Correspondence: colleagues and general
- Date:
- 1935-1988
- Reference:
- Part of:
- Parkes, Sir Alan Sterling (1900-1990)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Physical description
Index to correspondents
Adams, Dr C E: A.1
Agricultural Research Council: Sir Gordon Cox: A.13
Alexander, W G: from Lord Rothschild: A.8
Allen, Dr F H: Civil Service Department: A.16
American Eugenics Society Inc: Dr Frederick Osborn: A.16
Amoroso, Professor E C: Royal Veterinary College: A.4
Ansell, S E: Administrative Assistant (Student Records), University of Sheffield: A.15
APHA Task Force on Family Planning Methods: Carl W Tyler, jr, Chairman: A.16
Armer, Miss O L: Appeals Secretary, Barnardo's : A.16
Association for the Aid of Crippled Children: Slater, Dr Robert J: A.11
Audrey Smith Memorial Fund: Dr Lindsey Withers: A.19
Austin, Professor C R : A.3, A.4
Austin, Professor C R: from D A Gill, MacMaster Animal Health Laboratory Syndey NSW: A.10
Austin, Professor C R: to Lord Rothschild: A.89
Australian National University: Professor J C Caldwell, Department of Demography: A.17
Baer, Professor Dee: A.15
Barrett, Dr John C: A.20
Barrington, E J W: Institute of Biology: A.19
Basic Books Inc: Navin Sullivan, Editorial Consultant: A.14
Bath University of Technology: G S Horner, Secretary and Registrar: A.15
Bayer, Dirk: A.19
Bell, Professor G H: A.12
Benson, Dr G Keith: Hon Secretary: A.15
Benson, Dr G Keith: Society for Endocrinology: A.16
Berry, D M: Editor, Directory of Poultry Research in the UK, Evans Medical Ltd, : A.15
Bertram, Dr G Colin B: A.20
Bhagdikar, S K: Assistant Registrar (Exams), Nagpur University: A.14
Biggers, Professor John D: A.19
Biosocial Society: Dr A Maro Laxton, Hon Treasurer: A.20
Biosocial Society: Dr Robert Snowden, Secretary/Treasurer: A.20
Bishop, Dr Peter M F: A.11
Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd: Per Saugman: A.12
Bottarall, H B: A.13
Bowman, Professor J C: University of Reading Department of Agriculture: A.14
Bowyer, F T: Director, Howes Bookshop Ltd: A.10
Bradshaw, David: A.20
Brambell, F W Rogers: A.11, A.13
Bramfitt, Miss D M J: Committee Secretary, Medical Research Council: A.17
Brewer, Michael F: President, Population Reference Bureau Inc: A.16
Brewster, M E: Assistant Secretary, Lord Rothschild: A.8
Brightwell, Robin: Producer, British Broadcasting Corporation, Further Education Department: A.15
Brindley, Professor G S: Department of Physiology, Institute of Psychiatry: A.17
British Antarctic Survey: Dr R M Laws: A.17
British Association for the Advancement of Science: A.17
British Broadcasting Corporation: A.13
British Broadcasting Corporation: Further Education Department, Robin Brightwell, producer: A.15
British Council: Lima, Peru, J H K Harriman, Representative: A.10
British Turkey Federation: Dr M J Head: A.13
Brook, Caspar: Director, Family Planning Association: A.17
Bruce, Miss H M: from C W Emmens: A.2
Brundish, Heather: for Michael Buttler, Penguin Education: A.15
Bunjé, Henry: Medical Research Council, Committee of Enquiry into the Veterinary Profession: A.15
Burdick, C Lalor: Lalor Foundation: A.11
Bursell, Professor E: A.14
Buttler, Michael: Penguin Education, Heather Brundish for : A.15
Caldwell, Professor J C: Department of Demography, Australian National University: A.17
Cambridge College of Further Education: P A Clarke, Principal: A.19
Camp, M R: Secretary, Drummond Memorial Fund: A.10
Camps, Dr W A: Pembroke College, Cambridge: A.15
Cannings, Chris: A.15
Cant, Miss D M: Establishment Division, Natural Environment Research Council: A.17
Carman, Professor John B: A.16
Cartwright, Dr Ann: A.19
Casey, Donn: RRIS (Reproduction Research Information Service): A.18
Caswell, Miss S: National Institute of Medical Research: A.3
Cayman Turtle Farm Ltd: General Manager, Research: A.19
Channon, H J: Drummond Memorial Fund: A.10
Charvat, Professor Josef: A.15, E.16
Chiger, E: Secretary, Organising Committee, International Symposium on Sex Education: A.16
Chinnatamby, Dr Siva: A.15
Chitty, Nick: A.13
Christs College Cambridge: Dr C P Courtney, Librarian: A.20
Churchill Livingstone: W G Henderson: A.16
Churchill, Rhona, Daily Mail: A.11
Chuter, Reg: A.20
Ciba Foundation: Deputy Director: A.1
Ciba Foundation: Dr A V S de Reuck: A.11
Ciba Foundation: Dr G E W Wolstenholme: A.15
Civil Service Department: Dr F H Allen: A.16
Clarke, P A: Prinicipal, Cambridge College of Further Education: A.19
Clarke, Professor M L: Vice-Principal, University College of North Wales, Bangor: A.14
Clements, E M B: Grants Section, T F Moore for: A.5
Clements, E M B: Medical Research Council: A.4
Clough, Dr Gerald: A.20
Clough, Dr Gerald: A.20
Coles, Dr Ruth: A.19
Coles, Dr Ruth: A.19
Collins, Miss P B: for Executive Secretary, Royal Society: A.16
Comfort, Alex: A.10
Committee of Enquiry into the Veterinary Professor: Henry Bunjé, Medical Research Council: A.15
Committee to Investigate Fertility Control : Sir John Stallworthy: A.17
Cooper, Professor Sir William Mansfield: Vice-Chancellor, University of Manchester: A.13
Copp, D J B: General Secretary, Institute of Biology: A.17, E.29
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Australia: from C R Harington: A.3
Council for Scientific Policy: J C Kendrew: A.8
Council for Scientific Policy: Lord Rothschild: A.8
Courtney, Dr C P: Librarian, Christs College Cambridge, : A.20
Cowgill, Professor Ursula M: A.15, A.17
Cowie, Dr A T: A.15, A. 16, A.17
Cox, Sir Gordon: Agricultural Research Council: A.13
Cox, Sir Gordon: Secretary: A.12
Daily Mirror: Bryan Parker, Assistant Editor: A.10
Dallas, W P: A.5
Dardashti, Mrs Albert: A.17
Davidson, Professor Lindsay: A.13, A.14
Davis, J S: Excerpta Medica: A.15, A.16
De la Balze, Professor F A: from G Pincus: A.1
De Reuck, Dr A V S: Deputy Director, Ciba Foundation: A.1
Delany, Professor Michael J: A.14, E.36
Dempsey, Professor E.: A.16
Dennis, Mrs Frances: International Planned Parenthood Federation: A.10, A.20
Diamond, Professor Milton: A.17
Dickens, Giles: A.10
Dingwall, Dr E J: A.10
Directory of Poultry Research in the UK: D M Berry, Editor: A.15
Dixon, Dr Bernard: The Scientist: the Newspaper for the Science Professional, Editor: A.20
Dodd, Professor J M: A.10, A.14
Dodds, Sir Charles (E C): A.2, A.11, A.12, A.13
Dodds, Sir Charles (E C): Institute of Biology: A.15
Dominic, Professor C J: A.12, A.20
Donnelly, Desmond: A.10
Donovan, Dr Bernard T: A.20
Doolittle, Donald P: A.10
Dorfman, R I: A.1
Doring, Professor Gerhard K: A.10
Dr Barnardo's: Miss O L Armer, Appeals Secretary: A.16
Dr. Mittag Verwaltungsgesellschaft MBH: Dr Judith Mittag: A.19
Drew, Penna: A.15
Drew, Robert: A.12
Drummond Memorial Fund: D E Hughes pp H Jephcott: A.10
Drummond Memorial Fund: H J Channon: A.10
Drummond Memorial Fund: M R Camp, Secretary: A.10
Du Sautoy, Peter F: Chairman, Faber and Faber Ltd: A.16
Duguid, Professor J P: A.12
Dunn, L C: to and from Lord Rothschild: A.10
East African Wild Life Society: Michael J Sawyer, Chief Executive: A.15
Edgard, Dr D G: Director, Ruakara Animal Research Station, Hamilton, New Zealand: A.14
Edwards, Dr Robert G: A.14
Edwards, Professor J H: A.17
Eltringham, Dr S Keith: A.16, A.17
Emmens, Professor Clifford W: A.2
Endeavour: W A Osman, Assistant Editor: A.10
Eraj, Dr Yusaf, A: A.13
Eriksson, Dr Aldur W: A.17
Eugenics Society: 1987 Symposium on Sir Julian Huxley, Dr W Milo, Organiser: A.20
Evang, Kark: Director-General, Health Services of Norway: A.10
Evans Medical Ltd: D M Berry, Editor, Directory of Poultry Research in the UK: A.15
Evans, Dr R Charles: University College of North Wales, Bangor: A.14
Evans, John H Evander: A.19
Evans, R W J: Academic Secretary, University of Wales, Cardiff: A.12
Excerpta Medica: J S Davis: A.15, A.16
Excerpta Medica: Dr Pierre J Vinken: A.16
Faber and Faber Ltd: Peter F Sautoy, Chairman: A.16
Family Planning Association of Pakistan: Dr Zarena A, Fazelbhoy: A.10
Farber, Seymour M: Dean of Continuing Education, University of California San Francisco Medical Center: A.10
Farris, Edmond J: Executive Director, Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology: A.10
Faulkner, Mrs M: A.11
Fazelbhoy, Dr Zarena A: President, Family Planning of Association: A.10
Fendall, N R A: Ninth International Congress of Tropical Medicine and Malaria, Athens, oct 1973: A.17
Filliat, Miss Chantal: A.16
Fletcher, Henry: Deputy Director, Oxfam: A.10
Folley, Mrs Mary: A.16, A.17
Folley, Professor S J: A.1, A.10
Folley, Professor S J: A.13
Folley, Professor S J: Journal of Endocrinology: A.13
Ford, Charles E: A.15, A.16
Fox, Dr Cyril A: A.13
Fox, Edward W: A.12
Fox, Sir Theodore: A.12
Frances, John T: A.16
Francis, Mrs Winifred J A: A.15
Fraser Roberts, J A: A.15
Friedman, Bruno: IMPACT of Science on Society, Editor: A.14
Friedman, Bruno: IMPACT of Science on Society, Editor-in-Chief: A.16
Friends of University College London: A.10
Frow, Gordon: Secretary, Human Rights Trust: A.16
Fullman, B: A.10
Gaddum, Professor J H: A.2
Gaddum, Professor J H: Institute of Animal Physiology Babraham: A.10
Garcia, Dr Celso-Ramon: Secretary-Treasurer, International Society for Research in the Biology of Reproduction: A.1
Gill, D A: McMaster Animal Health Laboratory Sydney NSW, Chief of Division of Animal Health and Production: A.10
Gill, D A: McMaster Animal Health Laboratory Sydney NSW, Chief of Division of Animal Health and Production to C R Austin: A.10
Gill, D A: McMaster Animal Health Laboratory Sydney NSW, Officer-in-Charge: A.3
Gillett, Dr J D: A.12
Gilroy, Dr Alan: Ross Institute of Tropical Hygiene (India Branch): A.12
Glover, Professor Timothy D: A.19
Goodwin, Dr L: Director of Science, Nuffield Foundation: A.13
Gordon, Dr R F: Houghton Poultry Research Station: A.13
Graham, Professor John B: A.15, A.17
Grant, Dr J K: A.19
Grant, Dr Valerie J: A.19
Grebenik, Professor E: A.18, A.19, A.20
Green, S J: Solicitor: A.12
Grey, Anthony: A.18
Guilbride, Dr P D L: A.15
Guy, Graham L: A.14
Haddow, Sir Alexander: A.16
Hafez, Professor E S E: A.16
Hamilton, Dr David: A.20
Hamilton, W D: A.15
Hammond, Dr John ('Pip'): A.17
Hammond, Dr John ('Pip'): School of Agriculture, Cambridge: A.3
Handley-Taylor, Geoffrey: Editor, Lancashire Authors Today: A.15
Hanington, Edda: Assistant Secretary, Wellcome Trust: A.13
Hankinson, G S: Administrative Assistant, University of Cambridge, General Board of Facilities: A.14
Harriman, J H K: Representative, Peru, British Council Line: A.10
Harrington, Sir Charles R: National Institute of Medical Research: A.3, A.4
Harris, Dr R J C: A.11
Harris, Professor Geoffrey W: A.1
Harrison, Professor Geoffrey Ainsworth: A.20
Harrison, Professor J: Raffles Professor of Zoology Singapore: A.10
Harthorn, Barbara: A.11, A.14
Hartree, Dr Anne Stockell: to I W Rowlands, Wellcome Institute of Comparative Physiology, Zoological Society of London: A.10
Haslewood, Professor G A D: A.13
Head, Dr M J: British Turkey Federation: A.13
Hearn, John: A.13
Hebrew University: Ad Hoc Committee, Professor J Magnes, Chairman: A.14
Hellwing, S: A.15
Henderson, James: Academic Registrar, University of London: A.2
Henderson, W G: Churchill Livingstone: A.16
Herbertson, Mrs Margaret A: A.20
Herbertson, Mrs Margaret A: Trust for Research and Education in Reproduction, Secretary: A.19
Herbertson, Mrs Margaret A: Journal of Reproduction and Fertility: A.20
Herbertson, Mrs Margaret A: Journals of Reproduction and Fertility Ltd, Secretary: A.19
Hill, Dr R T: A.12, A.16
Himsworth, Sir Harold: A.16
Himsworth, Sir Harold: to and from C R Austin: A.4
Hogg, Carolyn: A.19
Holcombe, Sally: President, Oxford University Medical Society: A.13
Horner, G S: Secretary and Registrar, Bath University of Technology: A.15
Houghton Poultry Research Station: Dr R F Gordon: A.13
Houssay, B S: A.10
Howard James and Co Solicitors: A.19
Howes Bookshop Ltd: F T Bowyer, Director: A.10
Human Rights Trust: Gordon Frow, Secretary: A.16
Hytten, Dr Frank E: A.10
Ibbertson, Professor H K: A.15
IMPACT of Science on Society: Bruno Friedman, Editor: A.14
IMPACT of Science on Society: Bruno Friedman, Editor-in-Chief: A.16
Indian Council of Medical Research: Reproductive Physiology Unit, Dr (Mrs) Shanta s Rao: A.12
Ingle, Professor Dwight J: A.12
Ingle, Professor Dwight J: Editor, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine: A.1, A.13
Institute of Biology: E J W Barrington: A.19
Institute of Biology: Dr J B Copp, General Secretary: A.17
Institute of Biology: Professor Sir Charles Dodds: A.15
Institute of Psychiatry: Professor G S Brindley, Department of Physiology: A.17
Interdisciplinary Communications Program: Smithsonian Institution, Professor M C Shelesnyak : A.17
International African Institute: A.15
International Association of Microbiological Societies: Permanent Section of Microbiological Standardisation, Dr F T Perkins: A.13
International Conference on Environmental Future 1971: Nicholas Polunin, Steering Committee: A.15
International Planned Parenthood Federation: Mrs Joan Swingler, Executive Secretary: A.20
International Society for Research in the Biology of Reproduction: Celso-Ramon Garcia, Secretary-Treasurer: A.1
International Symposium on 'The Effect of Prolonged Drug Usage on Fetal Development: Professor Marcus A Klingberg: A.15
International Symposium on 'The Effect of Prolonged Drug Usage on Fetal Development: Dr Michael Torten: A.15
International Symposium on Sex Education: E. Chiger, Secretary, Organising Committee: A.16
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population: Chris Langford, British Member of Working Party on early history: A.19
Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas: Cynthia Lowder, Executive Assistant: A.13
Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas: D P Savile, Executive Assistant: A.13
Jackson of Burnley, Lord: A.14
James, Betty: A.13
James, Dr W H: A.17
James, Eric: Honorary General Secretary, Society of Low Temperature Biology: A.19
James, V H T: General Secretary, Society for Endocrinology: A.19
Jephcott, H: Drummond Memorial Fund: A.10
Johnson, Dr Elizabeth: A.12
Johnson, Mrs Eve: A.13
Journal of Endocrinology: S Zuckerman: A.3
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility: A.11
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility: Mrs Margaret A. Herbertson, Secretary: A.19-A.20
Kar, Dr A B: A.12
Kaye, I: Librarian, Royal Society: A.4
Keay, Dr Ronald W J: Executive Secretary, Royal Society: A.4
Kendrew, J: Council for Scientific Policy: A.8
Kew, J A C: Royal Veterinary College East African Expedition, 1965: A.12
Keynes, Dr W Milo: Organiser, Eugenics Society 1987 Symposium on Sir Julian Huxley: A.20
Kiddy, Dr Charles A: A.15
Kinross, John B: A.20
Klingberg, Professor Marcus A: International Symposium on 'The Effect of Prolonged Drug Usage on Fetal Development': A.15
Klopper, Dr Arnold: A.1, A.18
Knowles, Francis: Royal Society Sectional Committee: A.15
Labeyrie, Professeur V: A.13
Lalor Foundation: C Lalor Burdick: A.11
Lamming, Professor G Eric: A.20
Lamming, Professor G Eric: Society for the Study of Fertility: A.20
Lamming, Professor G Eric: Trust for Research and Education in Reproduction: A.19
Lamming, Professor G Eric: University of Nottingham, School of Agriculture: A.15
Lancashire Authors Today: Geoffrey Handley, Editor: A.15
Landau, Mrs Claire: Managing Editor, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine : A.1
Langford, Chris: British Member of Working party on early history, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population: A.19
Laurentian Hormone Conference: A.1
Laws, Dr R M: A.16
Laws, Dr R M: British Antarctic Survey: A.17
Laxton, Dr A Maro: Hon. Treasurer, Biosocial Society: A.20
Lewis, W R G: Registrar, University of Birmingham: A.13
Liggins, Professor G C: A.15
Lima, Professor Octavio Rodrigues: A.17
Lloyd, Dr John A: A.1, A.12, A.15
Low, William A: A.12
Lowder, Cynthia: Executive Assistant, Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas: A.13
Lush, Brandon: Medical Research Council, to and from C R Austin: A.4
Lyons, W R: A.14, A.15
MacLeod, Roy: Historical and Social Studies of Science, University of Sussex: A.17
Maddox, John: Editor, Nature: A.12
Magnes, Professor J: Chairman, Hebrew University, Adhoc Committee: A.14
Mallinson, Dr Margaret: Medical Research Council: A.12
Maplethorpe, C W: Treasurer, Research Defence Society: A.15
Marrian, Mrs Phyllis: A.19
Marrian, Professor Guy: A.13
Martin, Geoffrey T: A.13
Martin, Sir David C: Executive Secretary, Royal Society: A.4
Martin, Sir David C: Royal Society: A.18
McKnight, Margaret: Secretary, Lord Ritchie-Calder: A.16
McLaren, Dr Anne: A.17
McMaster Animal Health Laboratory Sydney NSW: R L Reid, Research Officer: A.3
McMaster Animal Health Laboratory Sydney NSW: D A Gill, Chief of Division of Animal Health and Production: A.10
McMaster Animal Health Laboratory Sydney NSW: Officer-in-Charge: A.3
McPhail, Irene Ross: A.20
Mears, Dr Eleanor C L: A.1
Medical Research Council: to and from C R Austin: A.4
Medical Research Council: Brandon Lush to and from C R Austin: A.4
Medical Research Council: Dr Margaret Mallinson: A.12
Medical Research Council: Grants Section, T F Moore for F H A Clements: A.5
Medical Research Council: Miss D M J Bramfitt, Committee Secretary: A.17
Medical Research Council: E M B Clements: A.4
Michael, Dr Richard P: A.15
Miller, Professor T G: A.13
Minister of Overseas Development: Reg Prentice: A.11, A.12
Ministry of Home Security, Research and Experiments Department: Oxford Extra Mural Unit, E B Turner, Secretary: A.2
Mitchell-Heggs, Dr Gordon B: A.12
Mitchell-Heggs, Dr Gordon B: to Dr P Bishop: A.11
Mittag, Dr Judith: Dr Mittag Verwaltungsgesellschaft MBH: A.19
Moder, Dra. Stella: A.13
Monast, M Serge: A.17
Moore, T F: for E M B Clements, Medical Research Council Grants Section: A.5
Nag, Professor Moni: A.14
Nagpur University: S K Bhagdikar, Assistant Registrat (Exams): A.14
National Museum Rhodesia: Dr Vivian J Wilson: A.16
National Institute of Medical Research: Sir Charles (C R) Harrington: A.4
National Science Foundation USA: David B Tyler, Head, Physiological Processes Section: A.13
Natural Environment Research Council: Miss D M Cant, Establishment Division: A.17
Nature: Nicholas J M Timmins, Editorial Staff: A.17
Nature: John Tooze: A.12
Neuberger, Professor Albert: A.19
Ninth International Congress of Tropical Medicine and Malaria: Athens, Oct 1973, N R E Fendall: A.17
Norway, Health Services of: Karl Evang, Director-General: A.10
Nuffield Foundation: Dr L: Director of Science: A.13
Nuffield Institute for Medical Research: Oxford, Dr H B Parry: A.17
O'Neil, Emeritus Professor W M: Australian Research Grants Committee: A.17
Oakley, Professor C L: A.16
Oakley, Professor C L: Royal Society Sectional Committee 10: A.14
Oram, Arthur T: Honorary Secretary, Society of Psychical Research Inc: A.20
Orr, Professor Charles A: A.15, A.16
Osborn, Dr Frederick: American Eugenics Society Inc: A.16
Oudshoorn, Dr N E J: A.20
Owen, Miss E M: Awards Committee, Secretary: A.12, A.13
Owen, Miss E M: Zoological Society of London: A.14
Oxfam: Henry Fletcher, Deputy Director: A.10
Oxford University Medical Society: Sally Holcombe, President: A.13
Oxford University Press: Miss Valerie Taylor, English Language Teaching Department (A/V): A.15
Parker, Bryan: Assistant Editor Daily Mirror: A.10
Parry, Dr H B: Nuffield Institute for Medical Research, Oxford: A.17
Patil, Dr D R: A.15, A.17
Patil, Dr D R: A.15, A.17
Paxman, Dr H B: Nuffield Institute for Medical Research, Oxford: A.17
Pearl, Geoffrey: Chairman, British Cryogenic Society: A.15
Peel, Dr John: A.17
Pegg, D E: Chairman, Society for Cryobiology: A.19
Pembroke College: Cambridge, Dr W A Camps: A.15
Penguin Books Ltd: Peter Wright: A.16
Penguin Education: Michael Butler, Heather Brundish for: A.15
Perkins, Dr F T: International Association of Microbiological Societies, Permanent Section of Microbiological Standardisation: A.13
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine : Professor Dwight J Ingle, Editor: A.1, A.13
Phelps Brown, H: A.13
Piggford, Betty pp S Zuckerman: A.3
Pincus, Gregory: A.1
Playfair, Dr P: A.14
Polunin, Nicholas: Chairman, Steering Committee, International Conference on Environment Future, 1971: A.15
Population Reference Bureau Inc: Michael F Brewer, President: A.16
Powles, John: Book Review Editor, Science, Medicine and Man: A.17
Prehoda, Robert W: A.13
Prentice, Reg: Minister of Overseas Development: A.11, A.12
Racey, Dr P A: A.15
Rao, Dr (Mrs) Shanta S: Reproductive Physiology Unit, Indian Council of Medical Research: A.12
Raymont, Professor L H: Chairman, Society for Endocrinology: A.20
Reid, R L: Research Officer, McMaster Animal Health Laboratory, Syndey NSW: A.3
Reproductive Physiology Unit: Indian Council of Medical Research, Dr (Mrs) Shanta S Rao: A.12
Research Defence Society: C W Maplethorpe, Treasurer: A.15
Richards, Dr Martin P M: A.18
Richmond, Caroline: A.20
Roberts, Professor Derek F: A.17
Roberts, Professor Derek F: Society for the Study of Human Biology: A.20
Robertson, Professor Alan: Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Edinburgh: A.12
Robinson, N H: Librarian, Royal Society: A.20
Rookledge, Dr K A: A.15
Rosen, Dr Emanuel: A.17
Ross Institute of Tropical Hygiene (India Branch): Dr Alan Gilroy: A.12
Rothschild, Lord: A.8
Rothschild, Lord: Miss N Shawyer, Secretary: A.8
Rothschild, Lord: Council for Scientific Policy: A.8
Rothschild, Lord: M E Brewster, Assistant Secretary: A.8
Rothschild, Lord: to and from L C Dunn: A.10
Rowlands, Dr Idwal W: A.13, A.17
Rowlands, Dr Idwal W: Wellcome Institute of Comparative Physiology, Zoological Society of London to A S Hartree: A.10
Rowlands, Dr Idwal W: Wellcome Institute of Comparative Physiology, Zoological Society of London:: A.14
Royal Veterinary College: Professor E M Amoroso: A.4
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Edinburgh, Professor A Robertson: A.12
Royal College of Surgeons, Secretary: A.11
Royal Society: Executive Secretary, Miss P B Collins for: A.16
Royal Society: J Smiles: A.3
Royal Society: N H Robinson, Librarian: A.20
Royal Society: Dr P T Warren, Executive Secretary: A.20
Royal Society: Dr R W J Keay, Executive Secretary: A.19
Royal Society: I Kaye, Librarian: A.4
Royal Society: J C Graddon: A.17
Royal Society: Section Committee 10, Professor C L Oakley : A.14
Royal Society: Section Committee 7, Francis Knowles: A.15
Royal Society: Section Committee 9, Professor F G Young: A.17
Royal Society: Section Committee for Zoology, S Zuckerman : A.5
Royal Society: Sir David C Martin, Executive Secretary: A.4, A.18
Royal Veterinary College East African Expedition 1965: J A C Kew: A.12
RRIS (Reproduction Research Information Service): Donn Casey: A.18
Ruakara Animal Research Station: Hamilton, New Zealand, Dr D G Edgar, Director: A.14
'Sadie': A.15
Sanderson, W A: Nuffield Foundation: A.10
Sandford, Joanna: Registrar, Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology: A.1
Santiago-Bay, Jorge A: A.20
Saugman, Per: Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd: A.12
Sawyer, Michael J: Chief Executive, East African Wild Life Society: A.15
Saxena, Dr Badri N: A.16
School of Agriculture: University of Cambridge, Dr J Hammond: A.3
Science, Medicine, and Man: John Powles, Book Review Editor: A.17
Science Research Council: J A E Taylor: A.13
Science Research Council: R B Snow: A.13
Searle, G D and Co Ltd: G R Venning: A.15
Segal, Dr Sheldon J: A.15
Sharma, Professor S D: A.15
Shawyer, Miss N: Secretary, Lord Rothschild: A.8
Shelesnyak, Professor M C: Director, Interdisciplinary Communications Program, Smithsonian Institution: A.17
Short, Professor Roger V: A.19
Short, Professor Roger V: to G Pincus: A.1
Simmons, Clifford A: A.13
Simpson, Miriam: A.15
Slater, Dr Robert J: Association for the Aid of Crippled Children: A.11
Smiles, J: Royal Society: A.3
Smith, Dr Audrey: to and from S Zuckerman: A.6
Smith, Dr Audrey: to Lord Rothschild: A.8
Smithsonian Institution, Interdisciplinary Communications Program, Professor M C Shelesnyak, Director: A.17
Snaith, Linton: A.11
Snow, R B: Science Research Council: A.13
Snowden, Dr Robert: A.16
Snowden, Dr Robert: Secretary/Treasurer, Biosocial Society: A.20
Society for Cryobiology: D E Pegg, Chairman: A.19
Society for Endocrinology: Dr G Keith Benson: A.16
Society for Endocrinology: Professor L H Rees, Chairman: A.20
Society for Endocrinology: V H T James, General Secretary: A.19
Society for the Study of Fertility: Professor G E Laming: A.20
Society for the Study of Human Biology: Professor D H Roberts: A.20
Society of Low Temperature Biology: Eric James, Honorary General Secretary: A.19
Society of Psychical Research Inc: Arthur T Oram, Honorary Secretary: A.20
Solicitor: S J Green: A.12
Sonnenschein, Professor Ralph R: A.20
Stallworthy, Sir John: Committee to Investigate Fertility Control: A.17
Standen, Dr V A: A.19
Still, Elizabeth: A.17
Stokes, A: A.12
Sullivan, Navin: Editorial Consultant, Basic Books Inc: A.14
Sulman, Professor F G: A.14
Summerfield, Professor Arthur: A.31
Swingler, Mrs Joan: International Planned Parenthood Association, Executive Secretary: A.20
Swyer, Dr Gerald I M: A.1
Symington, Dr R M: A.14, A.16
Talbot, C H: Honorary Secretary, United Sheffield Hospitals, Medical Research Sub-committee: A.13
Taylor and Francis: A.20
Taylor, Charles: A.20
Taylor, Dr Wallis: A.13
Taylor, J A E: Science Research Council: A.13
Taylor, Miss Valerie: Oxford University Press, English Language Teaching Department (A/V): A.15
The Scientist: The Newspaper for the Science Professional: Dr Bernard Dixon, Editor: A.20
Thoday, Professor J M: A.16
Thompson, Harry V: A.13
Thompson, Miss J H: A.13
Timins, Nicholas J M: Editorial Staff, Nature: A.17
Timson, Dr John: A.16
Tooze, John, Nature: A.12
Torten, Dr Michael: International Symposium on 'The Effect of Prolonged Drug Usage on Fetal Development': A.15
Trust for Research and Education in Reproduction: Professor G E Lamming: A.19
Trust for Research and Education in Reproduction: Miss M A Herbertson, Secretary: A.19
Turner, B B: Secretary, Ministry of Home Security, Research and Experiments Department, Oxford Extra-Mural Unit: A.2
Turner, Professor Thomas B: A.15
Tyler, Carl W Jr: Chairman, APHA Task Force on Family Planning Methods: A.16
Tyler, David B: Head, Physiological Processes Section, National Science Foundation USA: A.13
United Sheffield Hospitals: Medical Research Sub-Committee, C H Talbot, Honorary Secretary: A.13
University College London: B Ifor Evans, Provost: A.10
University College London: Friends of : A.10
University of Birmingham: Department of Social Medicine, Dr J A H Waterhouse: A.12
University of Birmingham: Department of Social Medicine, W R G Lewis, Registrar: A.13
University of California San Francisco Medical Center: Seymour M Farber, Dean of Continuing Education: A.10
University of Cambridge: General Board of Faculties, G S Hankinson, Administrative Assistant: A.14
University of London: James Henderson, Academic Registrar: A.2
University of Manchester: Professor Sir William Mansfield Cooper, Vice-Chancellor: A.13
University of Nottingham: School of Agriculture, Professor G Eric Lamming: A.15
University of Reading School of Agriculture, Professor J C Bowman: A.14
University of Sheffield: S E Ansell, Administrative Assistant (Student Records): A.15
University of Southampton: Department of Oceanography, Professor J E G Raymont, Head: A.13
University of Sussex: Roy MacLeod, Historical and Social Studies of Science: A.17
University of Wales, Cardiff: R W J Evans, Academic Secretary: A.12
US Government Printing Office: Superintendent of Documents: A.19
Vaughan, Paul: A.14
Venning, G R: G D Searle, and Co. Ltd: A.15
Vessey, Professor Martin P: A.15, A.19
Vinken, Dr Pierre J: Excerpta Medica: A.16
Vollman, Dr Rudolph F: A.12
Waddignton, Professor C H: from G Pincus: A.1
Waddington, Professor C H: A.12
Wak-Mann, Dr C L: A.1
Walk-Mann, Dr C L: A.1
Wallace, Dr (Mrs) M E: A.15
Wallace, Dr (Mrs) M E: A.15
Walsh, Professor R J: A.15
Walsh, Professor R J: A.15
Walton, Dr A: A.8
Walton, Dr A: A.8
Walton, Mrs E A: A.1
Walton, Mrs E A: A.1
Warren, Dr P T: Executive Secretary, Royal Society: A.20
Warren, Dr P T: Executive Secretary, Royal Society: A.20
Warwick, Pamela M: Private Secretary, S Zuckerman: A.7
Warwick, Pamela M: Private Secretary, S Zuckerman: A.7
Waterhouse, Dr J A H: University of Birmingham Department of Social Medicine: A.12
Watson, Dr Paul: A.20
Weiner, Professor J S: A.15
Wellcome Institute of Comparative Physiology: Zoological Society of London, I W Rowlands to A S Hartree: A.10
Wellcome Trust: Edda Hanington, Assistant Secretary: A.13
West, Professor Donald J: A.19
White, I G: A.11
Whitehorn, Katharine: A.20
Williams, Mrs: A.12
Wilson, Dr Vivian J: A.14
Wilson, Dr Vivian J: National Museum, Rhodesia: A.16
Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology: Edmond J Farris, Executive Director: A.10
Withers, Dr Lindsey: Audrey Smith Memorial Fund: A.19
Wolstenholme, Sir Gordon: Ciba Foundation: A.15
Wood, Dr E C: from W C Emmens: A.2
Wood, Dr Jim R: General Manager, Research: A.19
Woodruff, Sir Michael: A.17
Woollam, Dr David H M: A.13, A.15, A.16
Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology: Joanna Sanford, Registrar: A.1
Wright, Peter: Penguin Books Ltd: A.16
Wyatt, Dr H V: A.17
Wynn, Professor Ralph M: A.12
Young, Professor: Royal Society Section Committee 9: A.17
Zondek, Mrs Maria: A.9
Zondek, Professor Bernhard: A.9
Zoological Society of London: Miss E M Owen: A.14
Zoological Society of London: Sir Solly Zuckerman: A.14
Zoological Society of London: Sir Solly Zuckerman, Private Secretary: A.5
Zoological Society of London: Wellcome Institute of Comparative Physiology, I W Rowlands: A.14
Zoological Society of London: Miss E M Owen, Secretary, Awards Committee: A.12, A.13
Zuckerman, Lord (Solly): A.5, A.6, A.7
Zuckerman, Lord (Solly): Journal of Endocrinology: A.3
Zuckerman, Lord (Solly): Pamela M Warwick, Private Secretary: A.7
Zuckerman, Lord (Solly): Private Secretary: A.5
Zuckerman, Lord (Solly): Zoological Society of London: A.14
Zuckerman, Lord (Solly): Royal Society, Sectional Committee for Zoology: A.5