Continued from C.26 List of bodies and individuals submitting evidence:
26. Warwickshire and Solihull Local Medical Committee
27. Oxford Regional Hospital Board
(28. Sir Dugald Baird, Medical Research Council see C. 115)
29. Dr J. A. J. Smith, London SW16
30. The Association of Nurse Administrators
31. AMICI A Voluntary Student Counsel Service
32. National Council of Women of Great Britain
33. Barnet Group HMC
34. Glasgow Maternity and Women's Hospitals Board of Management
35. Mr G.S. Banwell, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Harlow Group HMC
36. Medical Research Council Social Psychiatry Unit
37. The Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital
38. Mr A. Cockcroft, Consultant Psychiatrist, Queen Eilzabeth Hospital for Children
39. Dr D.T. Maclay, Children's Psychiatrist, Dudley CBC
40. Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
41. Mr M.T. McGibbon, Consultant Anaesthetist, Hillingdon Group HMC
42. Dr H.M. White, GP, Bromsgrove
43. Dr A.D. Clift, GP, Manchester
44. Dr J.G. Hughes
45. Miss E. Kiewe, Social Worker, London NW3
46. Miss M.L. Tate, Principal Social Worker, Hillingdon Hospital
47. Mrs J. Lambert (London Pregnancy Advisory Service)
48. South-East Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board
49. East Anglian Regional Hospital Board
50. Scottish Association of Executive Council
Continued in C.28