"Addresses and Lectures"
- McMichael, Sir John, FRCP, FRCPE, FRS (1904-1993) Cardiologist
- Date:
- c.1947-c.1980
- Reference:
- PP/JMM/G/3
- Part of:
- McMichael, Sir John (1904-1993)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Material taken from a box file entitled "addresses and lectures."Much of the material is undated, but appears to be from the earlier part of his career. Unlike the other two box files of this type of material, this does not appear to have been sorted and indexed by Lady McMichael:
Three notebooks of rough notes
Notes on the history of coronary disease
Paper on the Reactions of the Heart to Some Extracardiac States.
Osler, the Textbook, and Education in Medicine - an address given at Winnipeg, June 1947
Photographs of slides for use in lectures or addresses on venous pressure
Paper on The Respiratory Disorders in Heart Failure
Paper on The Pulmonary Factor in Cardiac Dyspnoea
Paper on Modern Intervention of Some Cardiac Symptoms
Paper on the Tissue Tension Factor in Cardiac Odema
Observation and the Advancement of Medicine - address given at the opening session of the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, October 1967
Paper on Research: From Genesis to Revelation
The contents of a file labelled The Royal Society consisting of three papers on postgraduate education - The Aim of Postgraduate Education, British Postgraduate Medical School, and Postgraduate Education and Examinations.
Report of the MRC Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Committee, c.1971
Paper on The Principle of Venous Pressure Reduction in the Treatment of Cardiac Failure
Papers on The Static and Dynamic in the Venous System, and The Cardiac Output in Man in Health and Disease (two papers clipped together by McMichael)
Paper on Relation of Salts to Oedema, 1935
Paper on Opportunities and Facilities in Clinical Research
Drafts and notes for a paper which was finally called Objectives and Methods of Postgraduate Education
The Influence of Higher Diploma Examinations on Specialist Education - a Draft of an address given to the 1942 Club on 17th November 1967
Paper entitled Some Notes on the Financing of Medical Research
Notes and programme for the Lauder Brunton Centenary Symposium on Angina Pectoris, 21st-22nd April 1967
Chance and the Unexpected - address given to the 100th meeting of the Scottish Society for Experimental Medicine, Glasgow, 3rd December 1977
Convocation address to the Faculty of Health Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, 26th May 1977
Introduction to the Oxford Textbook of Medicine section on Cardiovascular Disorders
Folder labelled Peripheral Vascular Disease, containing handwritten notes
The Research Spiral and Observations Out of Time - draft of the paper that was eventually given as the Robert Campbell Memorial Oration, 11th November 1965
Draft paper on Future trends in Academic Cardiology
Handwritten notes labelled Wellcome Ideas, with attached paper on Opportunities and Facilities in Clinical Research
Science and Practice - The Wilkinson Lecture, 1967
Paper on Observations and the Advancement of Medicine
Paper on Fats, Cholesterol and Coronary Artery Disease
Paper on The Ageing Brain
Paper on Drug Trials and Public Safety
McMichael's comments on an article by Sir Walter Perry on Changing Patterns in Higher Education which featured in the October 1977 edition of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine
Paper on Clinical Investigation and Experiment
Draft paper on Experimental Medicine
Handwritten notes on Medical Science in Today's Setting
Paper entitled Medical research - Whose Responsibility?
Paper on Academic Responsibility for the Specialties
Specialism in Medicine - Osler oration, 12th July 1971
Cardiac Catheterisation in Great Britain: Cardiac Output by Gaseous Methods - a paper given at a November 1979 symposium
Paper on The Future of Academic Cardiology, c.1980
Address entitled Reply on Behalf of Those Receiving Hon. FRCP(Ed)
Speech as President of the Associationof Physicians, 1965
Handwritten notes for a speech given following presentation of Kings Awards of Excellance by Princess Alexandra
The Genesis of Understanding, the opening address at the Institute of Neurology, 6th October 1981
Untitled address on medical funding in America
Paper on The Influence of Medicine on Society
Address given to the Chelmsford Symposium on The Methods and Results of Treatment in Hypertension
Lecture on Anticoagulants in Treatment
Lecture notes on Modern Concepts of Heart Failure
Physical description
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