Papers on the smoke abatement movement, collected into a file:
"The Smoke Menace", a report for televison broadcast on 2 January 1953
"Second Report from the Select Committee on Smoke Prevention; together with the minutes of evidence and appendix", ordered by the House of Commons, July 1845
"Reports on the Laws in Force in Certain Foreign Countries in regard to the Emisson of Smoke from Chimneys" presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty, February 1905
"Final Report of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies: Part 1, General Report", presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty, 1905
"Copy of a Letter Addressed to Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department by the General Board of Health, with a digest of the information obtained with regard to the operation of Inventionsn for the Consumption of Smoke", presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, 1855
"Coal Smoke Abatement Society: Regulations for Tests of Apparatus for the Prevention of Smoke from Boiler Furnaces" by Lawrence W Chubb, Secretary, c1910
Copy of correspondence with the Ministry of Works, 1944
"National Smoke Abatement Society and Grater London Advisory Council for Smoke Abatement: Memorandum based on the deputation to the Minister of Health", 28 April 1944
Extract from the National Smoke Abatement Society AGM, March 1946 regarding the smoke abatement movement
"National Smoke Abatement Society and Greater London Advisory Council for Smoke Abatement: Memorandum on Smoke Prevention in Post-War Housing", March 1944
"Precis of Evidence", 1914 Committee
"Ministry of Health Interim Report of the Committee on Smoke and Noxious Vapours Abatement", presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty, 1920
"International Union of Local Authorities Paris Conference: Questionnaire on Atmospheric Pollution" by Dr J Johnstone Jervis, M.D., D.P.H., Medical Officer of Health for Leeds, July 1937
"Extract from the Minutes of the Public Health Committee: Smokeless Zones", April 1945
"The Fuel Luncheon Club: Energy and Civilisation" by Major S F Markham, M.A., F.R.G.S., March 1946