Framed colour photograph (mountains, Switzerland)
- Date:
- 1894
- Reference:
- WF/E/02/03/08
- Part of:
- Wellcome Foundation Ltd
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Set into the back of the frame is a printed text (from Snow Hill Buildings, 22 December, 1894), as follows:
"I have much pleasure in presenting this card with best wishes for your happy Christmas and for a prosperous New Year.
For a long time I have been studying the profit-sharing or co-operative idea applied to manufacturing enterprises. I regard the subject as one of great importance, and therefore desire to offer prizes aggregating £20, for Essays containing the best plans or schemes to this end, whether including investment of capital by employes [sic] or not. Each Essay or plan should occupy not more than one side of a single sheet of foolscap paper, preferably type-written. Replies are requested by the 1st January, and should be addressed to / Yours faithfully, S M Burroughs."
Physical description
Where to find it
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