Monthly Memoranda (points for propaganda)
- Date:
- 1919-1921
- Reference:
- WF/M/GB/30/01
- Part of:
- Wellcome Foundation Ltd
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Index as follows:
Atrophine - Seasicknes 136
Atrophine Sulphate - 'Tabloid' 136
Adulteration of Saccharin 136, 173
Advantages of 'Tabloid' Green Toner 140
Adulteration of Substitution 145
Andrews - Roy Chapman 149
American Museum of Natural History 149
Active Immunisation - Toxin Anti-Toxin Mixture 161
Activity of 'Rytol' unimpaired after 10 years 164
Absorption of Hormones when Gland prescribed orally 169
Adulteration of Aspirin Tablets 172
Annual Lantern Slide Competition 174
Appendicitis - 'Infundin' 176
Adulteration of Pharmaceutical products 186
Ammunition - Quinine Tablets as 196
Adulteration of Nitro-Glycerin Tablets 198
Ammoniated Quinine Tablets which do not contain available ammonia 203
Advertisement for 'Tabloid' Ammoniated Quinine 204a
Australasian Representative & 'Kepler' Sales 206
Apomorphine Chloride 207
Amenorrhea - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 210
Antimont & Emetine in Bilharziasis 213
Aspirin Tabloid Litigation 213
Arsenobenzol & Mercury in in Syphilis 214
Bismuth Salts 10, 197
British Industries Fair 25, 115
Brazil's Sweltering Swamps 38
Brazilian Explorer [Dr Hamilton Rice] 38
Borofax - general emollient & antiseptic 50
Beri-Beri - Tonic Compound 51
BMA Conference 60
British Medical Temperance Association 60
Bordeaux Children's Hospital - Records of 65
Bartlett, Dr, Arctic Explorer & 'Tabloid' Medicine Chest 69
Byers, Dr Guy - Report on 'Tabloid' Medicine Chest by 83
Bruce, Major Gen Sir David FRS 89
Bismuth Subnitrate - 'Wellcome' Brand 101
Bilharziasis - Emetine 116, 134, 158, 213
Baflour, Andrew 116
Bed Sores - Hazeline Cream 126
British Cellulose and Chem. Man. Co. 129
Burke, Dr E.J. - Continued Treatment for Syphilis 131
Brookes, Dr - Marine Hygiene and Sanitation by 157
Blood Smears & Counts by Harry Morrell MD Major RAMC 157
Blue Babies at Birth - 'Tabloid' Thymus 170
Bulgarian Experience of Diphtheria Antitoxin 192
Bismuth Carbonate - 'Wellcome' Brand 197
Barium Sulphate 198
Brandy & Co's Barium Sulphate mistaken for Wellcome brand 198
Bishop uses 'Tabloid' Three Bromides Eff. on trip from Quebec to Rome 201
Backwood Development - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands, No. 2
Coryza Vaccine No 4
Colloid Mendicaments 7, 17
Chigger Infection - Phenofax, 9
Chigoe Infection - Phenofax, 9
Caffeine Citrate Tablets 25
Concentrated Tincture 28
Camphorated Oil Tumours 29
Chaulmoogra Oil - Leprosy 40 178
Collesols 40
Cocaine Fraud 41
Cocaine Hydrochloride 41
Constipation - Paroleine 44
Compressed Tablets Frauds 46
Comparison in Photographic Equipments 47
Cascara Gr 2 - Ovals 50
Canadian Arctic Expedition 52
Cascara Sagrada - 'Tabloid' Brand 54
Comparison between Infundin & Comparks's Preparation 73, 125
Creosote 79
Carpenter - Mr A W 87
Comments on Sodium Salicylate - Some 88
Clergyman's Sore Throat - 'Tabloid' Placed in Offertory bag 88
Calwell Dr W K - Some Cases of Relapsing Fever 92
Cheap Chemicals - Adulteration of 93
Capsules - Deficiency of active contents in 93
Chloroform - 'Wellcome' Brand 103
Colour Photographry 102
Canadian Air Board equipped with 'Tabloid' 1st Aid 114
Compharrower's Thyroid 114
Conversation Overheard at London Medical Exhibition 115
Compark's Pituary Extract 125
Compmerk and Compark Saccharin 126
Continued Treatment of Syphilis 131
Castellani, Dr & Treatment of Oriental Sore with Emetine 133
Cheinisse, Dr & Treatment of Sesickness with Atrophine 136
Chief Works reports on 'Tabloid' Hypodermic Morphine Sulphate 137
Circular - Sketofax 140a
Cushny's Pharmacology 143
Commercial Tablets - Examination of 143
Calcium Lactate Tablets 144
China - Roy Chapman Andrews in 149
Cod Liver Oil in Rickets 141, 153
Chinosol - 'Soloid' 156
Cushney, Prof and Prussic Acid 165
Compibb - Thyroxin 169
Compfaul's 'Tabulet' Thyroid Gland 174
Compark's Bacterial Vaccine Gonoccus inferior to Wellcome Brand 182
Centre of Great Medical Interest - Sketofax 183
Contents of No. 258 'Tabloid' Medicine Case 185
Congenital Syphilis - 'Kharsivan' 188
Crawford & Fleming - Drs 188
Comparison of Sachs - Georgi & Wassermann Tests 190
Chloric Eczema cured by Wellcome Lanoline 201
Compark's Methyl Alcohol Contains Acetone 203
Comparative Solubility of 'Tabloid' Hypodermic Products & their principal competitors - Investigation on 207
Cancer (Inoperable) - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands No. 1 211
Chaulmoogra Oil Derivitatives in Leprosy 212
Cawston, Dr & Treatment of Billharziasis with Antimony & Emetine 213
Detoxicated Vaccines 22
Didymin [Tabloid] - Testicular Tuberculosis 59
Diphtheria Mortality Modified by Antitoxin Treatment 56
Devonshire Doctor's report on 'Vaporole' Pituitary Extract (Infundin) 72
Dispensing Points re Sodium Salicylate 88
Deficiency of active contents in capsules 93
Dosage cost of 'Tabloid' products 96
Definition of Hyoscine & Scopolamine 109
Differences between 'Rytol' & 'Tancol' 110
Diabetes Mellitus - Neosalvarsan 112
Dean, Professor 113
Diabetes - 'Tabloid' Pituitary Gland 116
Defective Quinine Products 122
Diolymin - 'Tabloid' 123
Dying girl cured by 'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 124
Diabetes - Saxin 126
Dowson, Dr W S on 'Malaria in the E African Campaign' 132
Diamantis Dr, & Treatment of Bilharziasis with Emetine 134
Diphtheria Toxin (Schick test) 134
Diphtheria Prophylactic 154, 161, 179
Day, Prof H.B. & use of Emetine in Bilharziasis 158
Dintenfasse, Dr, reports use of 'Tabloid' Three Bromides Eff. in Persistent Hiccough 159
Duration of Immunity after Treatment with Diphtheria Toxin - Antitoxin Mixture 162
Duodenal Operations - 'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 175
Distributions to Science Students at Universities & Colleges 184
Deep Sea Fishermen - 'Tabloid' 1st Aid for 185
Diphtheria Antitoxin in Prevention and Cure of Diphtheria 191
Death after a Barium Meal 198
Death of a Patient Attributed to Wellcome Barium Sulphate 198
(Jack) Dempsey presented with a 'Vaporole' Ammonia Aromatic 200
Dysmenorrhoea - 'Tabloid' Varium - Guaiacum Resin 202, 204
Disorders of the Menopause - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands No. 2 210
Defective Dentition - Thyroid & Petuitary Gland Substance 210
Dosage of 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 211
Dental Work - 'Tabloid' Three Bromides Eff. 214
Empirin - Tabloid Brand 2, 6, 27, 104, 173
Equipments - Dr Hamilton Rice 38, 82
Equipments - Commander Read 5
Equipments - Sir John Alcock 5
Equipments - H G Hawker 5
Equipments - Sir Ross Smith 11, 43
Equipments - Mr Vilhjalmur Stefannson 52
Equipments - Sir Ernest Shackleton 61
Equipments - Mr A W Carpenter 87
Equipments - Roy Chapman Andrews 149
Equipments - Roosevelt 171
Equipments - Mr C A W Monckton 196
Equipments - Captain Scott 205
Extract from Article by Thomas Russell 57
Ernutin 63, 86
Extract from Calcutta Medical Journal 64
Exposure Calculator 68, 152, 193
Exceptional Subjects - Exposure Calculator 69
Extraordinary keeping qualities of 'Infundin' 72
Editor of Outing reaffirms his confidence in 'Tabloid' Equipments 74
Edinburgh Doctor's Results in treating Pernicious Anemia with Neokharvarisan 76
Eucalyptia 79
Extraordinary history of a tin of 'Enule' Hazeline Comp 83
'Enule' Hazeline Suppositories in perfect order after 17 years 83
Eczema - 'Tabloid' Thyroid 86
Expedition - Harvard University Central American 87
Easton Syup - 'Tabloid' 97
Essential Staple - An 98
Employees of 3 Manufacturing Coys. & Mixed Influenza Vaccine 99
Efficiency of 'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland 105
Emetine in the Threatment of Haemoptysis 106
Emetine Salts - Wellcome 106
Ethyl Salts of Chaulmoogra Oil in Leprosy 113
Emetine in Bulharziasis (Schistomiasis) 116, 134, 158, 213
Erian's report on the Treatment of Bulharziasis with Emetine 116
Emetine - Ortiental Sore 133
Ergotinine Citrate, 'Tabloid' acts like a charm 134
Examination of Commercial Tablets 143
Evan's Analytical Notes 143
Exophthalmic Goitre - Quinine Hydrobromide as a diagnostic reagent 146
English Correspondent's Appreciation of P.E.R 152
Expulsion of Placenta - 'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 160
Echo from the London Photographic Fair - An 164
Empirin instead of Aspirin 173
Ergot suppressed by lodal 176
Effervescents and 'Tabloid' Effervescents 177
Experience Teaches 182
Effeciency of Diphtheria Antitoxin in the prevention and cure of diphtheria 191
Emetine Hydrochloride 213
Erysipelaloid - Staphylococcus Vaccine 212
Frankland, Sir S - Report on 'Tabloid' Products by 26
French Tincture - Intensive Iodine Treatment 35
Frauds - German 41
Frauds - Saccharin 45, 70, 173
Frauds - Compressed Tablets 46
Fourrier, Dr, report on use of neokharsivan in Lethargic Encephalitis 75
Farrar, Mr Reginald and 'Tabloid' Medicine Guide 100
Fraudulent Tablets 105, 166
Fraudulent Pharmaceutical Products 120
Fraudulent Preparations of Arsenic 128
Fraudulent Preparations of Cod Liver Oil 129
First Asiatic Expedition led by Roy Chapman Andrews 149
Franks, Paul E & Wellcome P.E.R. 164
Fraudulent Aspirin Tablets 172
Fishing Fleets - Industrialisation of 'Tabloid' 1st Aids for 185
Fraudulent Sandalwood Oil Capsules 186
Fleming & Crawford, Dr 188
First Favourite in Obstetrical work among the Koreans - 'Infundin' 192
German Frauds 41
Guinea Worm - 'Kharsivan' 59, 75
Gall Stones - 'Tabloid' Three Bromides Eff. 65
Grey, Dr, and use of novearsenobenzol in Guinea Worm 75
Guinea Worm - Novearsenobenzol 75
Guinea Worm - 606 + 914 90
Goitre - 'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 116
Graves, Dr J reports a case of delayed puberty 123
Goodman, Dr 130
Grievance about 'nizin' - A 137
Gonorrhoea - 'Nizin' 177
Gold Dust in payment for 'Tabloid' Quinine & Rhubarb Co 198
Guaiacum Resin in Dysmenorrhoea 204
Great White South by Herbert G Ponting 205
'Hazeline' Cream 24, 107, 126
'Hypoloid' Camphor 29
'Hexamine' 30, 127
'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 36, 62, 103, 116, 115, 124, 137, 160, 175, 211
Hamilton Rice, Dr - Brazilian Explorer 38, 82
'Hypoloid' Products55
How to Demonstrate 'Tabloid' 'Empirin' 56
'Hypoloid' Iron and Arsenic 63, 169
Holiday Camps - Medical Equipments for 74
Hamilton Rice, Dr, report on 'Tabloid' Medicine Chest 82
'Hypoloid' Ernutin in Rectal Haemorrhage 86
Harvard University Central American Expedition 87
High Ratio of Service to Cost - 'Tabloid' Products 96
Half Humerous Protest against 'Tabloid' Med. Guide 100
Hints across the Sea 101
Haemoptysis treated with Emetine 106
Hyoscine or Scopolamine 109
'Hypoloid' Scopolamine Hydrobromide 109
Hunter's Life saved by 'Tabloid' Equipments 119
Hystero - Epilepsy - 'Tabloid' Didymin 123
'Hexamine' in Toxic Jaundice 127
Heath, Dr - Treatment of Ulcus Tropicum with 'Kharsivan' 133
Hardenburgh, Dr & treatment of a case of myxoedema with 'Tabloid' Thyroid 147
Hess, Dr A.J. emphasises use of Cod Liver Oile in Rickets 153
Heated Diphtheria Toxin (Schick Control) 154
'Hormones' - Absorption of 169
Hormone Therapy in repeated miscarriage 176
How to swallow compressed medicine 186
High efficiency of 'Kharsivan' in the treatment of Congenital Syphilis 188
Heart Stimulant - Vaporole Ammonia Aromatic 200
Highest Standard of Perfection - 'Tabloid' Equipments 204
'Hazeline' Snow 206
How to sell 'Hazeline' Snow 206
Hyoscine Hydrobromide - Gr 1/200 207
Harrison, Col L W & Treatment of Syphilis 214
Iodicin 1, 23, 35, 55
'Infundin' 4, 13, 32, 36, 44, 54, 62, 67, 72, 103, 134, 175, 192
Influenza Vaccine 14, 29
Infectious Jaundice - Hexamine 30
Influenza - 'Empirin' 31
Intensive Iodine Treatment 35
'Infundin' - Potent after six years 54, 72
Ichthyosis - 'Tabloid' Thyroid 58
Irregular Mentruation - 'Tabloid' Thyroid 66
'Infundin' - Asthma 67
'Infundin' - Extraordinary keeping qualities of 72
'Infundin' Potent after 10 years - A Record 72
'Infundin' & Compark's Preparation - Comparison between 73
Inferior Compressed acetysalicylic acid 79
Inoperable Cancer - Sodium Cacodylate 106
Illustration showing quantity of solution made with one bottle of 'Rytol' & 'Tancol' 117a
'Infundin' in Obstetrics 124
'Infundin' used in preference to Pituitrin 125
Inactive Malt Extract 129
Idosyncrasy to Aspirin 145
Indian Medical Gazette 145
Immunising Results of Diphtheria Toxin-Antitoxin Mixture 161
Is Photography an Expensive Hobby? 163
Iodex 167
Increasing use of 'Neokharvisan' 168
Illustrations of 250 prints developed from the contents of 1 carton of 'Rytol' 170a
Iodine Content of Preparations of the Thyroid Gland 174
Investigation of the Iodine Content of Compressed Thyroid Preparations 174
Intestinal Paresis - 'Infundin' 175
Illustration of 'Tabloid' 1st Aids for fishing fleets 187a
Intolerance of patients due to abnormal causes - 'Kharsivan' held responsible 189
'Infundin' Invariably reliable 192
'Infundin' preferred to Upjohn's, Mufford's, Park Davis's 192
Issue of Wellcome Lanoline & Anhydrous Lanoline in tins of 1 lb & 7 lbs 195
Inferior Bismuth Carbonate causes illness of wealthy Italian Gentleman 197
Ipswich Chemist's Impure Barium Sulphate 199
Increasing use of Ovarian Substance in USA 201
Investigation of the Comparative Solubility of 'Tabloid' Hypodermic Products & Their Principle Competitors 207
Inoperable Cancer - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands No. 1 211
Insufficiency of Milk in the nursing mother - 'Tabloid' 'Mamos' 215
Jigger Infection - 'Phenofax' 9
Juxta-Articular Nodosities - 'Neokharsivan' 91
James - Lt Col 105
Joke About Aspirin Tablets 129
'Kepler' Malt Products 9, 19, 36
'Kharsivan' 20, 30, 33, 64, 90, 104, 121, 132, 188, 215
'Kepler' Malt Extract with Haemoglobin 31
'Kepler' Malt Extract with Iron Iodide 36
'Kharsivan' - Leprosy 76
'Kharsivan' - Non syphilitic diseases 90
'Kharsivan' in certain ocular conditions 92
Keeping properties of Wellcome Brand Chloroform 103
'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil containing Malt Extract & Iron Iodide 117
'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil containing Malt Extract 129, 143, 194, 216
'Kharsivan' - Ulcus Tropicum 133
Kodax tank powders inferior to 'Rytol' 164
Keeping qulity of 'Rytol' 164, 183
Keeping quality of 'Ryyol' 188
'Kharsivan' preferred to Sulfarsenol 188
'Kharsivan' held responsible for intolerance in patients due to abnormal causes 189
'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil containing Malt Extract - Rickets 215, 194
'Kepler' sales - Australiasian Rep and 206
'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil containing Malt Extract - Poor quality milk in nursing mothers 215
'Kharsivan' - Relapsing Fever 30, 92
Lubafax, 1, 21
Lantern Slides 14
Lanoline 16, 140, 195, 201
Lodal 32, 73, 176
Leprosy - Chaulmoogra Oil 36, 178
Letter from Keith Smith - 'Tabloid' First Aid 43
Light Weight Tablets 71
Lodal - New Selling point for 73
Lodal - Uterine Styptic 73
Lethargic Encephalitis - Organic Arsenic 74
Lethargic Encephalitis - 'Neokharsivan'
Lethargic Encephalitis - Anti-Tetanus Serum 75
Laubie 75
Leprosy - 'Kharsivan' 76, 90
Leeds's doctor's report on Adrenalin and 'Tabloid' Suprarenal Gland in the Treatment of Asthma 77
Leprosy - 606, 914 90
L-----, Dr M and 'Soamin' 95
Low comedian and retail druggist, The 96
Low dosage cost of 'Tabloid' Products 96
Local Anaesthetic - 'Tabloid' Aspirin 104
Leprosy - Ethyl Esters of Chaulmoogra Oil 113
London Medical Exhibition 115
Lumbago - Menthofax 118
Life saved by 'Tabloid' Medicine Case 119
Lederle Pituitary 125
Life saved in Mesopotamia 128
Local & Constitutional Reaction of Diphtheria Toxin Antitoxin Mixture 161
Lodal supersedes Ergot 176
Leprosy - Treatment of 178
Leprosy - 'Moogrol' 191, 212
Lanoline Wellcome Brand in bulk 195
Leeds Practitioner uses 'Tabloid' Guaiacum Resin in Dysmenorrhoea 204
Leaflet on 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 216a
Leprosy treated by derivatives of Chaulmoogra Oil 212
Litigation - Aspirin Tablet 213
Miscellaneous Tablets 25
Morphine Sulphate 25
Medical Diary 27, 119
Materia Medica Farm 28
Modern Photographic Equipment 49
Malaria - 'Soamin' 51, 95, 126, 132
Morphine 58, 137
Medical Equipment of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition 61
Montreal Physician's report on 'Hypoloid' Iron & Arsenic 63
Melbourne Pharmacist's report on Ernutin 63
Mediterranean Fever treated with 'Wellcome' Brand Vaccine 66
Medicine Case No. 250 69
Menthol 79
Malaria - Quinine Treatment of 81
Montel, Dr, reports on treatment of juxta-articular nodosities with neosalvarsan 91
Malaria - neosalvarsan 91
M----, Dr + 'Tabloid' Thyroid and Varium 95
Mixed Influenza Vaccines 98
Method of administering Quinine in Malaria 105
Metol 110
McDonald, Dr 113
Montreal House & the sales record for 'Tabloid' 1st Aid
Medica Journal of South Africa 115
Menopause - 'Tabloid' Varium 117
Menthofax 118
Method of using 'Kharsivan' in Vincent's Angina 121
Man, apparently dead, served with 'Infundin' 124
Michel, Dr 130
Malaria - 606, 'Kharsivan', 'Neokharsivan' 132
Massive doses of Antitetanic Serum 135
Morphine 'Tabloid', Good as ever after 16 years 137
Mamos, 'Tabloid', in Menorrhagia 138, 160, 169
Myxoedema - 'Tabloid' Thyroid 147
Massive doses of 914 - Rectal Injections of 155
Mehrtens, Prof & Rectal Injections of Massive Doses of 914 155
Marine Hygiene & Sanitation by Dr Brooks 157
Morell, H, Blood Smears & Counts By 157
Menstruation (painful) Atrophine Sulphate and Antifebrin Compound 168
Miscarriage, repeated - 'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland 176
More Pioneer Work - Treatment of Leprosy 178
'Moogrol' 178, 191, 212
MacKenna, R.W. Treatment of Syphilis in the Male 188
'Moogrol' combined with 'Tabloid' Iodicin & Chaulmoogra Oil in the Treatment of Leprosy 191
Monckton, Mr C.A.W Some Experiences of a New Guinea Resident 196
Modern Medical Equipments 197
Milan House & 'Wellcome' Brand Bismuth Salts 197
Member of United Services Club chooses 'Tabloid' Medicine Chest for use in British East Africa 204
Mercury and arsenobenzol in syphilis 214
Moogrol in Treatment of Leprosy 177a
'Neokharsivan' 20, 36, 42, 90, 104, 112, 123, 131, 168, 188, 215
'Neokharsivan' - Ulcus Tropicum 36, 123, 133
Neosalvarsan Frauds 41
Neosalvarsan - Official control of 47
New York - Sales Idea from 50
'Neokharsivan' - Relapsing Fever 58, 90
'Neokharsivan' - Sleeping Sickness 65
Normal Subjects, Exposure Calculator 68
New Selling Point for 'Lodal' 73
'Neokharsivan' - Encephalitis Lethargic 74, 90
Netter, Prof & the use of Arsenic in Lethargic Encephalitis 74
'Neokharsivan' - Pernicious Anaemia 76, 90
Nonsyphilitic Diseases - 'Kharsivan' & 'Neokharsivan' 90
'Neokharsivan' - justica - articular nodosities 91
Neosalvarsan - malaria 91
'Neokharsivan' in certain ocular conditions 92
New York House - Report from 95
'New South Wales' report on missed Influenza Vaccine 99
'Neokharsivan' - flaws 104
New use for 'Neokharsivan' 112
Neosalvarsan - Diabetes Mellitus 112
Novarsenobenzol or novarrenobenzene 112
'Neokharsivan' Brand Novarsenobenzol 112
New use for 'Kharsivan' 121
New York Rep. reports pn 'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 137
Nizin 137, 177
"Newer Aspects of Some Nutritional Disorders", by Dr Hess 153
'Neokharsivan' exclusively used at Royal Infirmary, Leicester 168
New Title of 1922 Photographic Diary 193
No Substitute for Wellcome Brand Bismuth Carbonate 197
Nitro-Glycerin Tablets - Adulteration of 198
New York Rep. presents Dempsey with 'Vaparole' Aromatic Ammonia 200
New use for 'Wellcome' Toilet Lanoline - A 201
Opium - Sandfly Fever 24
Official Control of Salvarsan & Neosalvarsan 47
Old-Tme Photogrpahic Equipment 48
Organic Arsenic - Relapsing Fever 58
Organic Arsenic - Lethargic Encephalitis 74
Ocular Conditions - 'Kharsivan' & 'Neokharsivan' 92
Obesity - 'Tabloid' Thyroid 114
Oedema - 'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 116
Obstetrics - 'Infundin' 124, 192, 211
Oriental Sore - Emetine 133
One of a 100 reports on P.E.R 1921 164
Obtainable everywhere - 'Tabloid' Products 200
Ovarian Substance 201
P.E.R 1, 45, 68, 87, 102, 141, 152, 164
Phenofax 9
Phylacogens 14, 39
Proflavine 16
Photogrpahy in Confined Quarters 18, 47
Pouchet, Dr G - report on 'Tabloid' Products by 26
Protective Inoculation against Influenza, 29, 99
Pfeiffer's Bacillus 29
Physiological Standardisation of Digitalis 37
Pituitary Liquid, "Armour" 44
'Paroleine' - COnstipation 44
Photographic Exhibition 47
Photo Diaries - Shortage of 45, 53
Pernicious Anaemia - 'Neokharsivan' 76, 90
Pinol and Eucalyptia 79
Pearson, Dr Arthur 81
Prophylactic Treatment of Tetanus in the War - Report on 89
Paisseau, Dr, Treatment of Malaria with neosalvarsan 91
Practical suggestions for demonstrating products to doctors 101
Perfect Revenge - A 111
Points from the Argentine 114
Potassium Permanganate - 'Soloid' 114
Pocket Medicine Case No 109 - 'Tabloid' 128
Palatable preparations of Cod Liver Oil 129
Prophylaxis of Syphilis woth 606 + 914 130
Photographs and spring time 140
Physiological effects of Saccharin 148
Push 'Tabloid' Vichy Effervescent 150
Printed matter for 'Tabloid' Effervescents 151
Prevention of Diphtheria 154
Persistent Hiccough - 'Tabloid' Three Bromides Eff. 159
Photography and Expensive Hobby? - Is 163
Photographic Fair 164
Pharmacology of British Preparations 165
Pharmacology of Hydrocyanic acid 165
Priase for BW&Co All-Glass Septic Syringes 182
Professional Photographers say ''Rytol' is best 184
Prescribe 'Tabloid' Brand for Safety 187
Photographic Diaries 1922 193
Prize-winning photograph developed with 'Tabloid' developer 14 years old 193
Probst, P.T. prosecuted by the US Government 198
Poisoning with impure Barium Sulphate 198
Prize Fighters and 'Vaparole' Ammonia Aromatic 200
Ponting, H.G., Great White South by 200
Pilocarpine Nitrate Gr 1/3 207
Polyglandular Therapy 208
Power, Dr 212
Preliminary Medication for Dental Work by Dr H. E. Tompkins
Queen at British Industries Fair 25
Quinine Treatment of Malaria 81, 105
Quinine Products 122
Quinine Hydrobromide as a diagnostic reagent in Exophthalmic Goitre 146
Quarantine Inspection of Ships - Chinosol 156
Quinine Tablets as Ammunition 196
Ross Smith - Medical Equipment of 18
Roscoe, Sir H.E. - Report on 'Tabloid' Products by 26
Relapsing Fever - 'Kharsivan', 30, 92
Rice, Dr Hamilton - Brazilian Explorer 38, 82
Ross Smith - Report on 'Tabloid' 1st Aid by 43
Report on 'Tabloid' Medical Outfit by Stefansson 52
Report on BW&Co Products by a Physician 56
Relapsing Fever and Adrenalin, 'Neokharsivan', 58, 59, 90
Report on 'Hypoloid' Iron & Arsenic, by a Montreal Physician 63
Report on 'Ernutin' by a Melbourne Pharmacist 63
Report on 'Tolamine' by a West End Doctor 64
Records of Bordeaux Children's Hospital 65
Report on 'Wellcome' Brand Vaccine by Dr S Spanpinato 66
Report on 'Infundin' by a Scarborough Doctor 72
Record, A - 'Infundin' potent after 10 years 72
Report on 'Infundin' by a Devonshire Doctor 72
Report on 'Infundin' by an Australian Visitor 72
Report on the use of 'Neokharsivan' in Lethargic Encephalitis by Dr M Fourrier 74
Report on the use of Adrenalin & 'Tabloid' Suprarenal Gland in Asthma, by a Leeds Doctor 77
Rectal Haemorrhage - 'Hypoloid' Ernutin 86
Report on 'Tabloid' Photo Chemicals by Mr A. W. Carpenter 87
Rytol 87, 102, 110, 141, 163, 183
Report on Prophylactic Treatment of Tetanus in the War 89
Remarkable effects of anti-tetanus serum in tetanus 89
Report from New York House 95
Rose---- , Dr Max, and 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 95
Retail Druggist and the Low Comedian 96
Report on 'Neokharsivan' from British East Africa 104
Representatives of Competitive forms ordered 'Tabloid' from Citrate Comp. on leaving hospital 111
Rational treatment of constipation 113
Record Sale of 'Tabloid' 1st Aid - Is it held by Montreal House? 114
Report on 'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland G I by Dr A---- H---- 114
Rheumatism - Menthofax 118
Raymond's paper on Treatment of Trap. Ulcer with Neosalvarsan 123
Reports from Foreign Houses on use of 'Infundin' in Obstetrics 124
Rectal Injections in Toxic Jaundice 127
Reports of Cases of Syphilis treated with 606 & 914 130
Rickets - Cod Liver Oil 141
Rheumatoid Athritis - Coryza Vaccine No. 4 146
Rickets - 'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil containing Malt Extract 153, 216
Rectal injections of massive doses 914 155
Request for 'Sketofax' from S Rhodesia 159
'Rytol' in good condition after being under water for weeks 164
'Rytol' superior to Kodak tank powders 164
Retinitis - 'Hypoloid' Iron & Arsenic 169
Roosevelt African 'Tabloid' Medicine Chest 171
Report from Mesopotamia 182
Remarkable testimony to the Pharmacy of 'Rytol' 183
Rickets 194, 215
Representatives in Bangkok immune from mosquito bites after using 'Sketofax' 199
'Rytol' used in South Pole Expedition 205
Sodium Salicytate 13, 88, 115
Successful Lantern Slides 14
'Soloid' Mercury Oxycyanide 21
'Soloid' Corrosive Sublimate 21
Sterility in Cattle - 'Soloid' Corrosive Sublimate 21
'Saxin' 21, 26, 46, 126, 136, 148
Solubility of Intestinal Ipecac. Preparations 22
Sandfly Fever - 'Wellcome' Liquid Extract of Opium 24
Skin Troubles - 'Hazeline' Cream 24
Salol Tablets 25
Saccharin Frauds 26, 45, 70, 136, 145
Story of Salvarsan 33
Sodium Gynocardate [Chaulmoograte] 36
Saccharin 37, 136, 145, 148
Searle, Alfred, B 40
Salvarsan - Official Control of 47
Sales Idea from New York 50
'Soamin' - Malaria 51, 81, 95, 126, 132
Shortage of Photo Diaries 53
Stefannson - Report on 'Tabloid' Medical Outfit by 53
Strophanthin in Ampoules 55
Sales and Advertising 57
'Soloid' Tolamine 64
Syringing Ears - Tolamine 64
Sleeping Sickness treated by Salvarsanized Serum 65
Sleeping Sickness - 'Soamin' & Antimony 66
Strange Experience in the Arctic, A 69
Scarborough Doctor's report on 'Infundin' 72
Somes notes on 15 years experience of Malaria in the Upper Congo by Dr Arthur Pearson 81
Sixth Expedition of Dr Hamilton Rice 82
Smith, A Nutter, papr on Aspirin 85
Superiority of 'Wellcome' Sodium Salicylate 88
Sleeping Sickness - 606 + 914 90
Spirochaetal Diseases treated with organic arsenic compounds 90
Spirochaerosis [Relapsing Fever] - 'Kharsivan' 92
Selling help from Argentina 94
Soda-Mint [Tabloid] 96
Services obtained by buying 'Tabloid' Preparations 96
Safeguarding Medical Interests 100
Suggestions for demonstrating our products to doctors 101
Simplified Autochromo Work 102
Superiority of 'Wellcome' Chloroform 103
Surgeon's fidelity to 'Wellcome' Chloroform 103
Superiority of 'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 103
Superiority of 'Kharsivan' 104
Sodium Cacodylate - Inoperable Cancer 106
Sterility - 'Tabloid' 'Thyroid' 107
Scopolamine or Hyoscine 109
'Soloid' Potassium Permanganate 114
Supremacy of 'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland 114
Schistosomiasis [Bilharziasis] - Emetine 116, 134, 158, 213
Something New and Reasonable 118
Seven Seas - Medical Diary on 119
Some interesting Reports on 'Infundin' 124
Saxin and competitive products 126
Salvarsan Fakes 128
606 - Malaria 132
Superficial Leishmaniasis [Oriental Lore] - Emetine 133
Seasickness treated by Atrophine 136
Sydney Rep. Reports on 'Kepler' Malt Extract 138
'Sketofax' 139, 159, 183, 199
Superiority of 'Tabloid' Thyroid Emphasised at the Annual Meeting, Med. Assoc., New York 147
Second Asiatic Expedition 149
S. African Correspondent - Exposure Calculator 1921 152
Schicks Test - New Product for UK 154
'Soloid' Chinosol 156
'Soloid' Micro Stains 157, 203
'Sketofax' - An Historical note & an Expert Report 159
S. Rhodesia - Request for 'Sketofax' from 159
Surprarenal Virilism 160
Sollman, Dr Torald & uselessness of cyanides 165
Shanghai House & delivery of orders 166
Stainless Iodine Ointment 167
Schick Reaction & Diphtheria Toxin Antitoxin Prophylactic 179
Sachs - Georgi reaction for syphilis 181
Syringes - All glass Aseptic 182
Sandal Wood Oil Capsules containing 70% Cottonseed Oil 186
Syphilis - 'Kharsivan', 'Neokharsivan' 188, 214
Sydney Doctor's complaint about 'Kharsivan' 189
Sachs-Georgi Antigen Wellcome Brand 190
Some experiences of a New Guinea Resident by C. A. W. Monckton 196
'Sketofax' makes good in Siam 199
Senile Dementia - 'Tabloid' 'Varium' 202
Small Point but a Good One - A 203
'Soloid' Romanowsky Stain 204
Suggestion for the use of 'Tolamine' - A 204
Suppurating Wounds - 'Tolamine' 204
Scott's, Captain - Conquest of the South Pole 205
South Pole Expedition - 'Rytol' used on 205
Sell Staples 206
Superiority of 'Tabloid' Hypodermic Products 207
Solubility of 'Tabloid' Hypodermic compared with their principal competitors 207
Strychnnine Sulphate Gr 1/30 207
Sterility - 'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 210
Staphylococcus Vaccine saves patient in extremis with erysipelas 212
Syphilis - Arsenobenzol & Mercury 214
'Tabloid' Aspirin 2, 6, 56, 79, 96, 104, 213
'Tabloid' Empirin 2, 6, 79, 27, 31
Transatlantic flight 5, 11
'Tabloid' 1st Aid Equipment 5, 11, 43, 52, 114, 1885
'Tabloid' Hypodermics 10, 33, 207
Therapeutic notes 23, 30, 51, 58, 65, 74, 86, 95, 105, 116, 126, 159, 168
'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland 25, 86, 105, 107, 114, 147, 174, 176
'Tabloid' 'Soamin' 31
'Tabloid' Medical Equipment 38, 52, 62, 87, 150, 205
'Tabloid' Products 39, 49, 60, 72, 78, 96, 126, 200
'Tabloid' Photographic Equipment 43, 87,
'Tabloid' Cascara Gr 2 - Ovals 50, 113
'Tabloid' Ionic Compound - Beri-Beri 51
'Tabloid' Medicine Cases 53, 171, 204, 69
'Tabloid' Products by Aerial Post 53
'Tabloid' Trinitrin 53
'Tabloid' Cascara 54, 97, 98
'Tabloid' Empirin - How to demonstrate 56
Thomas Russell - extract from article by 57
'Tabloid' Advertisements 57, 59a
'Tabloid' necessity for writing word in full 57
'Tabloid' Thyroid - Ichthyosis 58
'Tabloid' Hyoscine Compound B 58
Testicular Tuberculosis - Tabloid Didymin 59
'Tabloid' Photographic Chemicals 62, 87, 140, 163
'Tabloid' Ophthalmics 63
Twilight Sleep - Hyoscine Hydrobromide 64
'Tolamine' - Syringing Ears 64
'Tabloid' Three Bromides Eff. For Gall Stones 65
'Tabloid' Thyroid - Irregular Menstruation 66
'Tabloid' Medicine Case no. 250 69
'Tabloid' Equipment for holiday camps 74
'Tabloid' Equipments - Editors confidence in 74
'Tabloid' Suprarenal Gland 77
'Tabloid' Ten - The 78
Talc in Compressed Medicaments 81
'Tabloid' Quinine In malaria 81
Trickery in making Aspirin Tablets 84, 108
'Tabloid' Thyroid - Eczema 86
'Tabloid' Varium as a Galactagogue 86
Talc advertisement 86b
'Tabloid' placed in offertory bag - Cleryman's Sore throat 88
'Tabloid' animal substances 94
'Tabloid' mixed glands in arteritus obliterans 95
'Tabloid' Thyroid & 'varium' in amenorrhoea 95, 117
'Tabloid' Easton in amnesia 95
'Tabloid' Soda Mint 96
'Tabloid' Easton Syrup 97
'Tabloid' Voice 97
'Tabloid' Medical Guide 100
'Tabloid' Chemicals Simplify Colour Photography 102
'Tabloid' Reversing Compound 102
Treatment of inoperable cancer 106
Tancol 110, 141
'Tabloid' from Citrate Compound 111
'Tabloid' Three Bromides Effervescent 114
'Tabloid' Pituitary 116
'Tabloid' Varium - menopause 117, 210
'Tabloid' Pocket Medicine Case 119
'Tabloid' Quinine 122, 203
Toxic Jaundice - Rectal Injections 127
'Tabloid' Green Toner 140
Time development in Photography 141
'Tabloid' Vichy - Effervescent 150, 177
'Tabloid' Hexamine - Sodium Acid Phosphate 150
'Tabloid' Mamos in menorrhagia 160, 138, 169
Toxin anti-toxin mixture for immunisation 161
'Tabloid' Products of bismuth 165
'Tabloid' Pectoral Pastilles 166
'Tabloid' Bismuth Carbonate or Subnitrate 166
Transport in China 166
'Tabloid' Atropine Sulphate Aetifebrin compound in cases of painful menstruation 168
Thyroxin (compibb) 169
'Tabloid' Thymus - Unusual Report 170
'Tabloid' Developer 15yrs old enables amateur to win 1st photographic prize 174
'Tabloid' Amidol good after 15 years 174
'Tabloid' Blue & Green Toners 174
Tabulet Thyroid Gland - Compfauls 174
'Tabloid' Thomas - literine fibroid tumour 176
'Tabloid' Effervescent Sodium Sulphate 177
Treatment of syphilis in the male by P.W. Maekenna 188
'Tabloid' Iodioin & Chaulmoogra oil combined with 'moognol' in the treatment of leprosy 191
'Tabloid' Qunine & rhubarb Compound 198
'Tabloid' Products are universal staples 200
'Tabloid' Varium in Amenorrhoea & Dysmenorrhoea 202
Trickery in ammoniated quinine tablets 203
'Tabloid' ammoniated quinine 203
Trouble experienced when 'Soloid' micro stains were used with Comparks' methyl alcohol 203
'Tolamine' on Boric Lint for supplicating wounds 204
'Tabloid' Equipments the highest standard of perfection 204
'Tabloid' Mixed Glands - Leaflet on 216a
Therapeutic uses of the anterior pituitary gland by Drs Scott & Broderick 208
'Tabloid' Mixed Glands 208
Treatment of Syphilis with arsenobenzol & mercury 214
Two useful Products for the Pediatrist & obstetrician 215
'Tabloid' Mamos - Insufficiency of milk in the nursing mother 215
Ulcus Tropicum - 'Neokharsivan' 36, 123, 133
Use of alcohol in Medicine 60
Urethral Irrigation - 'Tolamine' 64
Uterine styptic - 'Lodal' 73
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 99
U.S.A naval Cases & mixed influenza vaccine 99
Ulcus Tropicum - 'Kharsivan' 133
Use of 'Sketofax' 139
U.K., New products for - Schick Test 154
Uselessness of eyanides 165
Unusual results from 'hypoloid iron & arsenic in obstinate retinitis' 169
Unusual Report of 'Tabloid' Thymus 170
Uterine haemorrhage & pain - 'Lodal' 176
Uterine fibroid tumour - 'Tabloid' Mamos 176
Use of sulfarsehol in the treatment of congenital syphilis by Drs Crawford & Fleming 188
Untoward by-effects in the use of salvanson & its analogues 189
U.S. Government prosecute P.T. Probst 198
U.S.A. Reports increasing use of ovarian substance 201
Vaccine - 'Wellcome' Coryza, no.4 3, 146
Vicker's Vimy aeroplane 18
Varium 23, 86
Vaparole ammonium chloride inhaler 79
Varium as a galactogogue 86
Voice - 'Tabloid' 97
Vincent's Angina - 'Kharsivan' 121
Vaparole Iodine Tincture 167
Venereal Clinic, Royal Infirmary, Leicester 168
Vaparole Ammonia Aromatic 200
Vitamins in the treatments of Rickets 215
Wellcome' P& R 1, 45, 102, 141
Wellcome' Coryza Vaccine, no.4 3, 146
Wellcome' Photographic Exposure Calculation 19, 152
Wellcome' Brand Liquid Extract of Opium 24
Wellcome' Brand Concentrated Tinctures 28
Wellcome' Malaria Medica Farm 28
Wellcome' Brand Influenza Vaccine (mixed) 29, 99
West End Doctors report on 'Tolamine' 64
Wellcome' Brand Vaccine - Mediterranean Fever 66
Wintergreen Oil 79
W.P.R.L 89, 154
Wellcome' Brand Chloroform 103, 101, 115
Wellcome' Brand Emetine Salts 106
W.C.R.L. 113, 178, 191, 212
W.B.S.R. 116
What a 'tabloid' case did in the Great War 119
Wellcome' Brand quinine 122
Dr W.G. - 'Tabloid' Ergotitine Citrate 134
Wellcome' Toilet Lanoline 140, 195, 201
What's in the P.E.R 141
Wellcome' Brand Diphtheria Prophylactic 154, 161
Wellcome' Brand Sach's - Georgi Antigen 181
Wellcome' Brand Bismuth Carbonate 197
Worth It's Weight In Gold 198
Why did Dempsey beat Charpentier? 200
Yaw's 'Kharsivan' & 'Neokharsivan' 23, 104
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