'The Release of Additional Factors in Anaphylaxis and its Antagonism by Anti-Inflammatory Drugs'
- Vane, Sir John, FRS (1927-2004), Pharmacologist
- Date:
- 1969
- Reference:
- PP/JRV/C/3/10
- Part of:
- Vane, Sir John Robert (1927-2004)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
File consists of draft papers related to the paper by Priscilla J. Piper and J.R. Vane, "The Release of Additional Factors in Anaphylaxis and its Antagonism by Anti-Inflammatory Drugs", Nature, vol.223, p29-33, 5 July 1969. Details include:
Two drafts of the paper, including references, tables and photocopies of figures. One draft is marked, "revised 2 June 1969" and the second is marked, "revised (second) ms. V5080R. JRV".
Physical description
1 file
Acquisition note
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores