Reichert, E., & Clerk, H.J.
- Date:
- 1866-1867
- Reference:
- MS.4970/c
- Part of:
- Wallich, George Charles (1815-1899)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Reichert, E.:
"On the Morphological Structure and the Motory Phenomena of the Contractile Substance of the Polythalamia (Gromia oviformis)" (4 ll.).
"On the Sap-currents (Rotation and Circulation of the Cells of Plants) with reference to the question of Contractility" (3 ll.).
"On the Contractile Substance and Intimate Structure of the Campanulariae, Sertulariae and Hydridae" (3 ll.).
Clerk, H.J.:
"Conclusive Proofs of the Animality of the Ciliate Sponges and of their Affinities with the Infusoria flagellata" (3 ll.).
From the Annals and Magazine of Natural History [etc.]. 1866-7.
Physical description
13 ll.
Finding aids
Database description transcribed from S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973).