Anoxyia on Smooth Muscle
- Vane, Sir John, FRS (1927-2004), Pharmacologist
- Date:
- 1956-1957
- Reference:
- PP/JRV/B/3/5
- Part of:
- Vane, Sir John Robert (1927-2004)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
File contains a notebook with the title on the spine, "Anoxia on Smooth Muscle 56-57". The notebook contains notes on relevant journal articles and details and results of experiments.
Articles referred to and on which notes are made are as follows:
B.C. Riggs, "The effect of Exposure to Oxygen at High Pressure on the Tonus and Respiration of Pyloric Muscle from the Rabbit", American Journal of Physiology, vol.145, p211-217, 1945.
S.M. Kirpekar & J.J. Lewis, "Effects of Reserpine and Hydrallazine on Isolated Strip of Carotid Arteries", Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, vol.10, p255-259, 1958.
J.W. Bean & D.F. Bohr, "Anoxic Effects of High Oxygen Pressure on Smooth Muscle", American Journal of Physiology, vol.130, p445-453, 1940.
J.W. Bean & D.F. Bohr, "Response of Mammalian Smooth Muscle to Oxygen at High Pressures and its Possible Relationship to Oxygen Poisoning of Respiratory Enzyme Systems", American Journal of Physiology, vol.172, p379-390, 1944.
L. Gross & A.J. Clark, "The Influence of Oxygen Supply on the Response of the Isolated Intestine to Drugs", Journal of Physiology, vol.57 no.6, p457-460, 16 August 1923.
B.N. Prasad, "The Carbohydrate Metabolism of Gut Muscle", Journal of Physiology, vol.85 no.2, p239-248, 26 October 1935.
B.N. Prasad, "The Mechanical Activity of Gut Muscle Under Anaerobic Conditions", Journal of Physiology, vol.85 no.2, p249-266, 26 October 1935.
R.C. Garry, "Effect of Oxygen Lack on Surviving Smooth Muscle", Journal of Physiology, vol.66 no.3, p235-248, 9 November 1928.
W. Feldberg & O.M. Solandt, "The effects of Drugs, Sugars & Allied Substances on the Isolated Small Intestine of the rabbit", Journal of Physiology, vol.101 no.2, p137-171, 18 August 1942.
T.C. West, G. Hadden & A. Farrah, "Effect of Anoxia on Response of the Isolated Intestine to Various Drugs and Enzyme Inhibitors", American Journal of Physiology, vol.164, p565-572, 1951.
M.R. Blair & Byran B. Clark, "An Evaluation of the Action of Substance P on the Jejunam of the Rabbit", Journal of Pharmacology, vol.117, p467-477, 1956.
Experiment details include methodology, handwritten results, and tracing paper graphs regarding Anoxia on Smooth Muscle experiments. The experiments begin on 4 September 1956 (experiment AN1) and last until 20 November 1956 (experiments AN17a,b,&c). There are then blank pages for experiments AN18 (10 December 1956) until AN27, then full details begin again from AN28a&b (10 January 1957) until AN25a&b (30 January 1957).
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