1. Programme of meetings, Jan-Mar 1909
2. Those who come after: a word on racial responsibility, undated
3. Application form, undated
4. Certificate of passing through 'Groundwork of Eugenics' course, undated
5. Walter Hazell 'Proposed Card Indexing of the Life History and Family Connections of Every Individual' (journal proof), undated
6. Research into Social Qualities and Health of a Sample of our Population, undated
7. Appeal for financial assistance for work of Research Committee, undated
8. Teaching in Schools, Training Colleges and Colleges, from the point of view of the eugenist: Memorandum Approved by the Executive Council of the Eugenics Education Society, undated
9. W T J Gun Further Studies in Hereditary Ability, reprinted from The Eugenics Review, Jul 1925
10. Appeal for Eugenic Taxation, 1926
11. Appeal to Stop Appeals, 2 copies, undated
12. Cecil Weston Towards a Healthier Race: Eugenics and its Practical Interpretations, reprinted by the Eugenics Society from Town and Country News, 20 Jan 1928
13. An Outline of a Practical Eugenic Policy (2 slightly differing versions: ?c. 1928--presscutting on 'Birth Control' 28 Jul 1928 inside one leaflet), 1928
14. Major Leonard Darwin 'The Society's Coming of Age: The Growth of the Eugenic Movement', extracted from the Galton Lecture, 1929, reprinted in Eugenics Review, XXI/1, 1929
15. Notice of Annual General Meeting, 1932
16. Eugenics: why the subject should interest you (illustrated leaflet), undated
17. Eugenics: why the subject should interest you (2pp leaflet), 2 copies, undated
18. What is Heredity? undated
19. What is Eugenics ('Boys and Girls please Take One and Read what is Inside'), undated
20. Eugenics (The Aim of Eugenics), undated
21. What is Eugenics? undated
22. D Caradog Jones Marriage and its Relation to Eugenics, undated