'Inhibition of Prostaglandin Synthesis as a Mechanism of Action for Aspirin-Like Drugs'
- Vane, Sir John, FRS (1927-2004), Pharmacologist
- Date:
- 1971
- Reference:
- PP/JRV/C/5/4
- Part of:
- Vane, Sir John Robert (1927-2004)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
File consists of final versions of paper and draft papers related to the paper by J.R. Vane, "Inhibition of Prostaglandin Synthesis as a Mechanism of Action for Aspirin-Like Drugs", Nature New Biology, vol.231 no.25, p232-235, 23 June 1971. Details include:
Two printer's typed proof versions of the article, both with manuscript annotation, one of which is dated 12 June 1971.
Near final typed draft of the paper including references and photographs of figures but no tables.
Three drafts of table 1.
Three different extensive lists of references (each over 100 long), with significant annotation (one list has the handwritten word "Vienna" at the top). The final list of references used in the paper was only 33 long.
Two different early drafts of the paper, both part typed and part manuscript, one is only partial.
Physical description
Acquisition note
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores