Monthly Memoranda (points for propaganda)

Part of:
Wellcome Foundation Ltd
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Memoranda, primarily aimed at sales staff, giving updates of products and sales campaigns, often illustrated with photographs, graphs, tables and adverts.

Index as follows:

Ascorbic Acid 'Tabloid' 1, 137
Anti-Pneumococcus Type 11 Unconcentrated and Concentrated 3
Anti-Pneumococcus Serum Type 1 & 2 'Wellcome' 3
Animal Substances 5, 6
About the Medical Diary 16-19, 142
'Alepole' - Leprosy 23, 55, 154, 268
Associated Houses - Reports From 28
Airship - Photograph of Wellman's 31
Anti- Pneumococcus Serum 33
'Agla' Syringes and Needles Valuable Sales Points 35
Arrangement of W.M.M.S. 39
Antartic Snow Hill - There is an 41
Age of Speed - This 44
American Tribute to Sir Henry Wellcome 46
Asthma…pseudo Ephedrine in & Ephedrine 47, 78, 196
Aspirin Tablets - Warning 52
Anti-Distemper Serum 60
Auto pharmacology - Progress in 62
Artic Episode - An 69
American Pharmaceutical Association - Annual Request of - (Presentation of Remington Medal to Sir Henry Wellcome) 91
Animal Substances - Classification of Medicinal 100
Acetylchlorine Bromide 110, 158, 315
Anaemia - Nutrition in relation to 123
Anaemia - Causes of 124, 126
Alkaline Co. Eff. 'Tabloid' 127
Antitoxin V no Antitoxin - Scarlet Fever 136
Australia Appreciates 'Tannafax' 152-3
Additions to Price List 1934 157-161
Active Immunisation Against Scarlet Fever 162
Acidosis - Insulin 165
Addiction - Insulin in Cases of 165
Arthritis Chronic - Insulin in 165
Alum Precipitated Toxoid (A.P.T) 1720-177
Active Immunisation - Staphlococcus Toxoid for 177-179
Adrenaline Hydrochloride - Asthma 196
Alum Precipitated Toxoid 204, 247
Aspirin - Claims 210
Always write 'Tabloid' in Full 222
Anaemia - Iron in 225
Ascorbic Acid & Infantile Scurvy 227
Adrenaline - 'Wellcome' Solution of - Pregnancy 240
Appreciation - Medical Memorandum Book 242
Auricular Fibrillation & Flutter - Persistent 251
Auricular Fibrillation Digoxin in Treatment 263
'Agla' Surgical Needles 314
Appreciation of 'W' P.E.C. 317

Bicreol Bismuth Cream 2
Bismuth Oxychloride 'Hypoloid' 2, 141, 241
B.W. & co - Tribute paid by Harry De Windt to 9
Byrd Antartic Expedition 11 - 'T' Medical Equipment 10, 11, 12
'Borofax' 13, 266-7
Burn J.H. - There is not substitute for Cod Liver Oil 20
Butter and Vitamin D 37
Butter, Cod liver Oil and Irradiated Ergosterol - Vitamin Destruction 37
Burns - 'Tannafax' in treatment of 3, 7, 28, 40, 101-105, 111, 170, 241
Battle of the Vitamins 48
B.W. & Co Handbook and Diary 57
B.P. or Better Reiteration of B.W. & Co Slogan 64
B.W. & Co. Barbituric Derivatives labelled by B.P. names 64
Bartlett Capt. Robert - 'Tabloid' Medical Equipment 69
B.W. & Co's Exhibit at Chicago 1934 73-77
Bray and Witts - pseudo - Ephedrine in Asthma 78
Bouquet 89
B.W. & Co Products - Metabolism in Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism 90
B.M.A. meeting Bournemouth 1934, Exhibits of B.W. & Co. 96
Bedsores and Shingles Treatment with 'Tannafax' 102
Benham - Miss G.E. 'Tabloid' Med. Equipment returned by 106
Business Commandments - Ten 107-109
Blepharitis - 'Tannafax' in treatment of 113
B.W. & Co. Quality 142
B.W. & Co. Literature 145
Bathysphere - Hall of Science Chicago Exposition 148-150
Burns and Scalds - New First Aid Treatment in Australia 152-3
Burns - Tannic Acid in treatment of 170
Bismuth Carbonate - 'Wellcome' Brand 170-1
Bismuth Salts - 'Wellcome' Brand 181, 188
Blaud Pills - Ineffective 182
'Brand Marks' 197
Branded Drugs - A good word for 199
Bathysphere Expedition - Dr. Bebe 213
Brussels International Exhibition - B.W. & Co's Exhibits 219
Blaud Pill 'Tabloid' 226
B.M.A. Report of Immunisation 246
Braxy Prophylactic 'W' Improved 254
Blackhead in Turkeys 256
Bombay House Reps Report 270
Behring - Emil Van 278-280
Best Seller - A photographic 284-285
Borogluconate - 'Wellcome' Brand 309
Banting - Discover of Insulin 309
Bismuth Carbonate - 'Tabloid' 313

'Carofax' for Sunburn 3
Calciferol 'Tabloid' - Treatment of Rickets 6
Chassar Moir - Ergot 4
Cod Liver Oil - No True Substitute for 20
Conspectus of General Medicine 38
Calcium Gluconate 'Tabloid' - Digestive Troubles 55
Correct Exposure in Photography 56
Cod Liver Oil tablets compared with Cod Liver Oil B.P. Standard 52
Cardiac Conditions - Digoxin 58
Chicago Exposition 1934 (Century of Progress International Exposition) 70-77, 157-161
Clinical Investigation of Staphlyococcal Toxin, Toxoid Antitoxin 78
Christopherson & Broadbent - Ephedrine and pseudo Ephedrine in Asthma 78
Carbuncles - W.B. Conc. Staphylococcus Antitoxin in Treatment of 87
Concentrated Staphylococcus Antitoxin Globulins 'W' Brand 87
Calcium Gluconate 'T' - Nasal Catarrh 88
Calorie Requirements per day - Sliding Scale of 85-86
Concentrated Staphylococcus Antitoxin (Scarlatina Globulins) - Value and Limitations of 105
Commandments - Ten Business 107-109
Colostomy - 'Tannafax' - Treatment of 113
Coryza Vaccine No. 4 'Wellcome' Brand 128
Calcium Gluconate 'Tabloid' 128-129
Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co. 142
Calomel - 'Hypoloid' 142
Calcium Gluconate with Calciferol 'Tabloid' 150
Chicago Exhibition - Closing of 156
Carbarsone 159
Chronic Arthritis - Insulin in 165
Cancer - Insulin in 166
Cardiac Infections - Insulin 166
Cod Malt - 'Kepler' - 'Kepler' C.L.O. with M.E. to be know as 179, 179A
Colouring Photographs 184
Codfish and the Halibut, The (poem) 189
Cod Liver Oil, 'Kepler' 187, 191, 194
Common Cold - Vitamin A and the 191-2
Compression, Concentration, Meaning and use of 194
Calcium Laevulate - 'Hypoloid' 196
Control of Diphtheria 206
Common Cold 202
Colour in Photography - Lantern Lecture 217
Calcium Levulinate 'Hypoloid' - Cancer 237
Calcium Gluconate with Calciferol in Gastric Haemorrhage 283
Childbirth - Haemorrhage in 299
Cod Liver Oil - Comparisons 304
Canine Distemper Prophylaxis 312
Calcium Levulinate, 'Hypoloid' 317

Digoxin 1, 13, 51, 68, 87, 113, 140, 150,187, 206, 284, 315, 317, 240, 251, 262-6,
'Diginutin' 2, 12, 113, 183
Diphtheria Prophylactic MT replaced by Diphtheria Prophylactic FT 3
Diphtheria Prophylactic FT 3
De Windt - Harry - Equipped with 'Tabloid' Medicine Chest 9
Diiodothyronine 24
Death of D. Wellman - the explorer 30, 31
Director of W.P.R.L. - Lecture by the 32
Diphtheria Antitoxin 32
Digoxin or Quinidine - Comparison of action between 52
Distemper, Immunisation against Dog - 59
Distemper Products overseas - Use of 60
Deficiency of Vitamins in Children 60, 61, 62
Dohme, Memorial Lectures - Sir Henry Dales 62
Drugs - their Use and Misuses, by J.M. Johnston 83
Digoxin - Auricular Fibrillation 113
Deficient Formation 124
Do it Yourself Photography - Revival In 132
Diphtheria Immunisation 134-6, 246
Diphtheria Carriers 136
Delusive Speed Factors 155
Dosage of Vitamin D 160
Dental Caries and Vitamin D 162
Dick Toxin, Dick Control 162-163
Diabetes - Use of Insulin in Condition other than 163
Diphtheria Prophylactic - A new 176
Death of H.G. Ponting, Polar Photographer 180, 180A
Digoxin Crystals - Photograph of 186
Digitalis Lanata 186
Dietetic Deficiencies and Infection 190
Diphtheria Prophylaxis 202
Diphtheria - Insulin in Toxic 223
Diphtheria Immunisation with T.A.M. 223
Domestic Animals and 'Sketofax' 230
Diphtheria Prophylactic 'Wellcome' brand (Immunisation General) 246
Digoxin. Auricular Fibrillation 263
Doctors rush to obtain P.E.C. 285
Diphtheria - Preventing Inoculation 298
Dietary Supplements - The Value of 304
Distemper Prophylaxis - Canine 312

Ergot - Dr. Chassar Moir 4
Ergotoxine Ethanesulphonate 4
'Ernutin', 'Tabloid' Hyp. Ergotoxine Ethanesulphonate 4, 299
'Ethidol' 13
Everest Mt. Expedition 1933 25
'Elixoid' Ephedrine Compound 28
Explorer - Death of W. Wellman the 30, 31
'Empirin' Compound, 'Tabloid' 377, 124-127, 318
'Empirin' and Dover Powder - treatment for Convulsions 55
Extravagant Claims 62
Ergot - Active Principles Carried out by W.P.R.L. 64
Exposition - Century of Progress International - Chicago 1934 70-77
Ephedrine and pseudo Ephedrine in Asthma 78, 196
Ergamine 84
Ephedrine Hydrochloride - 'Tabloid' 88
Endocriniana 99, 116
Elysee - Sir H. Wellcome received by the President Lebrun at the 134
"Evergreen Annual" The 144
Effect and Cause - W.P.R.L. 146
Eighteenpence or Thirty Shillings 185
'Empirin' 'Tabloid' 212
Exposure Factors - B.W. & Co. - System of 258-9
Ehrlich Paul 260
Endocarditis - Disoxin 262
'Enule' 'Hazeline' Compound 270
Ergometrine - 'Tabloid' for Veterinary Use 270
Ergometrine - The Story of 275-278
Ergometrine in Haemorrhage 301
Ergot Literature - Eccentricities of 311
Excerpta Therapeutica 'W' 1907 318

Fractures - Vitamin D in treatment of 19
Future Development of W.M.M.S. 39
France Honours Sir H. Wellcome 58
Fibrositis - Products recommended in Treatment of 65
Fine Grain Developer 96, 98, 118, 143, 159
Film Speed Ratings - Further Complication in 116
Facts about Liver treatment 181
First Aid (Pac Kit) 213
Father of Bacteriology - Leeuwenhoek 232
Facts and Fallacies - Glandular Preparations 235
First in the Field - Ergometrine 277
First Aid Consciousness 301

Golden Wedding - 'Tabloid' 3 Supp.
Gas Gangrene Antitoxin - Quick Services in Australia 41
Gen. Medicine - A Conspectus of 38
Gout - Products recommended 67
Glandular Products - 'tabloid' 116, 255
Glandular Preparations Facts and Fallacies 255
Gastric Haemorrhage. Calcium Gluconate with Calciferol 283
Glandular Products - Some Interesting Comparisons 295
Goods - The Sale of 310

'Hypoloid' Bismuth Oxychloride 2, 241
'Hypoloid' Bismuth Metal 2
Hypodermic Needles. B.W. & Co's praised by Doctors 12
"'Hazeline' Snow" for measles and smallpox scars 12
'Hypoloid' Camphor in Oil 13
'Hypoloid' Bismuth Oxychloride 14
Hutchson' R. Lecture - Food and the growing child 47
Histamine in Rheumatism 83
'Hypoloid' Sodium Morrhuate 89
Hypodermic Morphine Sulphate 'Tabloid' - Excellent Results after 35 years 88
'Hypoloid' Acetylchloride Bromide 110, 158, 315
Hypodermic Pocket Case 'Tabloid' - 40 years old 115
'Hypoloid' Scopolamine Hydrobromide 115
"' Hazeline' Snow" - Puritus 129
'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 140, 151
'Hypoloid' Calomel 142
Hospital Practice for Interns 145
Half a mile under the sea - 'Tabloid' First Aid Case 148 , 150
H. & D. Speed Numbers - Dangers 155
Hepatic Disorders - Insulin 168
Hypothyroidism & Toxic Goitre 168
High Praise of W.P.E.C. 185
Human Nutirtion - Outlook on 208
"'Hazeline' Snow" 216
Hypodermic Pocket Case - A new 235
'Hypoloid' Calcium Levulinate 237
'Hypoloid' Disoxin exclusively substituted 264
Hypodermic Products Praised - 'Tabloid' 269
Haemorrhoids - Treatment of 270
'Hypoloid' Quinine & Urethane - Haemorrhoids 270
Hydnocarpus Esthers - Preservation of Iodised 281
Headache - Treatment of Acute Pituitary 282
Haemorrhage in childbirth 299
Haemorrhage - Ergometrine in 301
Histidine Hydrochloride - 'Hypoloid' 308
Happy Ending - A 313
Hypodermic Products - 'Tabloid' 315
'Hypoloid' Calcium Levulinate 317

Iodized 'Mogrol' 24, 142
Inexpensive Photoraphy 27
Infectious Disease - Prevention of 32
Influenza - New Type of 36
International Organisation 54
Iodises Ethyl Esthers - Leprosy 55
Immunisation Against Distemper in Dogs 59
Insulin - Superiority of 'Wellcome' Brand 114
Insulin 'Wellcome' Brand 115
Insulin (Cryst.) 'Wellcome' Brand 120
'Infundin' - 'Hypoloid' 140, 151, 183
Importance of Prophylaxis in Veterinary Medicine 147
Immunisation Against Scarlet Fever 162, 298
Insulin in conditions other than Diabetes - Use of 164
Insulin - The Story of 201
Immunisation Products - 'Wellcome' brand 222
Iron in Anaemia 225
Insulin in Toxic Diphtheria 223
Infantile Scurvy & Ascorbic Acid 227
Iodized 'Moogrol' in Treatment of Leprosy 241
Immunisation - B.M.A. Report on 246
'Infundin' in Treatment of Shingles 269
Iodized Hydnocarpus Esthers - Preservation of 281
'Infundin' - Acute Pituitary Headache 282
Insulin - how Banting Discovered 309
Insulin Showcard 313

Jubilee of the Trademark 'Tabloid' 1, 2 & 3 supp.

'Kepler' C.L.O. with M.E. 5, 130, 138, 154, 161
'Kepler' C.L.O. with M.E. in Treatment of Rickets 6
'Kepler' C.L.O. with M.E. Presents Vitamins A, B & D in Natural Form 37
'Kepler' C.L.O. with M.E. Supplemented with 'Tabloid' Calciferol in Intensive Treatment of Rickets 47
'Kepler' C.L.O. with M.E. Deficiency of Vitamins in Children 61
'Kepler' Products 62
'Kepler' Window Display - New 133, 303
'Kepler' C.L.O. with M.E. to be known as 'Kepler' Cod Malt 179, 179A
Keeping Qualities of Photographic Solutions 200
'Kepler' C.L.O. with M.E. for the Common Cold 212
'Kepler' C.L.O. with M.E. & II - Tuberculosis 237
Keeping Qualities of 'Tabloid' Photo Chemicals 242
'Kharsulphan' - Blackhead in Turkeys 256
Koch, Robert - Pioneers in Bacteriology 293

London Rep Reports 13, 115, 150, 262, 269, 270, 283, 312
Leprosy - 'Alepole' in Treatment of 23, 55, 142, 154, 268
Lobar Pneumonia - Serum Treatment 33, 34
Lime Burns - 'Tannafax' in Treatment of 40
Leper Clinic in Chaoyang General Hospital 54
Legion d'Honneur - La Croix de Chevalier de la, conferred upon Sir H. Wellcome 58
Letter of Appreciation - 'Rytol' and P.E.C. 89
Longevity of 'Tabloid' Medicine Case 116
London Medical Exhibition 121-3
Longest Bridge in the World - Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co. 142
Lamb Dysentery Prophylactic - 'Wellcome' 147
Lamb Dysentery Serum - 'Wellcome' 147
Liver treatment - facts about 181
"Lone Star" - smallest sailing ship 214
Leeuwenhoek, A. Van - 1632-1723 232
Leprosy - Iodized 'Moogrol' in Treatment of 241
Lamb Dysentery Prophylactic Vaccine - 'Wellcome' 254
Lament of a G.P. 270
London Medical Exhibition 291
Likes and Unlikes 304
Looking Back 305

Medical Diary - About the 16-19
'Moogrol' Iodized 24, 142
Medical Equipment Carried by W. Wellman on his Expeditions - 'Tabloid' 31
More about Vitamins 60
More 'Tannafax' Facts 68
Marquette University - Hon. Degree of Doctor of Science conferred upon Sir H. Wellcome by the 70
Modern Miniature Cameras 118
Milan House Reports 142
Miniature Camera Makler Praise 'Tabloid' fine Grain Developer 143
Malnutrition - Insulin in 164
Meningococcus Antitoxin 197
'Moogrol' Iodized in Treatment of Leprosy 241
Medical Memorandum Book - Appreciation of 242
Mentality of the Medical Man - The 257
Metchnikoff (1845-1916) 305-308

Nature and the Chemist 6
New Type of Influenza 36
Natural Vitamin Foods - Experts Prefer 37
Natural History - Extract from 44
Natural Vitamin products 82
Nutrition 85, 208
Nasal Catarrh - 'Tabloid' Calcium Gluconate in 88
New York Monthly Letter - Extracts from 89, 317
Nutrition in relation to Anaemia 123
Nephritis - Insulin 168
Nutrition - Vitamin A in 192, 193
No Men and Yes Men 199
Nutrition - Modern Outlook on 208
New and Old Remedies 228
New Hypodermic Pocket Case 235
New York Monthly Letter - Extracts From 237, 265, 317
'Neokharsivan' - Blackhead in Turkeys 256
Nature's Way Best - Important Pronouncement 288

Osteo Arthritis - Products recommended 66
Overdosage of Thyroid Gland 79-82
Organo Therapy 99
Obstetrics - Insulin 168

Procaine 2
Photograph - Mt Everest Expedition 1933 26
Pioneer - The Passing of a 30-1
Prevention of Infectious Disease 32
Painful Injections 35
Photographic Failures 41
P.E.C. 'W' 42, 44, 89, 117, 131, 132, 185, 216
Pseudo Ephedrine - Introducing 47
Progress in Autopharmacology 62
Proprietary Remedies 64
Parry, Capt. W.E. 69
Popularising Home Developing and Printing 69
Photographic Chemicals - 'Tabloid' 69
Photo of Dome and Figure of Justice - 'Tabloid' Fine Grain Developer 99
Photo of Exterior of Henry VII's Chapel, Westminster Abbey 119
Products Displayed at L.M.E. 121-123
Photo of B.W. & Co. Exhibit at L.M.E. 121
Pathway to Vigorous Health 133
Puritus Senili - "'Hazeline' Snow" 139
Prophylaxis in Veterinary Medicine - The Importance of 147
Pseudo Ephedrine 157
Psychosis - Insulin 169
Products of Seasonal Interest 171
Ponting, H.G. - Death of and Photographs 180, 180A
Photograph of Digoxin Crystals 186
Photographic Solutions - Keeping Properties of 186
Pseudo Ephedrine in Asthma 78, 196
Photograph of 'Tabloid' First Aid (Pac Kit) 214
Personal - "'Hazeline' Snow" 215
Photograph of Insulin Pocket Case No.46 218
Photograph - Some of the B.W. & Co. Exhibit, Brussels 219
Pioneers of Bacteriology 232, 244, 260, 278, 293, 305
Photograph of hypodermic Pocket Case No.65 237
P.E.C. 'W' 238, 242, 243, 284-5, 302, 316, 317
Photographic - Gilt Edge Security 242
Paul Ehrlich - Pioneers of Bacteriology 260
Paroxylsmal Tachycardia - Digoxin in 264
Poem from Jnl. A.M.A. 270
P.E.C. 'W' in the Tropics 271
Puerperal Streptococcal Septicaemia - Treatment of 280-1
Pituitary Headache - Treatment of Acute 282
Pharmaceutical Literature 283
Prevention Better than Cure 298
Progress of 1935 305
Photographic Products - 'Tabloid' 315

Quick Service in Australia 41
Quinine and Urethana H. - Haemorrhoids 270

Retrospect 1933 1-6
Rational Organo Therapy Booklet 5
Rickets - 'Kepler' C.L.O with M.E. & 'Tabloid' Calciferol in treatment of 6
Reports from Associated Houses 12, 28
Representatives reports 13, 53, 87, 126, 182, 240
Record Delivery of Serum in Bombay 23
'Rytol' and Quality 43
'Rytol' 43, 56, 89, 143
'Rytol' The Universal Developer 56
'Rytol' 1918 Vintage 56
Remington Honour Medal awarded to Sir H. Wellcome 46, 91
Remington Honour Medal Presentation Banquet 59, 91
Rheumatism 65-66
Rheumatism - Histamine in 83
Revival of do it yourself photography 132
'Rytol' Developer 10 years old - 'Tabloid' 143
Rational Therapeutics 145
Rationale of Therapy - Insulin 165
Removal of 'Tannafax' Coagulum 229
Remedies - New and Old 228
'Rytol' in Winter 317
'Rytol' Triumph - Another 317

Syringes and Needles - Washing of 22
Serum in Bombay - Record delivery of 23
Sydney House Report 28, 114, 116, 128
Scarlet Fever Antitoxin 32
Snow Hill Island 41
Skin Rashes as a result of excessive administrations of vitamins 50
Serum Order - Appreciation of Prompt Delivery of 53
Sydney House Reps Reports 55, 88, 140, 240
Serum Anti-Distemper - Use of Overseas 60
Staphylococcus Antitoxin - Treatment of Carbuncles 87
Sodium Nitrate Compound -'Tabloid' 89
Shingles and bed sores treated with 'Tannafax' 102, 112
Scopolamine Hydrobromide 'Hypoloid' - Stability of 115
Superiority of 'Tabloid' Products 126
Suprarenal Gland 'Tabloid' 128
Salesman's Creed - The 129
Substance and Shadow 130
Scarlet Fever Antitoxin v No Antitoxin 136
Shanghai House Reports 142
Student and the W.P.E.C. 144
Scarlet Fever, Active Immunisation Against 162, 250, 298
Scarlet Fever Prophylactic A & C 162, 163
Skin Diseases - Insulin 169
Staphylococcus Toxoid for Active Immunisation 177
Staphylococcus Toxoid 'Wellcome' Brand 179
Standard Methods of Displaying 'Kepler' Cod Malt 179A
Story of Insulin 201
'Soloid' Stain and 'Tabloid' Toner 217
Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria 222
'Sketofax' and Domestic Animals 230
Spellanzani - Pioneers of Bacteriology 244
Sunburn - 'Tannafax' 252
Sheep Diseases 254
Selling from the counter - 'Tabloid' Tea 258
Styes, 'W' B. Staphylococcus Toxoid - treatment of 269
Shingles - 'Infundin' in Treatment of 269
Showcards - How to increase their usefulness 273-274
Shotgun Vitamin Therapy 288-290
Scelosing Injections 300
Selling or Choosing Goods 310
Surgical Needles - 'Agla' 314

'Tabloid' Ascorbic Acid 1, 137
'Tabloid' Irradiated Ergosterol - 'Tabloid' Calciferol 1
'Tannafax' Tannic Acid Jelly 2, 53, 138, 151, 152, 252, 312
'Tannafax' in Treatment of Burns 3, 7, 28, 40, 101-105, 111, 138, 170, ,241
'Tabloid' Calcium Gluconate with Calciferol 3, 150
'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland (Orig. Form.) 'Tabloid' Thyroid B.P. - Difference 5
Thyroxine 5
'Tabloid' Medicine Chests carried by Harry De Windt 9
'Tabloid' Medical Equipment - Byrd Antartic Exp. 11 10, 11, 12
'Tabloid' Medicine Cases - Mt. Everest Expedition 1933 25
'Tabloid' - Jubilee of Trademark 1, 2 & 3 Supp.
'Tabloid' Medical Equipment Carried by Wellman 31
'Tabloid' 'Empriin' Compound 37
Tropical and Non Tropical Diseases - W.M.M.S. 38
This age of Speed - Photography 44
There is an Antarctic Snow Hill 41
'Tabloid' Pseudo Ephedrine Hydrochloride gr.1/2 and 1 47
'Tabloid' Calciferol - Rickets 47
'Tabloid' Digoxin in Treatment of Fibrillation with High and Low Blood Pressure 51
'Tabloid' Products - Accuracy of Contents of 52
'Tabloid' Calcium Gluconate 55, 128
'Tabloid' 'Empirin' and Dover Powder - Treatment for Convulsions 55
'Tabloid' 'Rytol' 56, 143
'Tannafax' Facts - More 68
'Tabloid' Photographic Chemicals 69
Thyroid - Overdosage of 79-82
'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland 79-82, 90
'Tabloid' Digoxin 87, 240, 251
'Tabloid' Calcium Gluconate in Nasal Catarrh 88
'Tabloid' Ephedrine Hydrochloride 88
'Tabloid' Products 35 years old - Excellent results from 88
Therapeutic Notes 89
'Tabloid' Sodium Nitrate Compound - Praised 89
'Tabloid' Animal Substances 99-101
'Tannafax' Bed Sores and Shingles Treated with 102, 112
'Tabloid' Medical Equipment - A much travelled 106
'Tannafax' - Treatment of Colostomy 113
'Tabloid' Hypodermic Products 40years old 115
'Tabloid' Medicine Case - Longevity of 116
'Tabloid' Brand Products 116
'Tabloid' Glandular Products 116
'Tabloid' Fine Grain Developer 118, 143, 159
'Tannafax' Praised 126, 229
Trinitrin - 'Tabloid' 127
'Tabloid' Suprarenal Gland 128
'Tabloid' Trade Mark 129
'Tannafax' in Treatment of Skin Abrasions 139
'Tabloid' Blaud Pill with Arsenic and Strychnine 140
'Tabloid' Hypodermic Ergotinine Citrate 140
'Tabloid' 'Rytol' Developer 10 years old 143
Tetanus and Typhoid 146
Tetanus Antitoxin - Value of 146
'Tabloid' First Aid Case Half a Mile under the Sea 148-150
'Tabloid' Hypodermic Pocket Case No.10 151
'Tannafax' - Use of in Australia 152-6
'Tabloid' Carbarsone 159
Tuberculosis - Insulin 169
"Trade Marks" 197
'Tabloid' First Aid Case Under the Sea 212
'Tabloid' Toner and 'Soloid' Stain 217
'Tabloid' Case carried by Mr. Sullivan 214
'Tabloid' Blaud Pill 216
'Tannafax' Coagulum - Removal of 229
'Tabloid' - Always write the word in full 222
Tuberculosis - 'Kepler' C.L.O. with M.E. and Iron Iodide 237
'Tabloid' & 'Soloid' Photographic Products 20 years old 238, 242
Toxoid Antitoxin Mixture 249
Toxoid Antitoxin Floccules 249
'Tannafax' and Sunbathing 252-4
Turkeys - Blackhead in - 'Kharsulphan' and 'Neokharsivan' 256
'Tabloid' Tea - Selling from the Counter 258
'Tabloid' Hypodermic Products Praised 269
'Tabloid' Products in Veterinary Practice 270
'Tabloid' Developers 286
'Tabloid' First Aid 301
'Tabloid' Bismuth Carbonate 313
'Tabloid' Hypodermic Products 315
'Tannafax' In Treatment of Ulcers 318
'Tabloid' Photographic Products 315

Universal Developer - 'Tabloid' 'Rytol' 56

Vitamin C 1
Vitamins 6, 209, 288
Vitamin D and Fractures 19
Vitamins and Food 21
Vitamin Foods - Nutrition Experts Prefer Natural 37
Vitamin D and Butter 37
Vitamin Destruction - Butter, Cod Liver Oil, Irradiated Ergosterol 37
Vitamins - Battle of 48
Vitamins - Skin Rash in Excessive Administration of 56
Vitamins - Deficiency of in Children 60
Vitamin Standardisation - Conference on 82
Vitamin Products - Natural 82
'Vaporole' Aromatic Ammonia 127
Vitamins - What are they? 131
Vitamin A and the Skin 137
Vitamins Booklet 137
Veterinary Medcine - Importance of Prophylaxis in 147
Vitamin Concentrate affects Kidneys 154
Vitamin D - Dosage of 160
Vitamin D and Dental Caries 162
Vitamin A in Nutrition 192, 193
Vitamin A and the Common Cold 191
'Vaporole' Aromatic Ammonia - Virtues of 269
Veterinary Practice - 'Tabloid' 270

'Wellcome' Anti-pneumococcus Serum Concentrated - Price Reduced 3
Washing of Syringes and Needles 22, 35
'W' P.E.C. - Appreciation of 26, 27, 41, 44, 144, 238, 242, 243, 302
Wellman, Walter - Death of 30-1
W.M.M.S. - Arrangement of and Future Developments 38, 39
'Wellcome' Dispensary 41
'W' P.E.C. - Extract from 'Natural History' 44
Wellcome, Sir H. awarded Remington Honour Medal 46, 59
'Wellcome' Brand, Anti Streptococcus Serum, Erysipelas 52
'Wellcome' Brand Insulin 53, 114, 120, 201-2
Wellcome, Sir H. - La Croix de Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur conferred upon 58
Wellcome, Sir H. - Remington Medal Banquet 59, 91
Wellcome Sir H. Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science - Marquette University 70
Wellcome Research Institution at Chicago. Exhibit of the 70-73
Westminster Abbey - Photo of 119
'W' P.E.C. 117, 131, 132, 144, 185, 216, 271, 284-5, 316, 317
What are Vitamins? 131
Window Display - New 'Kepler' 133, 303
Wellcome Sir H. - Receives Cross at the Legion of Honour 134
'Wellcome' Lamb Dysentery Prophylactic Vaccine 147
'Wellcome' Brand Bismuth Carbonate 170
'Wellcome' Brand Staphylococcus Toxoid 179, 269
'Wellcome' Brand Bismuth Salts 181
What's in a name 179
Withering William - Digoxin 187
'Wellcome' Brand Bismuth Salts 188
'Wellcome' Brand Insulin Pocket Case No. 46 (Insulin) 218
'Wellcome' Brand Immunisation Products 222, 246
'Wellcome' Solution of Adrenaline in Vomiting Pregnancy 240
'Wellcome' Brand Diphtheria Prophylactic F.T.4 246
'Wellcome' Brand Diphtheria Prophylactic T.A.M. 247
'Wellcome' Brand Diphtheria Prophylactic T.A.F. 247
'Wellcome' Brand Diphtheria Prophylactic A.P.T. 247
'Wellcome' Lamb Dysentery Serum 254
'Wellcome' Brand Calcium Borogluconate 309
What is the Harvest to be? 316
Wellcome Excerpta Therapeutica 1907 318
'Wellcome' Lamb Dysentery Prophylactic (Vaccine) 254



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