C.W.G., A.A., & R Experiments
- Vane, Sir John, FRS (1927-2004), Pharmacologist
- Date:
- 1969-1971
- Reference:
- PP/JRV/B/4/18
- Part of:
- Vane, Sir John Robert (1927-2004)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
File contains typed papers, handwritten tables and graphs from a series of three sets of experiments titled, "C.W.G.", "A.A", and "R" respectively. Papers include:
Typed methodology, results and conclusions from experiments starting with CWG1/cat (1 October 1969), then CWG2/cat (13 October 1969), CWG3/cat (undated), CWG6/cat (undated), CWG8 (2 december 1969), CWG13/cat (16 March 1970) and CWG3/dog (23 March 1970).
A summary of results from CWG1/cat to CWG10/cat inclusive, and CWG1/dog to CWG4/dog inclusive and a handwritten table of results.
Typed methodology, results and conclusions from experiments starting with AA1 (17 February 1971) and covering each experiment up to AA7 (8 March 1971), including handwritten tables.
Handwritten assay results from AA series dated 26 March 1971 and 6 April 1971, from AA13, AA14 and AA15 (14 April 1971), from AA16 and AA17 (19 April 1971), from 22, 23, 26 and 30 April 1971. This includes a handwritten summary of results written on 16 April 1971 (covering experiments AA1 to AA7) with a continuation summary written on 22 April 1971. It also includes graphs of results
Typed methodology, results and conclusions from experiments starting with R1 (27 November 1971) and covering each experiment up to R9 (27 November 1971), including handwritten tables.
Physical description
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