Persons or organisations featured in this material include:
Museum Maas; Dr Ott
Maby; J Cecil
Mack; Mr J
Maddison; Dr R E W
Maggs; John
Maggs; H R
Magrill; J
Maile; G & Son Ltd
Mailer; Miss Catherine H
Maine; J P
Maitland; Col O E
Maitland; J P
Maitland; Mrs G Gwynne
Mallou; Monsieur O
Mann; J G
Manninger; Professor Dr V
Manson; Messrs W S & Co
Moerch; Dr E Trier
Marchant; Sir James
Marino; Monsieur Albert
Marks & Gray; Messrs
Marmorstein; Dr A
Marriott; H L
Marsden; Miss A
Marshall; A J
Marshall; Miss Dorothy
Marston; Alvan T
Martin; D
Martin; R F
Matheson; Mr Colin
Matheson; Mr Norman M
Mathias; Dr J Gordon
Maule; Mrs C
Maupoil; Monsieur B
Maxwell; J Preston
Mayall; Mrs Ida
Mayo Clinic; Rochester
Mazingue; V
Mead; H T
Medical Director; Tanganyika
Medical Library Association
Medical Press, Breen, Dr G E
Medizinhistorisches Institut; Bonn
Medlicott; A
Mehrman; Herr Paul
Mehta, Dr P M, India
Meier; Herrn Dr Ernst
Mellor; Hugh
Mellor; W S
Melvin; C Duncan
Mendoza; Mr F
Merriman; George
Metal Box Company
Metcalfe; Mrs C P
Michelmore & Co
Miers; Henry A
Milburn; Mr R
Miller; Mrs A M
Miller; Professor James
Milling; Mr J
Ministry of Supply
Minlore; D
Ministry of War Transport
Minot; Professor George R
Mitchell; Dr C A
Mitchell; G F
Mitchell; J R
Mitchell; Dr R H
Mitchell; S R
Mitford; Lt Col W B O
Moggeridge; Mrs Beatrice
Mole; Mrs
Mollison; Professor Theodor
Mollitt; J B
Montague; Dr Joseph F
Montalvan; Senor M G
Montandon; M le Professeur G
Montgomery; L A
Moore; J D
Moore; Dr Irwin
Moravian Missions (S King Hutton)
Moreland; Mr C
Moret; Professor
Moreton; A G
Morris; David B
Morris; Henry
Mortimore; W J
Mott; Miss
Moynihan; R
Muirhead; Findlay
Muirhead; Ian A
Muirhead; Moffat & Co
Munby; A N L
Murphy; Miss Meryl
Murray; Finlay
Murray; M A
Murray's Antiques
Museum of the History of Science
Museum of India
Myers; Mrs Mary