Correspondence: alphabetical sequence Ba-Bl
- Date:
- 1937-1968
- Reference:
- PP/DWW/B/A/2
- Part of:
- Donald Woods Winnicott
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Letters from/to: Lilian ('file under B'); Hope Bagenal; Bailliere Tindall and Cassell Ltd (P R West); Jean S Baker; Hugo Ball; Enid Balint; Michael Balint; Katherine V Barker; Dr F Barnes; Muriel Barton; David V Baslam; Florence Bantin; Helen Barlow; Barnes Parents' Association; Miss S Barshall; Mrs A Bartholomew; Douglas Bartley; Miss K Barton; Mrs B Baruch; Miss Joan Baskerville; D V Bates; Margaret Bates; Lindsey W Batten; Marianne Baumann; Bayer Products Ltd (Dr J Cox); Osmond Beadle; Miss Alice B Low-Beer; Charlotte M F Begg; E A Bennet; Dr Charles Berg; Pat Berger; Dr Bergeron; Sgt R Berry; L C Bhandari; Mrs Esther Bick; P L Bieber; W R Bion; Birmingham Society for the Care of Invalid and Nervous Children; Mrs Mary E Bishop; Celia Bizony; Edward J Blackmore; Margaret M Blackwell; Rai Fleming Blowne
Physical description
1 file
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