Persons or organisations featured in this material include:
St John Ambulance Brigade
St John; Order of
Salkeld; John
Salomon; Herman
Salvadori; Fratelli
Salviati & Co
Samuel; Miss E
Santos; S Costa
Sassoon & Co
Sathe; V Appashastu
Saul; Dr C D
Schleicher; Ch
Schmidt; Dr
Schenkers Ltd
Seed; F L
Sefi; Pemberton & Co Ltd
Seligman; Prof C G
Seraphin; R A
Shackleton; Miss A V
Shepherd; M
Shepperd; A H
Sigerist; H E
Sikes; F H
Sims & Co
Sless; A D & Son
Smallman; Colonel
Smith; E H
Smithsonian Institute; Bureau of American Ethnology
Society for the promotion of Hellenic Studies
Society for the History of Medicine & Natural Science
Societa Italiana di Antropolgia e Etnologia
Solomons & Sorrel Berkelouw
Sorrel Dejerine; Mme le Dr
Sourasky; Dr A
Spielmann; Percy E
Spratt; Miss A V
Spurgin; Dr Percy
Stern; Dr C W
Stevens's Auction Rooms
Still; G F
Stone; Dr
Stone; W J Box 121
Stoner; S C
Strongitharm; Mrs L
Stubbs; Mr
Sudhoff; Prof
Suk; Prof Dr V
Swedenborg Society
Sheldon; May French