Correspondence marked "Patent on diploids: Aspergillus"

Dec 1952-Apr 1965
UGC 198/3/4/3
Part of:
Papers of Guido Pellegrino Arrigo Pontecorvo, geneticist, Professor of Genetics, University of Glasgow, Scotland
  • Archives and manuscripts

Collection contents

About this work


Legal documents and correspondence relating to Patent Specifications and Agreements and Assignations between Pontecorvo, Roper and Sermonti (the inventors), the University of Glasgow where the research took place, and the National Research Development Corporation.


Dec 1952-Apr 1965

Physical description

5 files, 9 items


Reverse chronological. This was the original order.

Biographical note

The original British patents were filed by Pontecorvo, Sermonti and Roper in 1951 and 1952. The NRDC financed the training of Mr Hutchison who worked under Pontecorvo's supervision in his laboratory and assisted with research on Pontecorvo's recombination technique. They also financed a substantial development breeding programme involving Mr Hutchison and other microbial geneticists at the Microbiological Research Establishment of the War Office. The main aim of this programme was to demonstrate the practical significance of Pontecorvo's technique to industry and to try to excite interest in industries in the UK and abroad. Although the NRDC secured an agreement with a UK company to adopt this technique at this stage they did not manage to raise much interest in industries in the USA. During this period Pontecorvo was worried that the patents weren't promoted enough by the NRDC and that scientists in the United States might go ahead and develop a similar technique.

Terms of use

Open and available at Glasgow University Archive Services.


Location of duplicates

A digitised copy is held by the Wellcome Library as part of Codebreakers: Makers of Modern Genetics.

Where to find it

Location of original

The original material is held at Glasgow University Archive Services. This catalogue is held by the Wellcome Library as part of Codebreakers: Makers of Modern Genetics.

Permanent link