51 results filtered with: Eustachi, Bartolomeo, -1574
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Tabulae anatomicae ... B.E. ... quas e tenebris tandem vindicatas / ... praefatione, notisque illustravit ... Jo. Maria Lancisius.
Eustachi, Bartolomeo, -1574.Date: 1714- Pictures
Human anatomy: the skeleton, muscles, blood-vessels, nerves and surface anatomy. Engravings after B.S. Albinus and others, 1747-1750.
Date: [1749]Reference: 35157i- Pictures
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The trunks of the vena cava, with their branches(Table VI, fig. 1); the trunks of the vena porta (Table VI, fig. 2), both after an engraving by M. Vandergucht after W. Cowper, 1702, after a preparation by G. Leoni, c. 1645; the brain, nerves and spine, after Eustachius, by 1552 (Table VII) Etching by I. Basire, 1743.
Cowper, William, 1666-1709.Date: [1743]Reference: 37152i- Pictures
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The genito-urinary system, after Eustachius, Cheselden, and De Graaf. Etching, 1743.
Date: [1743]Reference: 37303i- Pictures
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Nervous system after Vieussens (fig. 1); brain and spinal cord after Eustachius (fig. 2) Engraving by Defehrt, 1762.
Date: [1762]Reference: 35476i- Pictures
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Skulls and skull fragments, showing different shapes of skulls and variations in sutures, after Eustachius. Etching by I. Basire, 1743, after an engraving, c. 1552.
Date: [1743]Reference: 37244i- Pictures
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The course of the veins and the arteries through the body (Table IV), after Eustachius; the arterial system (Table V), after Cowper in Drake. Etching by I. Basire, 1743.
Date: [1743]Reference: 37028i- Books
Tabulae anatomicae / clarissimi Bartholomaei Eustachii ... ; praefatione, ac notis illustravit Joh. Maria Lancisius.
Eustachi, Bartolomeo, -1574.Date: MDCCXXVIII [1728]- Books
Erotiani ... Vocum, quae apud Hippocratem sunt, collectio / Cum annotationibus Bartholomaei Eustachij ... Eiusdemqúe Eustachii libellus de multitudine.
Erotianus, active 1st century.Date: 1566- Books
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De ontleedkundige plaaten / ... met eene verklaaring derzelve, vervaardigd onder toezicht van A. Bonn.
Eustachi, Bartolomeo, -1574Date: 1798- Books
Opuscula anatomica ... / [Bartolomeo Eustachius].
Eustachi, Bartolomeo, -1574.Date: 1564- Pictures
- Online
The viscera (Table XIV), after Eustachius; the blood vessels of the liver (Table XV), after Glisson. Etching by I. Basire, 1743.
Date: [1743]Reference: 37300i- Books
Bartholomaei Eustachii sancto severinatis medici ac philosophi Libellus de multitudine, sive de plethora.
Eustachi, Bartolomeo, -1574Date: M. DCC. XLVI. [1746]- Pictures
Bartholomaeus Eustachius (1520-1574) performing an anatomical dissection before several observers, in an anatomy theatre decorated with an articulated skeleton. Engraving, 1722, after P. L. Ghezzi, 1714.
Ghezzi, Pier Leone, 1674-1755.Date: 1722Reference: 25346i- Books
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De ossibus Graece et Latine. Accedunt Vesalii, Sylvii, Heneri, Eustachii, ad Galeni doctrinam exercitationes. Ex bibliotheca Joannis van Horne.
Galen.Date: 1665- Books
Bartolomeo Eustachi, An epistle on the organs of hearing : an annotated translation / C.D. O'Malley.
Eustachi, Bartolomeo, -1574.Date: 1971- Pictures
- Online
An écorché figure showing the cardio-vascular system. Line engraving by A. Bell after Eustachius, 1771/1783.
Eustachi, Bartolomeo, -1574.Date: [1771/1783?]Reference: 562255i- Books
A compleat system of the blood-vessels and nerves / taken from Albinus's edition of Eustachius, also from Ruysch, Vieussens, Du Verney, Haller, Trew, and J.B. surgeon at Avignon; beautifully engraved on large copper plates, with tables of explanation, containing the text of Eustachius, Albinus, &c. ; translated into English. To which are prefixed three whole-length anatomical figures, representing the external parts of the human body in both sexes.
Date: 1758- Books
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Erotiani ... Vocum, quae apud Hippocratem sunt, collectio / Cum annotationibus Bartholomaei Eustachij ... Eiusdemqúe Eustachii libellus de multitudine.
Erotianus, 1st century.Date: 1566- Pictures
Nervous system: five figures, showing the nerves, brain and spine. Line engraving by A. Bell after Eustachius, 1788/1797.
Eustachi, Bartolomeo, -1574.Date: [1788/1797]Reference: 562366i- Books
Erotiani Galeni et Herodoti Glossaria in Hippocratem : ex recensione Henrici Stephani : Graece et Latine / recensuit Johann Georg Friedrich Franz.
Date: 2005- Books
- Online
In tabulas anatomicas ... Bartholomaei Eustachii ... commentarii / [Chermesius de Fulcet].
Fulcet, Chermesius de.Date: 1727- Books
Corso anatomico o sia universal commento nelle tavole del celebre / B.E. ... fatto da G. Petrioli ... coll'aggiunta di molte sue osservazioni.
Eustachi, Bartolomeo, -1574Date: 1742- Books
Anatomicae originales tabulae, quas in medicae, et anatomicae reipublicae commodum imprimi curavit Cajetanus Petriolus / [Bartolomeo Eustachi].
Eustachi, Bartolomeo, -1574.Date: 1741- Books
Joannis Philippi Ingrassiae Quaestio de purgatione per medicamentum : atque obiter etiam de sanguinis missione, an sexta morbi die fieri possint. Qua occasione de omnibus etiam aliis diebus determinatur, in quibus praecipue purgare vel sanguinem mittere possumus. Illustrissimi Ducis Terraenovae casus enarratio, & curatio. E quibus tum penetrantis in thorace vulneris, tum fistulae curandae methodus elucescit. Quaestio utrum victus à principio ad statum usque procedere debeat subtiliando, an (ut multi perpetuo observant) potius ingrossando. Quod veterinaria medicina formaliter una eademqúe cum nobiliore hominis medicina sit, materiae duntaxat nobilitate differens. Ex quo veterinarii quoque medici non minus quàm nobilis ilii hominum medicin ad Regiam Protomedicatus officii jurisdictionem pertineant. Omnia nunc primum in unum corpus redacta, in lucem edita: Ex quibus medicinae studiosi maximam utilitatem sunt percepturi.
Ingrassia, Giovanni Filippo, 1510-1580.Date: 1568