The Society's journals and the relationship with publisher

Part of:
The Physiological Society
  • Born-digital archives

About this work


Cambridge University Press produced both the Journal of Physiology and Experimental Physiology. This file contains material which relates to both journals and which therefore did not fit comfortably under SA/PHY/F/1-4. Please note that series SA/PHY/F/1-4 also contain material relating to The Society's dealings with CUP.

Cambridge University Press was the Society's journals publisher from 1878 until the end of 2003. In 2002 the publishing contract was put out to tender. Interviews with three publishers were held on 25 June 2002. This involved a 30 minute presentation by representatives of each publisher to the panel and an hour of questions. Blackwell was appointed with the initial five year contract for both publications, effective start January 2004. In 2007 Wiley took over Blackwell. Wiley continues today as the publisher for the Society's journals. The move to Blackwell resulted in the closure of the Physiological Society's in-house publishing office in Cambridge and redundancy for the majority of publications staff.



Physical description

31 files; 1 disc


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