King's, St Thomas's and Westminster Medical Schools
- McMichael, Sir John, FRCP, FRCPE, FRS (1904-1993) Cardiologist
- Date:
- 1973-1979
- Reference:
- PP/JMM/B/4
- Part of:
- McMichael, Sir John (1904-1993)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Papers relating to McMichaels involvement in a proposal to amalgamate the King's College, St Thgomas's and Westminster medical schools. The scheme eventually came to nothing, much to the disappointment of McMichael. The first file includes correspondence, minutes, Westminster medical school development policy. The second file contains references that were filed with the KTW material and comments by Lady McMichael on her husbands feelings about the winding up of the KTW scheme.
Physical description
2 files