Papers on SHF
- Date:
- 1980s
- Reference:
- PP/SHF/F/12/5
- Part of:
- Foulkes, Siegmund Heinrich (1898-1976) and Elizabeth Therese Fanny (née Marx) (1918-2004)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Includes "Profile - Dr Foulkes," Bethlem Maudsley Hospital Gazette 5:3 (1963); M.J.Abercrombe "Foulkes and Escher: visual analogues of some aspects of group analysis;" Mme T Vergopoulo, "La sensibilisation à la dynamique de groupe d'après W.R. Bion et S.H. Foulkes," Médecine et Hygiène 41 (1983); George R Gfäller, "Von Freud zu Foulkes," Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik 20:4 (1985); ETF, "S.H. Foulkes une brève biographie," Les Groupes D'enfants 7-8 (1987); and list of publications on SHF.
Physical description
1 file
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores