Reviews, 201-220
- Date:
- 1955-1956
- Reference:
- PP/AWD/C/7/201-220
- Part of:
- Daley, Sir (William) Allen (1887-1969)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
201, Davies, Mary E and Hutchens, R A N, "Health Visiting - a Suggestion for the Future" Public Health, Jan 1956, vol 69, no 4, pp 74-6. Your Health 9
202, MacQueen, I A G, "Staffing Standards for Health Visitors, District Nurses and All-Purpose Public Health Nurses" Public Health, Jan 1956, vol 69, no 4, pp 77-9. Your Health 10
203Gimeno de Sande, A, "La acromicina en brucelosis" (Acromycin in Brucelosis) Rev. Sanidad y Hig. Publica, May-Jun 1955, vol 29, nos. 5/6, pp 229-37. Your Health 11
204, Grenoble. Conférence européene sur les services d"hygiène ecolaire. Organisée par le Bureau régional de l"Europe de l"Organisation Mondiale de la Santé en collaboration avec le Gouvernement français Grenoble, 14-19 Juin 1954" (European Conference on School Health Services. Organized by the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization in collaboration with the French Government, Grenoble, Jun 14-19, 1954) Rev. Français d"Hyg. et Med. Scolaires, 1955, vol 8, no 5, pp 236-324. Your Health 12
205, Publicaciones cientificas del Institute de Nutrición de Centre América y Panamá (Scientific Publications of the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama) Bol. Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Nov 1955, suppl 2, pp1-259.
206, Williams, H C M, "Problem Families in Southampton" Eugenics Rev., Jan 1956, vol 47, no 4, pp 217-23. Your Health 13
207, Roberts, L and McWatt, F, "The Work of a District Nurse" Medical Officer, 10 Feb 1956, vol 95, no 6, pp 61-71. Your Health 14
208, Fransden, J "On Health Systems. III Experiences and Conclusions. Danish Medical Bulletin, Feb 1956, vol 3, no 1, pp1-5. Your Health 15
209, Perales, N, Bellon, L and Caceres, J M, Estudio medico laboral de unafundicion de tipos de imprenta" (A medical study of work in a foundry where printing type is made) Med. y Seguridad del Trabajo, Oct-Dec 1955, vol 4, no 13, pp 92-106, (English Summary). Your Health 16
210, The Hazards to Man of Nuclear and Allied Radiations. A Report to the Medical Research Council. (HMSO, 1956). Royal Society of Health Journal
211, Meetham, A R, Atmospheric Pollution: Its Origins and Prevention (Pergamon, 1956). BMJ
212, Backett, E M and Brown, A Elizabeth, "Some Social Aspects of the Medical Care of Death Mutes" British Journal of Preventive and Social Medical, Apr 1956, vol 10, no 2, pp 92-6. Your Health 27
213, Martinez Rivera, E, "Consideraciones sobre el problema de tuberculosis en Puerto Rico" (Thoughts on the tuberculosis problem of Puerto Rico) Bol. Asoc. Med. de Puerto Rico, Mar 1956, vol 48, No 3, pp 109-21. Your Health 28
214, Bevan, R T, "The Behaviour and Educational Attainments of Deprived Children" Public Health, Jun 1956, vol 69, no 9, pp 234-7. Your Health 29
215, Thomson, J G, "Validation in Health Education. Poster Research" Medical Officer, 20 Jul 1956, vol 96, no 3, pp 33-6. Your Health 30
216, Cowan, H K, "Reflections on the School Health Service" Medical Officer, 27 Jul 1956, vol 96, no 4, pp 47-51. Your Health 31
217, Gear, H S, "Some Principles and Methods of International Health Work" BMJ, 25 Aug 1956, pp 471-5. Your Health 32
218, Echezuria, E, "Investigacion epidemiologica del brote de fiebre tifoidea ocurrido en Acarigua-Araure, Mayo-Agosto 1954" (Epidemiological study of the outbreak of typhoid fever in Acarigua-Aruare, May-August 1954) Rev. Sanidad y Asistencia Social, Sep-Dec 1955, vol 20, nos.5/6, pp 365-86. Your Health 33
219, Salinas, M, "Comentarios de orden clinico a tres afecciones dermatologicas profesionales" (Clinical commentaries on three occupational diseases) Med. y Seguridad del Trabajo, Apr-Jun 1956, vol 4, no 15, pp 61-71. Your Health 34
220, Ministry of Health. Dept of Health for Scotland. Ministry of Education. An Inquiry into Health Visiting. Report of a Working Party on the Field of Work, Training and Recruitment of Health Visitors. (HMSO, 1956)
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