Board Meeting Papers
- Date:
- Jun 1958
- Reference:
- WF/C/E/01/365
- Part of:
- Wellcome Foundation Ltd
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Agenda, including note with matters to be raised under Any other Business
Minutes of Board Meeting of 29 May 1958, with the following minutes -
*Minutes of Board Meeting of 24 Apr 1958, Sealings, Transfers, Companies Act 1948, Deputy Managing Director's Report, I.C.I./C.M.R./P.P. Agreement, Overdraft facilities - Westminster Bank Limited, C.M.&R. Pension Trust - Trust Deed & Rules, Housing Loan - Mr. C.J. Halliday, C.T.B. Non-graduate staff - salaries, C.T.B. report, Cooper Recreation Club - Financial Assistance, C.T.B. Re-organisation - additional staff, Colombia,
Minutes of 38th Annual General Meeting of 29 May 1958, with the following minutes -
*Preference dividend, Ordinary dividend, Re-election of Directors, Auditors, Vote of thanks
Report of the Secretary on Sealing of Documents between 28 May and 25 Jun 1958
Share Transfer Report, 25 Jun 1958
Managing Director's Report, for 21 May to 17 Jun 1958, covering the following topics -
*Colombia, Cooper Savings Deposit Fund and Scheme 'E', Export Department, Finance, ICI/CMR/PP Agreement, Managing Director's Financial Review 1958/60, Managing Director's visit to South America & U.S.A., Overdraft facilities, Personnel, Re-organisation of the C.T.B., Retiring allowances committee, Subscriptions committee, Uruguay
The Managing Director's Financial Review - 1958, 1959 and 1960, dated Jun 1958
Letter to Miss Roney re. Cooper Savings Deposit Fund, dated 2 Jul 1958
The Managing Director's Report on visit to South America and the United States, April 10th to May 20th 1958
The Managing Director's Report on Colombia - Local Manufacture
Memorandum re. New Zealand - Management, with copy of letters attached
Memorandum re. Vick Chemical Company, with papers attached re. Vick's financial position
Additional Papers -
*Letter to Mr. Walker-Leigh re. Financial Review and Overdraft facilities, dated 20 Jun 1958
*Letter to the Managing Director (Mr. Walker-Leigh) re. local manufacture in Colombia
*3 letters re. New Zealand management
Physical description
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