Reprints (I)

Part of:
Cherns, Albert (fl. 1962-1987)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Reprints, photocopied articles, journals and papers mostly by Cherns:

Material by Cherns:

"Alienation and Accountancy" by Albert Cherns, no date, no indication of where published or delivered: text differs widely from published item described below.

"Alienation and Accountancy" by Albert B.Cherns, from Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.3, No.2 1978

"The Political Dimensions of Q.W.L." by Albert Cherns, no date

"Spontaneity and participation in work and community: a sociotechnical approach" by Albert Cherns, no date, no indication of from where reprinted.

"The State of the Social Sciences", reprinted from Social Science and Government, Policies and Problems by A.B. Cherns, R. Sinclair and W.I. Jenkins (London: Tavistock Publications, 1972).

"Models for the Use of Research" by A.B.Cherns reprinted from Human Relations, Vol.25 No1, no date.

"Putting Psychology to Work" by A.B. Cherns, from Occupational Psychology, Vol.41, Numbers 2 & 3, April & July 1967.

"The Donovan Report and Associated Research Papers" reviewed by A.B.Cherns, reprint from Occupational Psychology, 1968, 42, 239-254.

"Social Psychology and Development" by Albert B.Cherns reprint from Bulletin of the British Psychological Society 22 (1969).

"Industry, technology and social change and the social sciences" by A.B. Cherns, from Technology and Society Vol.6 Number 1, May 1970.

"Relations between research institutions and users of research" by Albert B.Cherns, reprint from

Int. Soc. Sci. J., Vol. XXII, No.2, 1970.

"Organizations as Instruments of Social Change in Postindustrial Societies" by Albert Cherns from Organization Studies, 1980.

"Work and Work Organisations in the Age of the Microprocessor" by A.Cherns from Changes in Working Life, 1980.

"On Economics and Social Sciences in Britain" by A.B. Cherns, from Revue Economique, Vol.XXVI No.6 Nov.1975.

"Cultural continuity in modern organizations" by Albert Cherns, from Human Futures, Autumn, 1978.

"Structure and Process: the succession of interventionist goals" by Albert Cherns, from Journal of Occupational Behaviour, Vol.1. 1980.

"Studying the client's role in construction management" by Albert B. Cherns and Donald T. Bryant, from Construction Management and Economics, 1984.

"Social Psychology and Development" by Albert Cherns, chapter from Social Psychology and Developing Countries, London: John Wiley & Sons, 1983.

Material by others:

"Integration, Effectiveness and Adaptation in Social Systems" a comparative analysis of Kibbutzim Communities by Daniel Katz, Naphtali Golomb, from Administration & Society, Vol. 6 No.3 Nov. 1974.

"Utilization of Social Research: The Alberta Case" by Alexander J.Matejko, from Sociologia Internationalis, 1983.

"Valhalla, Calvary and Auschwitz", by Shlomo Giora Shoham, from The Jerusalem Quaterly, 1985.

ifda dossier [International Foundation for Development Alternatives], 57/58, January/April 1987.

International Sociological Association, Research Committee on Sociotechnics - Sociological Practice (RC26) No.18, October 1987, containing an obituary of Cherns.



Physical description

1 file

Acquisition note

Deposited in the library at Wellcome Collection by the British Psychological Society in September 2008.


Compiled by the Cataloguing Project Archivist at the British Psychological Society History of Psychology Centre, with minor editing by Wellcome staff.

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