Working Papers on Cardiac Irregularities Including Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Failure and the Action of Digitalis
- McMichael, Sir John, FRCP, FRCPE, FRS (1904-1993) Cardiologist
- Date:
- 1839-c.1980
- Reference:
- PP/JMM/C/3/1
- Part of:
- McMichael, Sir John (1904-1993)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Items removed from a box file with the same title. Includes a photograph and slides of Jean Baptiste Senac, drafts of articles on of the history of cardiac irregularities and digitalis, notes, photocopies of relevant articles both by McMichael and others, a collection of Wellcome Library order slips showing the items consulted by McMichael's research assistant in the course of his research into cardiac irregularities, and several items of correspondence.
Physical description
1 File
The original order created by McMichael has been maintained.
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores