227. 1970 P Jackson, B Phillips, E Prosser, N Q Jones, VR Tindall, D L Crosby, I D Cooke, J M McGarry, R W Rees: A Male Sterilisation Clinic.
228. 1974 Eva Learner: Motivation and Counselling in Sterilisation and Post Conceptive Regulation Services.
229. 1973 M Waite: Consultant Surgeons and Vasectomy.
230. 1971 Peter Diggory: The Unwanted Pregnancy
231. 1971 Joan Lambert: Survey of 3,000 Unwanted Pregnancies.
232. 1972 Various: Unplanned Pregnancy (report of meeting).
233. 1973 J Peel, M Potts: The Sociology of Population Control.
234. Population Policy: Who Needs Persuading?
235. 1974 The World Population Conference: A Report on Bucharest.
236. 1972 Susannah Isacacs: Neglect, Cruelty and Battering.
237. 1972 G Jackson: Child Abuse Syndrome: The Case We Miss.
238. 1971 C H Kempe: Paediatric Implications of the Battered Baby Syndrome.
239. TE Oppe: Battered Babies.
240. PT D'Orban: Baby Stealing.
241. 1965 Sir D Baird: A Fifth Freedom?
242. 1971 Sir D Baird: The Obstetrician and Society (Galton Lecture).
243. 1965 G C L Bertram: Socio-Biological Responsibility.
244. 1965 Sir T Fox: Purposes of Medicine
245. 1965 A Heron: Towards a Quaker View of Sex
246. 1964 D Hubble: Medicine and Society
247. 1971 Sir J Peel: The Health Women.