156. 1949 S Timonen: Possibilities of Preventing Criminal Abortion in the light of Analysis of Motive.
157. 1971 N A Todd: Psychiatric Experience of the Abortion Act (1967) Pregnancy.
159. 1973 J Trussell: Third Thoughts on Abortion.
160. 1974 M Waite: Consultant Psychiatrists and Abortion.
161. 1961 V H Wallace: Contraception in Relation to Abortion.
162. 1972 J A C Weatherall: Birth Rates, Illegitimacy, Adoption and the Abortion Act.
163. 1966 R B White: Induced Abortions: A Survey of their Psychiatric Implications, Complication and Indications.
164. 1964 Glanville Williams: Legal and Illegal Abortion.
165. 1963 Glanville Williams: The Legislation of Medical Abortion.
166. E Wilson: The Organisation and Function of Therapeutic Abortion Committees (in Canadian Hospital).
167. 1966 Bishop of Woolwich: Abortion, Beyond Law Reform.
168. 1972 CSW Wright, S Campbell, J Beazley: Second-Trimester Abortion after Vaginal Termination of Pregnancy.
169. Sheila Young: Politics of Abortion (typescript).
170. 1979 Doctors for a Women's Choice on Abortion: Text of Speeches at Meeting held 17th March 1979.