186. 1973 International Directory of Abortion Reserachers
187. 1968 Letter from Madeleine Simms in Medical Social Work entitled 'Reactions to the New Abortion Laws'.
188. 1973 Reports on Population/Family Planning, Induced Abortion: a Factbook.
189. Abortion is a Woman's Right to Choose (Australian Newsheet).
190. 1969 The Abortion Act - Scotland 1968 (in Health Bulletin).
191. 1972 General Practitioner: Special Abortion Issue.
192. 1972 Humanist News: Abortion, BHA Evidence
193 1971 Medical World: Special Issue on Abortion. Birth Control, Family Planning.
194. 1973 ME Brennan, LJ OPt: Demand for Family Planning Advice among Patients in a District Maternity Hospital.
195. 1974 Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work: Family Planning Education Survey.
196. 1975 Linda Gordon: The Politics of Birth Control, 1920-1940: The Impact of the Professionals.
197. 1977 John Habgood: Contraceptives for Children.
198. 1966 Garrett Hardin: The History and Future of Birth Control.
199. 1952 G Jacquemyns: Pour ou Centre la Limitation des Naissances (in French).
200 1971 LP Kessler: Can Contraceptive Education and Availability of Services reduce Teenage Pregnancies.