Sex Education in schools: FPA stance
- Date:
- 1979-1980
- Reference:
- SA/FPA/C/B/6/7/1
- Part of:
- Family Planning Association
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Includes a draft article for The Times on the subject of sex education for young people, copy of FPIS fact sheet: 'How do people first learn about sex?' (1979) and FPA statement on moral values in human relationships.
Also includes newspaper articles, including a copy of an article by Barbara Davis, FPA Chairman: "What every child should know" (A reply to Ronald Butt's criticism of sex education in schools) (1980), paperwork relating to Alastair Service's appearance on the television programme: "Double Vision" to discuss the subject of sex education in schools and copies of House of Lords Official Reports (March 1980) discussing Education (no. 2) Bill.
Physical description
1 file
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores