Wellcome veterinary products - Promotional Leaflets

20th century
Part of:
Wellcome Foundation Ltd
  • Archives and manuscripts

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- Aerosporin, 1956
- Avirulent Anthrax Spore Vaccine (Living), 1957
- Black Disease Vaccine and Antiserum, 1959
- Improved Black-Leg Vaccine, 1955
- Braxy (includes Trivexin on reverse), nd
- Burcillin, 1957
Clexon Injection for the treatment of Theileriosis, 1983
- Combestrol, 1957
- Contagious Pustular Dermatitis Vaccine (Living), 1958
- D.D.T. Dispersible Powder, 1950
- Enterotoxæmia Vaccine (Mixed), 1957
- Epivax, 1958
- Epivax-Plus, 1959
- Fiovax (Feline Infectious Enteritis Vaccine), 1957-1958
- Fomodox, 1959
- Franocide, 1959
- Frantin, 1959
- Gamahtine (Immune Gamma Globulin in Canine Practice), 1958
- Gletvax K88 ("The first Porcine E.Coli vaccine with added K88 protection"), 1978
- Hepadis, 1957
- Hexoestrol, 1957
- 'Implantin' Stilboestrol, 1957
- Lamb Dysentery Products, 1957-1959
- Improved Lamb Dysentery Vaccine, 1959
- Leptavoid-H, 1980s
- Leptospirosis of the dog, 1950s
- 'Leptovax' Leptospira Canicola Vaccine, 1958-1959
- Improved Louping-Ill Vaccine, 1958-1959
- Lutormone in Veterinary Practice, 1949-1956
- 'Melinax' Sodium Propionate Compound, 1957
- 'Myrilos' Calcium Borogluconate Solutions, 1959
- 'Ovigest' Elixir, 1959
- Ovine Enzootic Abortion Vaccine (Kebbing Vaccine), 1958-1959
- 'Pipricide' Worm Powder, 1957
- Progesterone, 1952
- 'Protogest Protein Hydrolysate, 1955
- Protormone, 1955
- Pulpy Kidney Antiserum and Improved Pulpy Kidney Vaccine, 1958
- Sex Hormone Products, 1959
- Sheep Products, nd
- 'Sporodyl' Ringworm Ointment, 1959
- Stilboestrol Dipropionate, 1954
- Swine Erysipelas Vaccine (AT), 1957
- 'Temadex' Skin Dressing', 1955
'Tenoban' Arecoline-Acetarsol' (for Tapeworm Infestation), 1957
- 'Trace Elements 'Burroughs Wellcome & Co' ("ensuring Trace Element Intake"), 1957
- 'Trivexin' Braxy-Blackleg - Pulpy Kidney Vaccine, 1958
- 'Velufax' Veterinary Obstetric Lubricant, 1959
- Vitamin D, Concentrated, 1954
- 'Wellcare' advert (flea control), 1982


20th century

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1 file

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Please see main WF collection description (ref. 'WF').

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