Peptic Ulcer Survey: Analysis of results
- Date:
- 1975-1980
- Reference:
- Part of:
- Burkitt, Denis Parsons (1911-1993)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
'Progress report. Duodenal ulcer in black populations in Africa south of the Sahara', F I Tovey and M Tunstall, Journal of the British Society of Gastronenterology - GUT Vol 16, p 564, 1975
'Peptic ulcer in India and Bangladesh', F Tovey, Journal of the British Society of Gastronenterology, GUT Vol 20, p 3290347, 1979
'Possible dietary protective factors in relation to the distribution of duodenal ulcer in India and Bangladesh', A P Jayaraj, F I Tovey, C G Clark, Journal of the British Society of Gastronenterology - GUT Vol 21 p 1068-1076, 1980
Chapters from book Refined Carbohydrate Foods and Disease eds. Burkitt and Trowell (1975, Academic Press, London), entitled 'Duodenal ulcer' (chapter 13) and 'Dueodenal ulcer and diet' (chapter 18) both by F Tovey
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