"Remarks on Urbigerus his Aphorisms...", "Some good things copied from Baron de Ruesenstein his Universal and particular processes...", "Annotations and explications of a valuable treatise named the Hermetical triumph or the victorious philosophical Stone", and "A short way or Happy Thought ... to obtain a tinging power..."
- Date:
- 1804
- Reference:
- MS.1031/3
- Part of:
- Bacstrom, Sigismund
- Archives and manuscripts
Collection contents
About this work
"Remarks on Urbigerus his Aphorisms, demonstrating the three infallible ways of preparing the Grand Elixir of the Philosophers. These notes are written by S. B. for his own improvement, and to oblige his friends." 1804 (24 ll.)
"Some good things copied from Baron de Ruesenstein his Universal and particular processes. Franckfort and Leipzig. [1754]. " and "Annotations and explications of a valuable treatise named the Hermetical triumph or the victorious philosophical Stone... translated from the French and German, London, 1723 [etc.]" (22 ll.).
A short way or Happy Thought: March 1805 to obtain a tinging power, by means of Vital [symbol depicting triangle with a horizontal line through it] or Oxygen from a calx of gold [sign]. (6 ll. (last bl.)).