3 results filtered with: Drummond, Jonas
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The conservation of youth and defense of age = De conservatione juventutis et retardatione senectutis / by Arnaldus of Villa Nova, A.D. 1290 ; tr. by Jonas Drummond, A.D. 1544 ; with additions from the Breviarium of Arnaldus ; ed. by Charles L. Dana.
Date: 1912- Books
- Online
The defence of age, and recouery of youth / translated by the famous Clarke & ryght experte medycines, Arnolde de noua Villa ; very profytable for all men to knowe.
Arnaldus, de Villanova, -1311Date: [1550?]- Books
- Online
Here is a newe boke, called the defence of age, and recouery of youth, translated out of the famous clarke and ryght experte medycyne Arnold de Noua Uilla, very profytable for all men to knowe.
Arnaldus, de Villanova, -1311Date: [1540?]]