Festschrift zur Feier des Fünfzigjährigen Jubiläums der Anstalt Illnau
- Date:
- 1892
- Reference:
- PP/KEB/D/4/9
- Part of:
- Krafft-Ebing, Professor Richard Freiherr von
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Festschrift celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Illenau institution, which was originally built as a health and nursing home in 1942, and was in operation as an asylum until 1940, after which it was disolved by the Nazis and used as a school, then a barracks. Boxed volume published by Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, Heidelberg. Includes article by Krafft-Ebing on the differential diagnosis of dementia paralytica and neurasthenia cerebralis.
Physical description
1 volume
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores