (Hookworm) Chenopodium Oil 223
Australia - 'Tabloid' Tea Campaign in 235
Acuity of Hearing - Quinine 240
Amateur print developed with 'Tabloid' Metol Quinol over 20 years old 242a
Australian Hospitals, Use of 'Infundin' in 127
Ascaris - Oil of Chenopodium with Carbon Tetrachlorids 252
Administration of 'Kepler' M.E. with Haemoglobin 254
Acetylsalicylic Acid 258
Adulteration of Chloroform 269, 277, 303
American Crocker Land Expedition 272
Administration of animal substances by the nose 275
Anti-rachitic and growth promoting value of C.L.O 276
Amoebic Dysentery - Chenopodium Oil 283
Asthma - Ductless Glandular Therapy 283
Asthma - 'Infundin' followed by 'Tabloid' mixed glands 283
Antimony Treatment of Kala-azar 288
Anthelmintic Value of Chenopodium Oil 289
Australasian Commonwealth Sera 302
Adjunct to general anaesthesia - 'Tabloid' Hypodermics 306
Albuminuria - 'Tabloid' Thyroid 208
Anaemia - Bland Pill comp. 310

Bismuth Salts 51, 1112b, 152
British Industries Fair 38, 190
Bilharziosis - Emetine 56, 78
Better Selling Methods - I 1, 11
Barnardo's homes and treatment of diphtheria 6
Bayliss, Prof. W.M. "General proprieties of Colloids" 14
Blackwater Fever - Intravenous Saline Injection 16
British Antarctic Expedition 25
Bijou 'Tabloid' First-Aid Cabinet presented to Princess Mary 38
Busy Afternoon 46
Benzoin Co 51
Bermuda 'Moogrol' in 57
'Borofax' 67, 72
Boils - 'Kepler' C.L.O. ? M.E. 71
'Borofax' - Eye complaints 72
Bilharzia Infection - 'Soloid' Antimony Tartrate Comp. 78, 211
British Salvarsan Committee -Second Report of 95
Bismuth Carbonate 105, 151, 259
Blake, Major - Report of 'Tabloid' case by 108, 114
Bubonic Plague - 914, 'Infundin', 'Newkharsivan' 110
Botulism - treatment of 111
Burkman, Charles - Adventure with Mosquitoes 122
Blood Count Increased by 'Tabloid' Blaud Pill 125
Babyland - The password to 128
The Busy mans Creed 139
Bismuth B.P. and near it 151
B.P. or better 176
Burnt Legs - 'Soloid' 'Tolamine' 194
Backward Development - 'Tabloid' Mixed glands 199 (see also P. for P. Dec 1921)
Blackburn 'Kangaroo' Aeroplane in England-Australia Flight - Fist-Aid case with 214
British Imperial Antarctic Expedition 1920-21 - 'Tabloid' First-Aid case with 214
Beri-Beri-914 221
Barium Sulphide substituted for Barium Sulphate 234
Beta-Naphthol 'Tabloid' - Tapeworm 238
The new British Pharmaceutical Codex 257
Barium Sulphate - 'Wellcome' Brand 257
Botulism - Pituitary Extract 274
Bismuth Salts - A Warning 277
Bronchial Catarrh - 'Soamin' 280
'Bicreol' Bismuth Cream - Syphilis 290
Butyn as a local anaesthetic 293
Blastomycosis - 'Ethidol' 301

Coryza Vaccine No. 4 120, 294
Colloid Medicaments 14, 65
Chloroform - 'Wellcome' Brand 30, 270
Campaign on 'Kepler' M.E. with Haemoglobin 4
Dr Monckton Copeman - Reports on Public Health and Medical Subjects 5
Complaints - 'Tabloid' Photographic Chemicals 7
Customer complains of 'Rytol' 7
Catarrh - 'Tabloid' Vichy Eff 9
Colds - 'Empirin' 21
Compark's Blaud Inferior to 'Tabloid' Blaud 21
Chenopodium oil - Tropical ulcer 31
Costin pte. and 'Tabloid' Tea Tin 45
Colloid Metals in Malignant Disease 45
Colloidal Selenium - Malignant Disease 45
Cure of Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) 45
Competing Bismuth Carbonate 48
Concentrated Ticture of Bismuth 51
Cod Liver Oil - Vitamin 70
Canada prefers 'Soloid' Microscopic Stains 75
Chaulmoogra Oil Derivative in Lupus 81
Carbon Tetrachloride - Hookworm infestation 82, 130, 252
Chaulmoogra Oil - Tropical Pemphigus 83
Cod Liver Oil as a source of Vitamin A 85, 120
Cause and Cure on Rickets in Infants 85
Commercial Vitamin Preparations 86, 154
Cystitis - Hexamine and Sodium Acid Phosphate 90
Congestive type of heart failure - Digitalis 103
Coue Method in practice 109
Travelling in China in Wartime 113
Caesarean Section - 'Infundin' and 'Ernutin' 118
Coryza No. 4 Supersedes Autogenous Vaccine 120
Contagious Abortion in cattle 121
Constipation in Children - 'Tabloid' Thyroid 126
Chronic rheumatism - 'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland 127
Compharrow's Thyro-Ovarian Comp 135
Concentrated Vitamin Products - So-Called 138
Creed of the Busy Man 139
Co-operation with the firm - An advantage to the Pharmacist of 140
Competitors - The Firm's 144
Cardiac failure - 'Hypoloid' Camphor 168
Conference of Australian Reps. At Sydney 178, 197
Colloidal preparations again 186, 257
Collosols 187, 217
Cachexia Africa (Dirt Eating) - 'Tabloid' Charcoal 194
Chaulmoogra Tree - Leprosy 195
China Medical Missionary Conference 212
Circular on the Insulin Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus 215a
Chaulmoogric Esters - Leprosy 219, 238
Cutaneous Anthrax 221
Compressed Quinine - Malaria 222
Chronic Malaria -'Soamin' 226
Clinical Evidence from New York representatives 226
Chronic Corneal Ulcer - 'Kepler' C.L.O. ? M.E. and Iron Iodide 227
Cataract Operations - 'Tabloid' Three Bromides Eff. 227
Cause and effect 229
Colloidal Silver Solution 233
Chloroform and 'Wellcome' Brand Chloroform 236
Class in General Knowledge 236
Chlorosis - 'Tabloid' Blaud Pill 247
Comparm's tablets of orchitic Substance 254, 308
Chilblains - Thyroid Gland 263
Constipation - 'Tabloid' Thyroid 263
Cold Weather - 'Kepler' C.L.O. ? M.E. 264
Constipation - 'Kepler' C.L.O. ? M.E. 275
Constipation - 'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 276
Cold Liver Oil - Anti-rachitic and Growth promoting value of 281
Cancrum Oris - 914 276
Croup in Children - 'Soamin' 281
Chenopodium Oil - Amoebic Dysentery 283
Comppoul Bismuth - Oxychloride 295
Cyanosis during Chloroform Anaesthesia 303
Cod Liver Oil in Rickets 17

Didyman - 'Tabloid' 123
Diphtheria Prophylactic 159, 172
Dysmenorrhoea - 'Tabloid' 'Varium' 50
Diphtheria - Standardised Toxin 5
Dyspepsia - 'Tabloid' Beta-Naphthol Co. 7
Delusive Ammoniated Quinine Tablets 12, 116
Diarrhoea - Emetine 15
Prof. L. Dudgeon and use of Emetine in Dysentery and Diarrhoea 16
Dysmenorrhoea - 'Empirin' 21, 123
"The Destruction of Vitamins" 36
Digitalis 49, 103
Diphtheria Toxin Anti-toxin - Active Immunisation with 88
Use of Drugs in heart Disease 103
Digitalis - Congestive Type of Heart Failure 103
Dental operations - 'Tabloid' 'Empirin' Co. 117
Dysmenorrhoea - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands No.2 125, 200
Defective Compressed Products in Italy 137
Time saving in Dispensing department 189
Dirt Eating (Cachexia Africana) - 'Tabloid' Charcoal 194
Diphtheria "Carrier" 195
Disorders of the Menopause - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 200
Dosage of Quinine in Malaria accompanied by splenic enlargement 222
Diabetes - Insulin 243, 279
Disinfection of sperm in mammals & prevention of Dourine in Horses 246
Danger of using inferior Gland Products 254
Diabetes Insipidus 'Infundin' & Pituitary Gland 282
Ductless Glandular Therapy - Asthma 283
Dysmenorrhoea -'Tabloid' Local Chloride 291
Difference between preparations of C.L.O 297
Deferred Transaction - A 311

'Empirin' - 'Tabloid' 21, 30, 49, 117, 123, 163, 144, 297, 311
Equipment - Sir Henry Shackleton 24
'Ernutin' 55, 77, 118, 126
Exposure Calculator 153
Eczema - 'Tabloid' Thyroid 107
Equipments - Algot Lange 2, 44
'Emetine' Preparations in Amoebic Dysentery 15, 56
'Empirin' - Dysmenorrhoea 21, 123
Mt. Everest Photographers and 'Tabloid' Photographic Chemicals 26
Enuresis - 'Infundin' 34, 227
Eucaine - 'Soloid' 44
Enuresis - 'Tabloid' Thyroid 47
Epileptic Fits - 'Tabloid' Pituitary and Borax 47
Effeminate Man - Didymin, Varium, Pituitary 47
Exceptional Results Everywhere 48
Emetine - Schistosmiasis (Bilharziasis) 56
Efficiency of 'Rytol' 59
Eye Complaints - 'Borofax' 72
'Ernutin' again available 77
'Ernutin' Circular 94b
'Enule' Pre-digested meat suppositories 117
'Ernutin' and 'Infundin' - Caesarean Section 118
Technique if Emetine injections 121
'Ernutin' - The best ergot preparation 121
Enviable position of the salesman 126
Enthusiasm 141
Emetine hydrochloride - Pulmonary Distomiasis 143
Experimental studies with proprietary Vitamin Products 159
Exhibition of tropical Diseases 69
'Empirin' Tonsillectomy 78
Egyptian Relics - 'Rytol' for photographing 166
Mt. Everest Cinematograph Film 175
Endocrinology - some thoughts about 175
Endocrinology in relation to Children's Diseases 185
Ether and 'Ethanesal' 200
Excerpta Thearapeutica 206, 292
Endocrine Disturbance - 'Tabloid' Thyroid 225
Endocrine Disturbance - 'Tabloid' Pituitary 226
Endocrine Disturbance - 'Tabloid' Suprarenal 226
Extension of the New York premises 230
How not to Economise 237
Enlarged Prostate Gland - 'Tabloid' Didymin 237
'Enule' 'Hazeline' - Haemorrhoids 265
Equipments - Mr. Donald Macmillan 272
Extraordinary keeping qualities of 'Wellcome' Diphtheria Antitoxic Serum 279
Ethidol 299
Emetine and Malarial Congestion of Liver 302

Frauds - Saccharin 115
Formalin Tests for Syphilis 6
Fermentative Dsypepsia - 'Tabloid' Beta-Naphthol Co. 7
Fraudulent Soluble Saccharin 115
Faults in Neosalvarsan Ampoules - Alleged 133
The Firms Competitors 144
W.J. Fair Report on 'Rytol' by 190
Flushing the bowels - 'Hazeline' 312

Great White South by Herbert G. Ponting 60
Galaxy of suggestive reports 9
"General Proprieters of Colloids" by Prof. W.M. Bayliss 14
Grippe - 'Empirin' 21
Galenicals - 'Wellcome' Brand 38
German Chloroform Issued to British Hospitals in India 127
Gangrene of the lung - 'Neokharsivan' 133
Galyl 155
Getting better value and giving better service 170
General claim for 'Tabloid' Animal Substances 203
G.U. work - 'Tabloid' Three Bromides Eff. in 296

'Hazeline' Cream 67, 68
'Hexamine' 46
'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 30, 49, 55, 58, 145, 209
'Hypoloid' Iron and Arsenic 19, 212
"'Hazeline' Snow" 67, 91, 167
Hyoscine Hydrobromide gr. 1/200 33
Headaches - 'Empirin' 21
Hypodermic Product - A New 35
How to dissolve Eucaine Hydrochloride 44
'Hexamine' - Urology 46
Hypothyroidism - 'Tabloid' Thyroid 47
'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' preferred to Compark's 49
'Hypoloid' Trademark 58
'Hypoloid' Calomel relatively painless 74
Hookworm Infection - 'Wellcome' Chenopodium Oil 79, 81, 223
Hookworm Infestation - Carbon Tetrachloride 82, 130
'Hexamine' and Sodium Acid Phosphate in Cystitis 90
Honest and Dishonest Advertising 105
Dr T.A. Henry 131
Hospitals supplies on a price basis irrespective of quality 153
Hypertension of Menopause - 'Varium' Thyroid 156
How to sell 'Wellcome' Brand Chemicals 162
'Hypoloid' Camphor - Cardiac Failure 168
How photographic prizes are won 174
Hospital Interviews 178
'Hazeline' - Novel use for 194
Healing antiseptic - 'Soloid' Tolamine 194
Hormone Therapy 197
Haematinic value of iron and its salts 247
Holiday Photography 251
Hookworm Infection - Oil of Chenopodium with carbon tetrachloride 252
Haemorrhoids - 'Enule' 'Hazeline' 265
Haemoglobin Administration 298
Hyoscine Comp. A. and B. as preliminary injections before operation 306
High Blood Pressure - 'Tabloid' Thyroid 308
'Hazeline' - Unusual use for 312

'Iodicin' 50, 205, 208, 231, 269, 299
'Infundin' 15, 30, 33, 49, 55, 58, 64, 109, 110, 117, 125, 126, 144, 154, 169, 178, 182, 209, 227, 237, 247, 269, 281, 282, 283, 290, 310
'Infundin' in Obstetrics 33
Intestinal Paresis - 'Infundin' 33
Indians shoots at 'Tabloid' Medicine Case 3
Immediate treatment of diphtheria 6
Interesting 'Tabloid' Hypodermic Case 15
Intravenous saline injection for Blackwater Fever 16
Interview in the New York exhibition room 19
Interesting Comparison - 'Tabloid' Blaud 21
Interviewing 28, 39, 53, 146
Indian Obstetric Cases and B.W. & Co Products 33
Italian tribute to 'Infundin' 33
'Infundin' - Enuresis 34, 227
'Iodicin' - rheumatoid Arthritis 50
Infantile Amoebic Dysentery - Emetine 56
'Infundin' - Trademark 58
'Infundin' - Acute pulmonary Oedema 64
'Infundin' - Scurfy Dermatitis 64
Illustration of 88negatives made from a single carton of 'Rytol' 64a
Itching under left eye cured by 'Varium' 72
Inflammatory condition of the eye - 'Soloid' Ophth. Zinc Sulphate Co. 72
Illustration of B.W. & Co's Exhibit at Fine Chemical Industry Exhibition 78
Improved Packings for 'Tabloid' developers 105
'Infundin' - Bubonic Plague 110
'Infundin' and 'Ernutin' - Caesarean Section 118
'Infundin' Saves Two Lives 125
Italian Stage - 'Ozozo' in use on 127
Italy - Defective compressed products in 137
Immunisation by the mouth 139
Importance of Salesmanship 141
Ideal Salesman 142
Inaccurately weighed powders 166
Intrarectal Administration of '606' and '914' 193
Insulin 204, 216, 243, 265, 301
Intensive Iodine Treatment 205
'Infundin' Preferred to Pituitrin 209
'Infundin' 12 years old, gives excellent results 209
Inferior Gland products 228
'Infundin' in Australian Hospitals - Use of 247
Intestinal Obstruction - 'Infundin' 247
Insulin Demonstration at London Medical Exhibition 277
'Infundin' and Pituitary Gland - Diabetes Insipidus 282
'Infundin' followed by 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands - Asthma 283
Impure Chloroform 292
Iodine - Content of Thyroid Tablets 308

Joslin, E.P. and treatment of Diabetes with Insulin 243

'Kepler' Malt Products 2, 30, 36, 40, 51, 128, 129, 161, 182, 263, 38
'Kharsivan' 38, 65, 71, 78, 98, 133
'Kepler' Malt Extract with Haemoglobin 4, 254, 298
'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract 17, 23, 36, 51, 71, 73, 120, 154, 172, 199, 232, 264,
'Kepler' C.L.O. eith M.E. - Rickets 17, 86
Kingsbury, Dr. W. Neave 6
'Kharsivan' - Relapsing Fever 71, 78
'Kepler' Cures Boils 71
'Kepler' Administration - Psychology of 73
Kala-Azar - 'Soloid' Antimony Tartrate Comp. 79, 297, 211
Kaffir Beadwork on 'Tabloid' Bottle 115
'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil 120
'Kharsivan' - Malaria 135
Knowledge of our goods 144
'Kepler' - Malt Extract 213
'Kepler' - Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract and Iron Iodide 227
'Kepler' Products and Vitamin A 231
'Kharsivan' and Quinine - Rheumatism 280
'Kepler' Combinations 297

London Medical Exhibition 9, 277
Leprosy, treatment of 119, 219
Leprosy, 'Moogrol' 80, 119, 195, 20, 286
Lange, Algot, Brazilian Explorer, Visits New York offices 2
Lodal Chloride - 'Tabloid' 33, 291
Lange, Algot, Adventure with Brazilian Indians 44
Life saved by a tin of 'Tabloid' Tea 45
Luck or Science - Which? 77
Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth 91
Labour - Pituitary Extracts 117
Leishmaniasis - 'Soloid' Antimony Tartrate Comp. 211
Leprosy - Chaulmoogric Esters 219, 238
'Laxamel' - Threadworms 238
Large Continued Dosage of 'Tabloid' Sodium Sal, Eff. 264
Leprosy in the Far East 286
Leprosy in the U.S.A. - Treatment of 288
Low Blood Pressure - 'Tabloid' Pituitary 308
'Lubafax' 312

Malaria - 'Soamin' 10, 135
Malaria - Quinine treatment of 32, 135, 280
Menopause - 'Tabloid' Varium 124, 156
Malaira - '606', 'Kharsivan', 'Neokharsivan' 135
Mamos, 'Tabloid' in Menorrhagia 22
'Moogrol' 38, 56, 57, 79, 80, 119, 155, 1995, 220, 286
Medicine Chest under water 24 hours 3
A Matter of Taste 36
Mary, Princess and 'Tabloid' First Aid Cabinet 38
Malignent Disease - Colloidal Selenium 45
Mercuric Potassium Iodide - Urology 46
'Moogrol' - alternative methods of administering 56
'Moogrol' in Bermuda 57
Microscopic Stain - 914 as 62
Malaria - 'Tabloid' Quinidine Sulphate 84
Mount Everest Expedition 92
Mercury - Early syphilis 103
Metagen 110, 171
Mucas Colitus - 'Tabloid' Pig Bile 118
'Moogrol' - Leprosy 119, 195, 220, 286
Mosquitoes - 'Sketofax' 122,
Menopause - 'Tabloid' Didyman 123
Mental Deficiency - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 127, 308
Malaria in the Middelveld 135
Miscarriage - 'Tabloid' 'Varium' 156
Maltaline 171
Mellin's food 171
Mediterranean Fever - 606 173
Mental Retarded Conditions of Children - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 200
Melancholia - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 200
Menopause - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 200
Malaria accompanied by splenic enlargement - Quinine in 222
Menstruation, Suppressed - 'Tabloid' 'Varium' and Mixed Glands 253
Menopause, Obesity of 'Tabloid' 'Varium' and Thyroid 253
Macmillan, Donald - American Cocker Land Expedition 272
Malaria in the Transvaal 179
Menopause - 'Tabloid' Lodal Chloride 291
Menstrual Flooding - 'Tabloid' Lodal Chloride 291
Malarial Congestion of Liver - Emetine 302
Myxoedema -'Tabloid' thyroid 309

'Neokharsivan' 38, 41, 78, 79, 133, 213, 222, 226, 276
'Neokharsivan' - Ulcus Tropicum 71
New York Rep's special campaign on 'Kepler' Malt Extract with Haemoglobin 4
New Pilgrim's Progress 15
New York Exhibition Room - Interview in the 19
Neuritus - 'Tabloid' Three Bromides 21
New Hypodermic Product A. 35
Negatives, 88 made from a single carton of 'Rytol' 62
914 - Vincents Angina 64a
'Neokharsivan' - Visceral Crises 70, 133
Natural and Synthetic Salicylates 89
Noel, Capt. - Report on 'Tabloid' Photo Chemicals 90
914 Bubonic Plague 92, 112c
'Neokharsivan' - Bubonic Plague 110
Nervous Irritability - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands no.1 124
'Neokharsivan' Available for gangrene in the lung 133
Neosalvarsan - Alleged faults in 133
'914' - Tropical Ulcer 71, 134, 225
New Method of thick drop staining the malarial parasite 165
New use for "'Hazeline' snow" 167
914 and 606 - Intrarectal Administration of 193
Novel use for 'Hazeline' 194
Neurasthenia - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 200
New Outlet for 'Tabloid' Products 209
New Relic - An Extraordinary Record 214
Notes on Tropical Medicine 219
914 - Yaws 219
914 with Anti-Anthrax serum - Cutaneous Anthrax 221
'Neokharsivan' - Sleeping Sickness 221
914 Phagadaenic Ulcer 225
New York Premises - Extension of 230
914 - Disinfection of Sperm in Mammals and Prevention of Dourine in Horses 246
New York Rep's - Reports from 264
Nizin - Trachoma 265
Novex Gaslight Paper and 'Rytol' 266
New Tuberculin , 'W' Good results from 268
914 - Cancrum Oris 276
National Institre for Medical research 292
Nizin - a good selling point for 297
Nutritive Power of C.L.O. with M.E. 302

Obstetrics - 'Infundin' 33
Obstetrics in India and B.W. & Co Products 33
Obstetrics - 'Lodal' and Hyoscine Hydrobromide 33
'Ozozo' 61, 115, 127
'Ozozo' Defies Sea Water, Rain and Tears 61
Ophthalmic - 'Tabloid' 'W' 63
Oriental Sore - 'Soloid' Antimony Tartrate Comp. 83, 211
Oatine Cream 91, 211
'Ozozo' and an improved way of applying it 115
'Ozozo' in use on the Italian stage 127
Organo-Therapy Cases - Reports of 156
Oscols 188
Obesity - 'Tabloid' Three Glands 228
Obesity - 'Tabloid' Pituitary Gland 228
Obesity of Menopause - 'Tabloid' 'Varium' and Thyroid 253
Orchitic Substance - Comparm's Tablets of 254

'Phenofax' 9
Photographic Fair 59
Piles - 'Phenofax' 9
Pilgrim's Progress - New 15
Preparations of Emetine in the treatment of Amoebic Dysentery 15
Perisplenitis - 'Soamin' 18
Persistent Detail - Value of 23
Photo of Bijou 'Tabloid' First Aid Cabinet 38b
Photo of Exhibit at British Industries Fair 38b
Photo of 'Tabloid' Photographic Chemicals supplied to Mt. Everest expedition 1922 38b
Professional Photo Finishers Recommend 'Wellcome' Exposure Calculator 43
Photo of 'Tabloid' Med. Chest carried by Algot Lange 52a
Protargol (Silver Proteinate) - Urology 46
Pregnancy - 'Tabloid' 'Varium' 47
Photo of 'Tabloid' Tea Tin 52a
Pernicious Anaemia - 'Soamin' 58
Photography free of cost to P.E.C. Purchaser 60
Pulmonary Oedema - 'Infundin' 64
Photographers' Hands 67
Pride 68
Polyglot Sign 69
Pernicious Anaemia - 'Tabloid' Bone Medulla 72
Psychology of 'Kepler' Administration 73
Press Report on 'Wellcome' Brand Lanoline 76
Photograph of Polyglot sign at Wigmore Street 76a
Potency of Cod Liver Oils as a Source of Vitamin A 85
Photography at 17,000 feet above Sea Level 92
Potassium Iodide - Early Syphilis 103
Proprietary Vitamin Preparations - some 110
Photo of 'Tabloid' case supplied for "Round the World" Flight 112a
Pituitary Extracts - labour 117
Pituitary Extract issued by N--- Pharmcal Co. and 'Infundin' 117
Paralysis Agitans - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands No.2 123
The Pass-word to Babyland 128
Photograph of 'Tabloid' Quinine salvaged after 5 years 128a
Photograph of Kaffir Beadwork on 'Tabloid' Bottle 128a
Pitex and 'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 145
Poor Pituitary Extract 154
Pulmonary Distomiasis - Emetine Hydrochloride 159
How Photograph Prizes are won 174
Parathyroid 185
Polyglandular therapy 198
Premature Senility - 'tabloid' Mixed Glands 200
Pituitrin - 'Infundin' preferred to 209
Photo of 'Tabloid' First Aid Case after 9 years active service 215
Phagadaenic Ulcer - 914 225
Pernicioud Anaemia - 'Tabloid' Haemoglobin 228
Perils of substitution 234
Powers, Weightman Co., St. Louis 236
'Paroleine' 238
Photo of extended New York premises 242
Pluriglandular Therapy 253
Post-Operative Neurasthenia - 'Tabloid' Suprarenal Gland 265
Pregnancy - 'Tabloid' Blaud Pill 268
Pregnancy - the action of Quinine in 270
Photograph of Macmillan Expedition to Crocker Land 1913-1917 284
Petroleum Odour of inferior Aspirin 292
Point for small town traders 311

Queen at British Industries Fair 38
Quinine Treatment of malaria 32
Quinidine Sulphate 0.2 gms. 'Tabloid' 63, 104, 239
Quinidine - Auricular Fibrillation 63, 104, 116, 213, 239
Qualities essential to a Salesman 142
Quinidine - Auricular Disease 157
Quality Chloroform wins 168
Quest Antarctic Expedition 190
Quinine in Malaria accompanied by Splenic Enlargement 222
Quinine - Whooping cough 239
Quinine - Acuity of Hearing 240
Quinine - Pregnancy 270

Relapsing fever - 'HKharsivan' 71, 76
'Rytol' 8, 26, 51, 59, 60, 64a, 67, 93, 106, 136, 153, 174, 175, 189, 210, 251, 266, 273
Rickets - Cod Liver Oil 17
Rickets - 'Kepler' Cod Liver oil with M.E. 66
Rickets 17
Reports on Public Health and Medical Subjects by Dr. Monckton Copeman 5
Raynaud's Disease - 'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland 36
Recognition 37
The Royal Wedding 38
Rheumatoid Arthritis - 'Iodicin' 50
Relapsing fever - 'Neokharsivan' 78
Rickets in Infants - Cause and Cure of 85
Results of Active Immunisation with Diphtheria Toxin Anti-Toxin 88
Rheumatic Fever - Salicylates 103
"Round the World" Flight 108, 114
Rheumatoid Arthritis - 'Tabloid' Thymus 124
Rheumatism, Chronic, 'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland 127
Reports on 'Tabloid' Chenopodium oil 131
Reports on Oregano-Therapy Cases 156
Roboleine 171
'Rytol' Keeps good 8 years in the Tropics 175
The Royal Developer - 'Rytol' 189
Records of Royal tours made with 'Rytol' 189
Royal Wedding Present 241
Rheumatism - 'Tabloid' Sodium Salicylate Eff. 264, 296
'Rytol' and Novel Gaslight Paper 266
Rheumatism 'Kharsivan' and Quinine 280
Reports from the New York Office 281
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Ethidol 300
Reports from Australian House 307
Results from Animal Substance Medication 134

Sodium Salicylate 49, 51, 144,
'Saxin' 18, 115
Salol Tablets 4
Saccharin frauds 115
Soamin - malaria 10, 135, 226
'Soloid' Tolamine 9, 194, 295, 307
Spirochaetosis (Relapsing fever) - 'Kharsivan' 71
Soda-Mint ('Tabloid') 67
Superiority of 'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 117, 126
Schistomiasis (Bilhaziasis)- Emetine 56
'Sketofax' 67, 122
'Soloid' Micro Stains 50, 75, 251
Sachs-Georgi Reaction for Syphilis 5
'Soloid' Romanowsky Stain 166, 167
Sterility - 'Tabloid' Mixed glands 134
Schick Method 5
Standardised Toxin In Diphtheria 5
Serum tests for Syphilis 6
Syphilis - 'Tabloid' grey powder 9
Soamin - Syphilitic Skin Ulcerations 10 Soamin 10, 18, 46, 58, 78, 168, 208, 280, 281
Soamin Asthma 18, 58, 226, 255
Substitution of 'Saxin' for 'Tabloid' Saccharin 18
Scientific Treatment with iron 18
Superiority of 'Tabloid' Blaud 21
Shackleton - His Expeditions and Equipments 24
'Soloid' Preparations 25
Sachs-Georgi Antigen Starts of Foreign Travels 34
'Soloid' Eucaine 44
'Soamin' Trypanosomiasis (Sleeping Sickness) 45
Silver Proteinate (Protargol) - Urology 46
Superiority of 'Keplar' Products 51
Substitution stopped by Prescriber - Attempted 52
'Soloid' Antimony Tartrate Comp. 57, 78, 79, 83, 211
'Soamin' Pernicious Anaemia 58
Syphilis 606 62
School Medical Service - 'Tabloid' Mydriatics in 63
Scurfy Dermatitis - 'Infundin' 64
'Soloid' Sugar Media 64
'Soloid' ophth. Zinc Sulphate Co. - Inflammatory condition of the eye 72
'Soloid' Micro Stains Preferred in Canada 75
Sleeping sickness and its cures 78
Second Report of the British Salvarsan Committee 95
Syphilis, Early, - Mercury Potassium Iodide, Organic Arsenic 103
Salicylates - Rheumatic Fever 103
Stability of 'Infundin' 109
Salvaged 'Tabloid' Quinine still efficient after 5 years submergence 114
Soluble Sacchrin - Fraudulent 115
'Soloid' Nasal Products 122
Some recent work on Anthelmintics 131
Sachs Georgi Antigen 'Wellcome' Brand 34
Some reflections on various aspects of Salesmanship 141
'Soloid' Microscopic stains keep 10 years 159
'Soloid' Wright's Stain - A charge Refuted 167
'Soamin' - Suppurative Conditions 168
606 - Undulant Conditions 173
Solubility of Compressed Quinine 173
"Some thought about Endocrinology" - and parathyroid 185
Syphilis - Arsenobenzol 191
606 and 914 - Rectal Administration of 193
Shine on clothing removed by 'Hazeline' 194
Senility (premature) 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 200
Study and Treatment of The pretuberculous state in children 202
Syphilis 'Tabloid' Yellow Iodide of Mercury 208
Syphilis - 'Soamin' 208
Syphilitic Paralysis - 'Soamin' 209
Stomach Complaints - 'Wellcome' Brand Bismuth Carbonate 210
Summer Diarrhoea - 'Wellcome; Brand Bismuth Carbonate 210
Stibenyl 211, 289
Steffanson Artic Expedition 1913-17 - 'Tabloid' First Aid Case with 214
Shackleton - Rowett Expedition - 'Tabloid' First Aid Case with 214 Sleeping Sickness - 'Neokharsivan' 221
Sterility - 'Tabloid' Thyroid and 'Varium' 237
Starling, H.J. and Treatment of Diabetes with Insulin 245
606 - Disinfection of sperm in mammals and prevention of Dourine in Horses 246
Strophanthus and Strophanthin 249
Suppressed Menstruation - 'Tabloid' 'Varium' and Mixed Glands 253
Sydney Representative - Reports from 263
Sale of 'Neokharsivan' 276
'Soamin' in Chronic Bronchial Catarrh 280
'Soamin' in Croup in children 281
'Soloid' 'Nizin' - Chronic Vaginal Conditions 282
'Soloid' Sodium Antimony Tartrate - Kala-Azar 288
Stibamine - Kala-Azar 288
Syphilis - 'Bicreol' Bismuth Cream 290
South American Radiologist relates his experiences 295
Septic Uterine Growth - 'Soloid' 'Tolamine' 307
Saving 50% of Hypodermics 307
Small Town Traders, Point for 311
'Soloid' Stains preferred to other makes 312

'Tabloid' Aspirin 9, 67
'Tabloid' Empirin 21, 30, 117
'Tabloid' First Aid Equipment 67
'Tabloid' Hypodermics 55, 73, 126, 127, 170, 182, 306
'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland 36, 47, 126, 127, 226, 237, 263, 274, 308, (307)
'Tabloid' Soamin 10, 226, 309
'Tabloid' Medical Equipment 24, 44
'Tabloid' Products 2, 25, 38, 68, 77, 129, 138, 1282, 186, 209
'Tabloid' Photgraphic Equipment 25, 27, 92
'Tabloid' Medicine Cases 25, 114, 191, 273
'Tabloid' Cascara 10, 37, 260
'Tabloid' Photographic Chemicals 7, 60, 92, 153, 235, 251, 273
'Tabloid' Quinine in Malaria 32, 223, 280
'Tabloid' Thyroid - Eczema 107
'Tabloid' Animal Substance 22, 446, 127, 134, 140, 168, 169, 200, 226
'Tabloid' Soda-Mint 67
'Tancol' 106, 251
'Tabloid' 'Varium' - Menopause 156
'Tabloid' Quinine 32, 114, 135, 223
'Tabloid' Vichy, Effervescent 9
'Tabloid' Hexamine ? Sodium Acid Phosphate 90
'Tabloid' Mamos in Menorrhagia 22
'Tabloid' 'Varium' in amenorrhoea Dysmenorrhoea 22, 50
'Tabloid' Ammoniated Quinine 13, 275
'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 20, 123, 124, 125, 127, 134, 156, 198, 237, 291, 308
'Tabloid' Medicines 2
'Tabloid' Beta-Naphthol secure whole-hearted commendation 7
'Tabloid' Grey Powder - Syphilis 9
'Tabloid' Are Hypodermic Cases Faulty? 14
'Tabloid' Emetine 16
'Tabloid' Blaud Pill 18, 20, 21, 75, 125, 268, 310
Therapeutic Reports Contributed by New York House 19
'Tabloid' Mixed Gland no. 2 with 'Varium' 20
'Tabloid' Three Bromides - Neuritis 21
'Tabloid' Calomel 1/10 grain 22
'Tabloid' Gland preparations preferred to Comparm's 22
'Tabloid' Medicine Case no.251 25
Tropical Ulcer - Oil of Chenopodium 31
'Tabloid' Quinine Bisulphate 32, 223
'Tabloid' Quinine Hydrochloride 32, 223
'Tabloid' Quinine Bihydrochloride 32, 223 'Tabloid' Lodal Chloride 33, 291
'Tabloid' Hypodermic 145 35
Thyroid Gland Tolerance 36
Tip regarding 'Soloid' Eucaine A. 44
'Tabloid' Tea 45, 67, 235
Trypanosomiasis - 'Soamin' 46
'Tabloid' Thyroid - Enuresis 47
'Tabloid' Pituitary and Borax - Epileptic Fits 47 'Tabloid' Prostates Gland - Tired and Weary Feeling 47
'Tabloid' 'Varium' Pregnancy 47
'Tabloid' Didymin - Effeminate Man 47
'Tabloid' 'Varium' - Effeminate Man 47
'Tabloid' Didyman & Pituitary - Effeminate Man 47
'Tabloid' Varium unequalled 50
Tincture of rhubarb, Concentrated 51
Trade Marks are Hard to Learn, but pay teacher and learner 58
'Tabloid' Pyro Soda 59
'Tabloid' Quinidine Sulphate 0.2 gms. 63
'Tabloid' Mydriadics in School Medical Service 63
Tropical Ulcer, 914 71, 134
'Tabloid' Bone Medulla - Pernicious Anaemia 72
'Tabloid' 'Varium' - unusual use for 72
'Tabloid' Blaud pill with Arsenic and Strychnine 75
Tropical Disease - Exhibition of 78
Tropical Ulcer- 'Kharsivan', 'Neokharsivan' 79
'Tabloid' Capsules of Chenopodium Oil 81, 130, 131
Tropical Pemphigus - Chaulmoogric Oil 83
'Tabloid' Quinidine Sulphate - Malaria 84
'Tabloid' Quinidine Sulphate 104
'Tabloid' Developers - Improved Packings for 105
'Tabloid' Case - Major Blake's Report on 109, 114
Treatment of Botulism 111
Travelling in China in Wartime 113
'Tabloid' Bottle - Kaffir beadwork on 115
'Tabloid' Three Bromides Eff. 10, 117, 161, 227, 296
'Tabloid' Pig Bile 118
Treatment of Leprosy 119
Technique of Emetine injections 121
Therapeutic Results 122
'Tabloid' Didyman - Menopause 123
'Tabloid' Mixed Gland no.2 - Paralysis Agitans 123
'Tabloid' Mixed Glands no.1 Nervous Irritability 124
'Tabloid' Thymus - Rheumatoid Arthritis 124
'Tabloid' Mixed Gland no.2 - Dysmenorrhoea 125
'Tabloid' Thyroid - Constipation in Children 126
'Tabloid' The best animal Substance products 127
'Tabloid' Mixed Glands - Mental Deficiency 127
'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland - Chronic Rheumatism 127
'Tabloid' Hypodermics leave no sediment on solution 127
'Tabloid' Thyro - Varium 135
'Tabloid' Quinine - Malaria 135
'Tabloid' 'Varium' as a "Fixative" in Threatened Abortion 156
'Tabloid' Varium - Miscarriage 156
Tribute to our accuracy and a new method of using Quinine Acetylsalicylate 166
'Tabloid' Quinine Acetylsalicylate 166
'Tabloid' Three Glands 169
'Tabloid' Pituitary Gland 169, 226, 308
'Tabloid' Calomel 182
Time saving in the dispensing department 189
'Tabloid' Charcoal - Cachexia Africa (Dirt Eating) 194
'Tabloid' 'Varium' Disorders of the menopause 200
Therapeutics 200
Tuberculosis in Children - 'Tabloid' Animal Subs. 203
'Tabloid' Yellow Iodide of Mercury - Syphilis 208
'Tabloid' Sodium Bicarbonate for preparation of soda water 209
'Tabloid' Potassium Bicarbonate 210
'Tabloid' Potassium Citrate 210
'Tabloid' Sodium Citrate 210
'Tabloid' Lithium Citrate 210
'Tabloid' Beta-Naphthol - Anklyostomiasis 212
'Tabloid' First Aid Case, 715 214
Tropical Medicine - notes on 219
'Tabloid' Suprarenal Gland - Endocrine Disturbance 226
'Tabloid' Glandular Products 228
'Tabloid' Haemoglobin - Pernicious Anaemia 228
'Tabloid' Three Glands and 'Tabloid' Pituitary - Obesity 228
Tinctures of Iodine v. 'Iodicin' 231
'Tabloid' Metol Quinol Developer 20years old 235
'Tabloid' Tea Campaign in Australia 235
'Tabloid' Didyman- Enlarged Prostate Gland 237
'Tabloid' Thyroid and 'Varium' - Sterility 237
Tapeworm - 'Tabloid' Beta-Naphthol 238
Threadworms- 'Laxamel' 238
'Tabloid' Blaud Pill - Chlorosis 247
'Tabloid' Chromium Intensifier 252
'Tabloid' Alum and Citric Acid Compound 252
'Tabloid' Varium and Mixed Glands - Suppressed Menstruation 253
'Tabloid' Varium and Thyroid - Obesity of Menopause 253
Thyroid Gland - Chilblains 254
"Twilight Sleep" for convicts 255
'Tabloid' Sodium Salicylate Eff. - Rheumatism 264, 296
Trachoma - 'Soloid' Nizin 265
'Tabloid' Suprarenal Gland - Post Operative Neurasthenia 265
Tonic and Stimulant - 'Tabloid' Blaud Pill Comp. 268
'Tabloid' Medical Equipment still in use after 23 years 270
Thyroid Hormone 273
'Tabloid' Sodium Nitrate Comp. 294
'Tabloid' Thyroid Active in small doses 298
'Tabloid' Haemoglobin 298
Tuberculous Glands - 'Ethidol' 300
Tubercular Diarrhoea - 'Soloid' Tolamine 307

Unusual Case of 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands no. 2 20
Urticaria - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands and Varium 20
Ulcus Tropicum - Oil of Chenopodium 31
Use of B.W. & Co. Products in Indian Obstetrical Work 33
Urology - 'Hexamine' 46
Unusual Use for 'Tabloid' Varium 72
Unique Exhibition of Tropical Diseases 78
Use of Drugs in Heart Disease 103
Unconscious Support for Advertised Brands 129
Undulant Fever - '606' 173
Underdevelopment - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 200
Ulcus Tropicum - '914' 225
Ulcers - 'Infundin' 247, 290
Uterine Fibroids - 'Tabloid' Lodal Chloride 291
Ulcers - 'Soloid' Tolamine 307
Unbranded Thyroid Tablets 309
Unusual use for 'Hazeline' 312

'Varium' 20, 22, 227
'Vaporole' Iodine Tincture 57
Value of Cod Liver Oil in Rickets 17
Value of Persistent Detail 23
Vitamins 36
Vitamin - The Word of the Hour 42
Value of Drugs in Urology 46
Vitamin 'B' Concentrates 62
Vitamin products - Experimental Studies wit Proprietary 69
Vitamin - Cod Liver Oil 70
Vincent's Angina - '914' 70, 133
Visceral Crises - 'Neokharsivan' 89
Vitamin Preparations - Some proprietary 110
Vaccine Therapy 112
Vitamin A - Cod Liver Oil 120
Velox Gaslight Paper and 'Rytol' 136
Vitamin Products - So-called Concentrated 138
Volume in Staples 146, 162
Vitamin Preparations - A study of Commercial 154
"Volume" 161, 261
Vitamin Content of Certain Preparations Proprietary 171
Virol 171
Vitmar 171
'Varium' - Dosage of 227
Vitamins and radiant Energy 255
Vaginal Conditions - 'Soloid' Nizin 282
'Vaporole' Aromatic Ammonia - A new Role for 283
'Vaporole Amyl Nitrate - Hiccough 298

'Wellcome' P.E.R. 174
'Wellcome' Coryza Vaccine no.4 120
'Wellcome' Photgraphic Exposure Calculator 43, 252, 267
W.P.R.L. 5, 34, 8, 111, 196, 204, 251, 268
'Wellcome' Brand Chloroform 30, 38, 50, 168, 210, 236, 270, 292, 303, 305
W.C.R.L. 82, 83, 131, 260
'Wellcome' Toilet Lanoline 67, 76, 295
'Wellcome' Brand Sachs-Georgi Antigen 34
'Wellcome' Brand Bismuth carbonate 15, 020, 031, 000, 259, 295
'Wellcome' Sera 30, 182, 185
'Wellcome' Brand Chenopodium Oil 32, 82, 224, 283, 290
Wedding - The Royal 38
'Wellcome' Brand Sera Vaccine and Tuberculins 38
'Wellcome' Brand Galenicals 38
'Wellcome' Exposure Calculator, Handbook and Diary 43, 94, 312
War Souvenir 45
V Brand Sodium Salicylate 49, 51, 52, 165, 183
'Wellcome' Brand Digitalis 49, 183
'Wellcome' Cascara Aromatic 49, 311
'Wellcome' Brand Stophanthus Tincture 50, 52
'Wellcome' Brand Methyl Alcohol 50
'Wellcome' Brand Chemicals 51, 129, 162
'Wellcome' Lanoline Hydrous 76
'Wellcome' Lanoline Anhydrous 76
'Wellcome' Chenopodium Oil - Hookworm Infection 79, 224
'Wellcome' Brand Botulinus Antitoxin Serum 112, 275
'Wellcome' Brand Vaccines 112
'Wellcome' Bacillus Abortion Vaccine - Abortion in Cattle 121
'Wellcome' Sodium Salicylate 144, 240
Why 'Rytol' Dominates 153
'Wellcome' Exposure Calculator 153
'Wellcome' Hypophosphates 163
'Wellcome' Bismuth 183, 277
'Wellcome' Brand Quinine 183
'Wellcome' Ergot 183
Wild, F - Report on 'Tabloid' Medical Equipment by 191
'Wellcome' Brand Insulin 204, 277
'Wellcome' Methyl Alcohol 213
Wilkin's, Capt. - First Aid Case 215
'Wellcome' Methyl Alcohol 225, 289, 291, 312
'Wellcome' Medical diary 234, 257, 295
'Wellcome' Brand Barium sulphate 237
Wiman's Looks improved by 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 239
Whooping Cough - Quinine 250
'Wellcome' Tincture of Digitalis 251
'Wellcome' Materia Medical Farm 259
'Wellcome' Brand Concentrated Infusions 260
'Wellcome' Brand Bismuth Salicylate 260
'Wellcome' Brand Bismuth Subnitrate 263
'Wellcome' Bismuth Quinine Sulphate 268
'Wellcome' Bacillary Emulsion 279
'Wellcome' Diphtheria Antitoxin Serum 295
'Wellcome' Adrenalin 122, 312
'Wellcome' Brand Chenopodium Oil 130

Yaws - 'Neokharsivan' 79
Yaws - '914' 219
Yolanda, Princess - 'Tabloid' First Aid 241



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