Henry Wellcome Letter Book 2 ['HSW Private No.2' with key]

17 Apr 1888 - May 1890
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Henry Wellcome Letter Book 2 ['HSW Private No.2' with key]. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.

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** The original item is too fragile to be produced. Please order the microfiche version quoting the reference AMS/MF/161 **

290 pages of 1004 pages were used. 104, 264-267, 279, 291-1004 are blank pages. 190 & 191 were typed on company letterhead - the copy type is too faint to read on the original.

This letter book consists mostly of ms copies, with some typed copies. 3 of the typed copies are not clearly legible and a précis of contents has been given below.

AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION, to Mr Sheppard 2 re. subscription.
Colonel ANDREWS 125 requested minutes of meeting, also noted Wyndom's seat in the Cabinet.
ASHLEY Editor 'The Daily Sportsman' 57, 77, 82-83 [83 faint copy of 82], 94-95, 101-102, 107. All re. Mr McNeill Case, some also addressed to Smith.

BARRETT 105-106 re. difficulty with SMB 'day to day battle for more than a year and a half....when hard work is made harder by meeting intrigue and attempted usurpation....also the fitting up and organising our new factories...'
BISHOP 111 requested bill so account could be paid, also re. forthcoming cruise.
Dr JD BLUETT 164 HSW hoped to meet before Dr B sailed, had a 'Kodak' camera for him 'I would like to learn all possible particulars about the size & condition & needs of the people' Dr B going to NY, then Alaska, see Somerville.
Miss BROWN 13-14 HSW's Description of Mark Twain's experience as a reporter writing a piece whilst drunk, also thanks B. for present of a necktie.
Thomas BURNSIDE 33-36 & 38, 40-42, 44-47 Letters of introduction for Burnside to various NY contacts. TB was an American journalist long resident in London ' a favourite of the Savage Club', 'a nephew of the Hon. Simon Cameron' going on a tour of South America and stopping in NY & Washington. 84 to TB in Chili [sic] re. letters of introduction being returned to HSW, who had sent them to the wrong hotel, HSW re-sent letters in case they could be used.

Silas Mainville BURROUGHS 26-29, 171-172, 194-195, 202-215 [14pg], 216-230 [15pg]. 26-29 'Enclosed I send you copy of a letter received from Messrs Jno Wyeth & Bro dated 26 Oct 1888 in which you will observe they give us very peremptory notice to terminate our contract with them. We are of course obliged to accept.' 171-172 disagreed with SMB's decision to erect a building at Phoenix Mills, requested written confirmation for SMB to pay any excess costs re. same; 194-195 re. Dr Smith being given authorisation by SMB to draw cheques against the company, quoted the 'Articles of Partnership' requirement for both partners' to sign, and requested SMB to 'observe [this] more strictly.'; 202-215 very detailed: SMB on 'pleasure trip' in Munich 2 matters to be dealt with 1) Insurance companies' non-negotiable requirement that drying rooms in the Dartford Factory be made fireproof, in SMB's absence HSW made decision to remove the Drying rooms to a separate building, to reduce the insurance rating on the main buildings, HSW set out 6 main advantages 2) change of Dartford Manager, AP Smith to be dismissed with 3 months notice, SMB failed to give him notice and APS protested to HSW that he was not aware of a problem when HSW served him notice, HSW felt that SMB was responsible; 216-230 SMB in Salsburgh [sic], SMB had agreed to the valuation of Dartford premises re. taxes and would not be conducting a legal challenge. HSW agreed that reform was needed, a lengthy political discourse follows, referred to Henry George (American political economist 1839-1897 who toured Britain 1888-89), and Charles Bradlaugh (1833-1891, MP, founder of the National Secular Society). HSW had declined to sign SMB's petition to exclude CB from parliament on religious grounds, as though HSW admired both CB and HG in their 'honesty of purpose,' he disagreed with their theories, HSW referred to 'the unfortunate tone of your letter':- 'We are as partners engaged in a manufacturing business which depends for its success upon the favourable consideration and support of men of all shades of political and religious belief - perhaps by far the greatest number...hold views...diametrically opposed to yours'......'one of the most essential features of such business principles being that 'politics and religion must not be mixed up with business''. HSW berated SMB for making political statements at the [Dartford?] opening - 'I trust that this letter may lead us too a better understanding';

Vice Counsel CARTRIGHT Ecuador 47 re. Burnside
Captain George CHAMBERS, Ecuador 45 re. Burnside
CHESSON FUND, Westminster, 16, enc. donation.
Chas J CHRISTIE 52 re. appointment to give evidence [re SMB]
Colonel COCKERILL Editor 'New York World' 34 re. Burnside
CORLETT Editor 'the Sporting Times' 54 re. Mr McNeill
William Elroy CURTIS Editor 'The Chicago Daily News' 3, 61-62, 99-100, 197-199, 242. 3 re. Burnside 61-62 thanked WEC for present of 'The Capitals of Spanish America', re. Mr & Mrs Sheldon; 99-100 re. introduction to Mr McClure and re. election results; 197-199 re. Stanley American Testimonial Banquet - requested banner from the State Department with USA coat of arms, also other emblems e.g. for each US state, 'As an American citizen [Stanley] certainly has done our country great honour, and I believe the Senate and the House would but voice the popular feeling of the American nation by passing warm an hearty resolutions' berated US House for not doing more to recognise Stanley; 242 Stanley American Testimonial Banquet Committee.

Dr L DARMSTAEDTER, 109-110 'Vinola' HSW trying to research information on the sale, found negotiations difficult, need for secrecy - instructed LD in future 'to address me privately in plain envelope...the matter [is] receiving attention'.
The DOMINION ILLUSTRATED Co, Montreal 153-155 ordered sample copies of photographs to be made using DI's process [interested in the quality gained by the process rather than the price]
Crawford DOUGLAS Panama 46 re. Burnside Also 'you will be grieved to learn Roger Perks has just died in South Africa' Dec 1888.

ELKINGTON & Co, Moorgate 179, 256-260, 283, Detailed order re. the Stanley ceremonial silver shield to be presented to Stanley at the American Testimonial Banquet Committee. 257-260 'Stanley & Emin Scene' details of the 52 labels and illustrations to be inscribed on the shield. 283 further instructions re. same.
Miss ELLISSEN 8- 9 [actress?] personal, HSW offered sympathy.
EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE US, Cheapside 25 cheque for HSW's policy 250766.
EYRES 10 dealings with solicitors and City Bank

Sam FAIRCHILD 90 Checked if negatives [see French] arrived.
FISHER 170 enc. letter to Goodman also re. possible opposition to HSW's membership of the Savage Club.
S FOWLE 138-139 cover letter enc. introductions [see McTeay]
Henry H FRENCH, Editor 'American [Forum]' Boston Mass, 15, 19-20, 69-70, 87-89 pursued prints and negatives of photographs taken by HW 1887, which were to be sent c/o Fairchilds; also 19 sympathy for HF's wife's death;
FRYER [?] 128-129, 268-269. 128-129 sends via Sheldon letters of introduction - also encourages him to visit DUNCAN. [130 very faint copy of 129]; 268-270 Enc. a settlement re. a business transaction between Mr Sheldon and HSW. 'If possible I shall go with you and Mrs Sheldon to meet [??] at Calais or Dover'.

Major General GRIFFITH Boulogne-Sur-Mer 74 re. possible visit to Bolougne
GUSH, PHILLIPS, WALTERS & WILLIAMS 58 payment of fee re. Mr McNeill.
Colonel GE GOURARD Upper Norwood 284-287 detailed apologies for Gourard being 'slighted' re. Stanley banquet, explained that if Gourard wished to be a steward he need only confirm that he could attend.
Richard GOWING 263 declined invitation to Shakespeare Festival, and suggested 6 dates would be submitted to Stanley for possible visit to the Club [mentions Mr Frith re. Club].

CE HARRINGTON, NY Editor of 'Chicago Tribune' 35 letter of introduction for Thomas Burnside
HENNES & ELLIOTT 176 ordered a 'machine which will make accurately moulds for my new shaped suppositories'.
HOBSON 174 re. notice from Smith, Liquidator, re. 25 shares held by HSW in trust for Hobson [blurred].
HÖFLER & Co, London 200-201, 261-262, 275-276, 277, 278, 281, 282 [278 is a faint copy of 277] 200-201detailed order to produce 400 Stanley souvenir albums with American shield, HSW's objections that the specimen albums were sub-standard, negotiations to conclude contract.
Jerome HOPKINS, Birmingham 231-232 - had not seen Mrs Cole, returned concert ticket as unable to attend.
Mr WH HUTTON, Phoenix Mills, Dartford 96 re. works instructions at Dartford site. Refers to conflicting instructions given by SMB and the need for any confusion to be referred back to the BW company for clarification. Typed letter with ms addendum stating 'dictated before Mr B' [SMB].

Mrs JS JAMESON 241 re. Stanley Banquet Presentation Shield - HSW wished to have a portrait of Mr Jameson for the shield and possible loan of J's African trophies to decorate the banqueting room.

WG KENTISH [Freemason] 116 ordered tickets for 'Emulation Festival'
NS KING 145, King of Messrs Cassels & Co of Rio de Janeiro, covering letter to 4 letters of introduction, with personal comments, to John McKesson, Col Knox, Poller Drug Co, and FH Tinker

Prof LH LAIDLAY 11, 12. 2 faint copies of letter, Thanks for a reprint of 'Cystic Tumor of Ovary' article in St Louis Medical Society journal.
JH LAMBERT, Solictor, Boulogne-Sur-Mer 55-56, 78, 91-93, 103, 134. Lambert acted on behalf of Ashley, but co-operated with HSW re. McNeill -v- Ashley case. This involved some bank notes and anonymous letters in Boulogne. HSW was concerned about the integrity of the notes and letters and ordered photographs of the notes to be made until he could inspect the originals. Ashley agreed to accept notes of the same value and hand the originals to HSW. 55 'Re the Bank Notes...take photographs of them, and anonymous letters, while they are in the hands of the authorities in order that they have no grounds for suggesting that they have been tampered with.'; 134 re. committee settling JHL's account in the next month. [also Paige LB3]
['To Frank LINCOLN' added in pencil ms] 'My Dear Old Man' 117-122 re. letters of introduction by HSW for FL, set out 'grievances of the past two years' re. SMB, incomplete transcription p.164-165 in Rhodes James biography. 'instead of being my best friend Mr B is my worst enemy.' 'Mr Shepperson I believe is loyal and will take a fair and neutral view'....'Mr Varley [is] very intimate with B & naturally will hold views against me'. 'It all began through intense jealousy of the social and business position I have won in London & his chagrin at his own failure to secure like recognition & this in spite of the fact that in vain I tried to introduce both him and his wife (who are jointly my sworn enemies) into society...' Also Mrs Tussaud's death 'sweet soul who was so tender and kind to us when we ill'. Letter to be passed to Lincoln by Shepperson. 124 Letter introducing Shepperson.
LONDON & & COUNTRY BANK Dartford Branch 193 [192 faint copy of same] withdrew Dr AP Smith as signatory, noted that new signatories should be ratified by both SMB & HSW [see also Burroughs 194-195].
LOTUS CLUB, New York Colonel Thomas H Knox, 33, 71- 73, 131, 142. 3, 131 payment of bills. 33 re. Burnside. Also 'We have not lost hope for Stanley, but have such unbounded belief in him as an invincible that we feel that nothing could conquer him, even death.' Dec 1888; 71-73 'I am very happy that our good friend Stanley is all right', also HSW opinions on Africa. 142 introduced Mr NS King.

MANSION HOUSE CHAMBERS 237, brief reference for Paul HUGH.
MARKBY, STEWART & Co, HSW's Solicitors, 48 & 49, 64, 97, 132-133, 147. 48 & 49, re. Mr Christie's statement of evidence [re B?] 64 re. Dartford Factory, wording of Lease of Land. 97 paying £6 on behalf of Mr Tibble's account 'When young he lived amongst the Indians in the far west and has lived a sort of semi savage life most of his days, & is therefore somewhat unfamiliar with the customs of the outside world [i.e. paying bills]; 132-133 sends copy documentation, also 'I would like copy, not orig[inal] of partnership agreement which I left with you some time since' [re SMB?]; 147 confirming appointment and fee for Sir Horace DAVY as senior counsel.
'My Dear MAC [Hector McNeill? see 91] 81 re. possible meeting in Hastings 'if Fletcher will commit', re. McNeill deceased [see Lambert Also Ashley]
SS McCLURE 98 HSW agreed to meet SSM after introduction by Curtis.
Hon JW MacDONALD, Senator Victoria, British Columbia 150 letter introducing William Pilcher
John McKESSON 143 introducing Mr NS King.
McTEAY & Co, 137, 'the leading retail & dispensing establishment in Boston', copied to FAIRCHILD Bros & FOSTER 'the leading Manufacturers of digestive ferments in America and undeniably the largest Manufacturers in this line in the world', Mc&R 'one of the leading wholesale drug houses in America', Lamman & Kamp 'the leading wholesale drug house whose business is chiefly with Spanish-American Companies', Hazard & Hazard one of the leading retail & dispensing establishments in New York , introducing Mr S Fowle of London [HSW opinions expressed in cover letter 138-139].
MILLARD 63 HSW accepted to be the Chair of the Musical & Social Evening of the Chemists' Assistants' Assoc. Jan 1889
J Lawrence MITCHELL, Dartford 180-183, 186-187. 180-183 re. late payment of subscription for a Memorial Hall in Dartford, SMB & HSW agreed to pay 10 guineas. 186-187 additional personal contribution of 5 guineas, HSW repeated unwillingness for amount to be publicly quoted.
William MURRELL, Portland Place, 86 letter of introduction for Samuel A Hartwell, Louiseville, Kentucky, for visits to London hospitals.

NATIONAL PRESS INTELLIGENCE COMPANY 175 payment, and request for the following from American papers: Henry S Wellcome; Burroughs Wellcome; Story of Metlakahtla; Metlakahtla and William Duncan.
General John NEW, US Consul General 288-290 excess souvenir albums at the banquet were stolen, HSW took pains to have the waiters searched, as other guests were paying waiters to procure albums, whilst some attendees complained that they did not receive an album, HSW to supply some additional albums but only if a contribution of 5 guineas is made to the Banquet committee. Thanked JN for his support and suggested they soon meet for a Committee meeting. [typed copy blurred]

PENFIELD 40-141 [faint] enc. £5 subscription, plus other monies owed re. Friday morning meeting [freemason/club?]
Ira PEREGOR Gentleman's Furnisher, New York 236. Returned 3 jerseys to have 3 replicas made, also requested a catalogue.
William PILCHER 150-151 cover letter to introductory letter for WP to MacDonald. [152 faint copy of 151]
PRESS CUTTINGS AGENCY, London 135 contracts for 1000 newspaper clippings 'on subjects personal to myself'.
GEORGE PULLMAN [USA] 246, 247-248, 250-251. 247-248, Personal invitation to American Testimonial Banquet for Stanley, GP to be the Chair of the 'Transportation table' enc. were HSW ms sketch 246, and 250-251 'Suggestions for decoration of the table dedicated to Transportation'

[A] G RUSSELL 21& 24 re. bounced cheque.

SAVAGE CLUB, George S [remainder of name illegible] 75-76 re. 'The £5 Note & Other Stories'.
[SENIOR] 169. Enc. letter sent to Goodman also re. accident at Wandsworth [blurred].
SHEL[DON] 53 Sends £100 requesting' a memo of how we stand on money matters'.
Mr SHEPPERSON [BW&Co Melbourne] 112-115, 123, 184-185, 188-189.
112-115 'I know that you were aware of the attempt Mr B [SMB] had made to force the dissolution of the partnership' ....'Mr B's excuse or ground for seeking the dissolution was ostensively [sic] in neglecting of the firms business during the [time] I was away recruiting my health [on] a trip taken at his own re[quest] and urged upon me by my friends and physicians and several other minor allegations equally trivial and unsupportable.'...'I believe the firm is too well established to be injured...your value to the business is too well established to give you the slightest uneasiness to your future profits.'; 123 Introduction to Frank LINCOLN; 184-185 re. rumour that HSW was blackballed at the Savage Club and only got in with difficulty, attributed to Shepperson. HSW refuted this and requested response from S.; 188-189 S's response re. Savage Club is 'insufficient', 'that you were as you suggest the carrier of idle gossip does not relieve you from your responsibility.';
PL SLATER, Zoological Soc. 167 Annual subscription
SMITH, Liquidator 22. HSW made claim for £30 re. American Exchange in Paris
Dr AP SMITH, Manager Dartford 196 HSW instructed Smith to use the existing system 'If you will send us up, as you have been accustomed to, your cash book week by week showing the amount of wages paid and sundry disbursements we will, as hitherto, send you our cheque for the amount on finding same correct.';
John A SOMERVILLE, New York 165-166 ordered 200 copies 'The Story of Metlakahtla' for Dr Bluett
SPALDING & HODGE 23 replied that he had responsibility for Saxon & Co whilst Mr E Sheldon was the manager.
Henry M[orton] STANLEY, Explorer 233-235 251, 271-272, 273-274, 280. 233-235 [234 torn out/unused] 'I feel I ought to tell you that some unkindly comments are being made in important quarters to the effect that you have not written [to] Sir Walter Bartlett re. his son's death'. 251, 271-272, 273-274, 280 pharmaceutical analysis of salt 'compound' giving technical detail 'The slightly rose-pink colour of the salt is apparently due to the trace of an Oxide of Iron.' [HSW was the Honorary Secretary, American Testimonial Banquet Committee, arranging a dinner in honour of Stanley in London] See also 285 where he mentions a trip to Belgium to meet Stanley.
Captain STEEL, Chili [sic] 44 re. Burnside
Dr STERN Royal Hotel, Blackfriars 30-32 provided samples of Tabloid HSW noting the 'accuracy of dosage, perfect preservability, and the greatest facility of transport'. 'Henry M Stanley after repeated tests has given us preference and we equip him and all the principal African explorers, travellers and missionaries with their drugs in the Tabloid form.' Stern appears to have negotiated on behalf of the Government, St Petersburg, Russia.
I STEVENS 79-80, re. delivery of tabloid medicine cases to Charring Cross Hotel, 'the only compensation we ask is that you will bring us good tidings of Stanley and that you will make your own trip an overwhelming success.'
Thomas STEVENS 238-240 re. TS' forthcoming book, 'You did completely pulverise V--- in that article in the 'World'' 'It is all very well to merely hint at some of your methods to get even with him, but, especially in this country there is a very great prejudice about private detective work...and you must look to your future reputation.' HSW also praises Mesai Land Paper for the Geographical Society
Chas STEWARD 6-7 enc. deeds of partnership 'Burroughs & self'. NB headed 'Dear Sir' [either co-signed by CS or addressed to CS]

FH TINKER, New York 144 introducing Mr NS King.
R J [TURK] Boat Builder, Kingston-upon-Thames 136 ordered part for boat.

FS UPTON, MD Portman Rooms, Baker Street, 243-245 detailed instructions & contract for the STANLEY Banquet.

EJ WADE, SAVAGE CLUB 177-178 Proposed Henry M Stanley for honorary life membership.
WALTON 168. re. article on the accident at Wandsworth and funeral of fireman Jacobs.
Dr H WEBSTER JONES, Hammersmith 37 non-appearance of an article
The Hon. William WINDOM [also spelt WYNDOM] Secretary of the US Treasury, 38, 42-43, 126-127. 38 re. Burnside; 42-43 informed Wyndom of the introduction, re. the 'Ship Railway' scheme; 126-127 congratulations on W's appointment, British reaction to results, also hope that Major Evan Jones US Consul at Cardiff and EJ Moffatt Deputy Consul General in London may remain in post. Also re. Metlakahtla.
WELLCOME FAMILY 50-51, 157-163 .
50-51 'My Dear mother brother sister and nieces, I wish you a very happy Christmas' Refers to 'My adversary' [Burroughs] being responsible for delays but 'I have endured the worst and am now in good health and strength and ready for the fray.' Encloses $200.
157-163 21 Aug 1889 'mother brother sister' 'I have gone through my battle with unimpaired health and won at every step. I cabled you the word 'Victory' the moment the case was decided' 'the judge ruled that he [SMB] had failed to make out a case' HSW 'offered him my hand and requested that the hatchet be buried and forgotten' 'he has never had the comprehensive grasp of the management [of the business]' 'the experience of two years steady battle has been one of he best possible drills and I feel myself in very way a stronger and more self possessed man than ever before', sent a portrait of himself taken Dec 1888, enquires after their health and 'comforts' 'I am living on the River Thames this summer about 16 miles out of London. I find it very restful - I come into town by train each day' names various 'important American friends' who have visited over the summer, 'I am afraid I will become an old hack...you will see from my picture how much I have aged' postscript 'Our business has constantly increased and is very prosperous.'
Henry WHITE American Charge d'Affairs England 252-255 HSW protested that HW misrepresented the themed tables to Colonel Emery and to Lincoln, and that the idea would be abandoned. L was to have chaired dinner but unable to due to death of his son ['Lincoln' was probably Robert Lincoln, son of Abraham, who was US minister to England 1889-1892, whose son Abraham 'Jack' Lincoln II died in 1890].
JF WILSON 108 [very faint] enc. cheque for Whitefriars Club.
CH WOODARD Portland Oregon 39-40, HW thanked CHW for gift of Indian rug. [41 very faint copy of 40] Mrs CHW, Paris 65 re. storage of CH's luggage [also note to landlady re. same 66-67].

YOUNG 17-18 'The past year has been one highly pregnant with trying events for me....I'm in the middle of the battle which has been waged for a year and is likely to last another' - the partnership dispute with SMB.

Unclear & Unknown Names:
DEAR MADAM 59-Metlakahtla - explained his support for the cause.
68 Mr [LEAN / LEASS] endorsing the nomination of Mr Pulitzer at the [Century/Colony] Club.
173- Dear Mrs [P/DAVY?] HSW unable to accede to her request due to too many obligations.
148 Messr LANSDOWN & CO re. a delivery.


17 Apr 1888 - May 1890

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