Part of:
Lewis, Sir Thomas
  • Archives and manuscripts

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15 Files, 14 Volumes


Index to correspondents in this section:

Academy of Medicine, Toronto B.8

Allbutt, Sir Thomas Clifford, B.5, B.6, B.7

Atteron, G B.5

B[ ], AL, Radlett, B.7

Baird Hastings, A B.8

Barlow, HM, Royal College of Physicians, B.5

Barlow, T B.6, B.7

Blaser, B B.7/3

Bolton, C B.6

Bradford, Sir John Rose, B.4, B.5, B.6

Butler, R, Foreign Office, London B.6

Cantor, AS B.8

Chamberlain, AV B.7/5

Cleabor, R B.6

Coleman, GH B.8

Corstine, SS B.6

Crawford, R, Royal College of Physicians, B.5

Dakin, HD B.8

Dale, Sir Henry H, B.2, B.5, B.6

Darkin, HD B.8

Deller, Irvin B.7/2

Edwards, GR, Royal Society of Medicine, B.7/4

Einthoven, W B.5, B.6

Elliott, TR B.6, B.7

Engelman, TW B.5

Fulton, J B.6

Gardiner Institute of Medicine, Glasgow B.6, B.7/3

Giles, JA, Home Office, B.5

Haldane, JS B.6

Harris, A B.8

Harvey Film B.6

Hill, AV B.6

Home Office B.5

Horsley, V B.5, B.6

Huxley, J B.7/3

James, T B.6

Kaylor, CE B.6

Keith, A, Royal College of Surgeons of England, B.5

King Edward VII Welsh National Memorial Association, Cardiff B.7/3

Kroch, A B.6

Levine, SA B.6

Lewis, Lester B.2, B.3

Lewis, Olive B.3

Lewis, Trevor B.2

Lightstone, H B.6

Lloyd George, D B.6

Longscope, WT B.8

Mackenzie, Sir James, B.6

Martin, CJ B.6

Marvin, HM B.6

Mawer, Sir Allen, B.7/3

May, O B.6

McNee, JW B.7/3

Medical College of Virginia, B.8

Mellanby, Lady [May], B.7/3

Mellanby, Prof Sir Edward, B.1/3, B.6

Noon, L B.6

Oppenheimer, BS B.8

Osler Medical Clinic, B.8

Parker, WB B.8

Parsons-Smith, B B.7/5

Phillips, Dr B.5

Pomeroy, LA B.8

Porter, WB B.8

Powell, DA B.7/3

Roberts, F[J?] B.6

Robinson, RG B.7/3

Rock Carling, T B.7/3

Royal College of Physicians B.5

Royal College of Surgeons, B.5

Royal Society of Medicine, B.7/4

Sainsbury, H B.6

Scranton, PA B.8

Sherington, Sir Charles, B.6, B.6

Sloley, R B.7/3, B.7/5

Stern, ES B.7/3

Striker, C B.8

The Institute of Medicine of Chicago B.8

The Mayo Foundation, B.8

Tizard, HT B.6

Trotter, WR B.6

University of Wales B.6, D.6

Vaquez, Prof LH B.6

Wenckelbach, Prof KF B.5, B.6

Williams, D B.6

Wilson, FN B.6

Wilson, LB B.8

Winton, N B.7/5

Wybauw, R B.5

Zoological Society of London, B.7/3

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